6,361 research outputs found

    The Grouping-Induced Numerosity Illusion Is Attention-Dependent

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    Perceptual grouping and visual attention are two mechanisms that help to segregate visual input into meaningful objects. Here we report how perceptual grouping, which affects perceived numerosity, is reduced when visual attention is engaged in a concurrent visual task. We asked participants to judge the numerosity of clouds of dot-pairs connected by thin lines, known to cause underestimation of numerosity, while simultaneously performing a color conjunction task. Diverting attention to the concomitant visual distractor significantly reduced the grouping-induced numerosity biases. Moreover, while the magnitude of the illusion under free viewing covaried strongly with AQ-defined autistic traits, under conditions of divided attention the relationship was much reduced. These results suggest that divided attention modulates the perceptual grouping of elements by connectedness and that it is independent of the perceptual style of participants

    Long-term effects of monocular deprivation revealed with binocular rivalry gratings modulated in luminance and in color

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    During development, within a specific temporal window called the critical period, the mammalian visual cortex is highly plastic and literally shaped by visual experience; to what extent this extraordinary plasticity is retained in the adult brain is still a debated issue. We tested the residual plastic potential of the adult visual cortex for both achromatic and chromatic vision by measuring binocular rivalry in adult humans following 150 minutes of monocular patching. Paradoxically, monocular deprivation resulted in lengthening of the mean phase duration of both luminance-modulated and equiluminant stimuli for the deprived eye and complementary shortening of nondeprived phase durations, suggesting an initial homeostatic compensation for the lack of information following monocular deprivation. When equiluminant gratings were tested, the effect was measurable for at least 180 minutes after reexposure to binocular vision, compared with 90 minutes for achromatic gratings. Our results suggest that chromatic vision shows a high degree of plasticity, retaining the effect for a duration (180 minutes) longer than that of the deprivation period (150 minutes) and twice as long as that found with achromatic gratings. The results are in line with evidence showing a higher vulnerability of the P pathway to the effects of visual deprivation during development and a slower development of chromatic vision in humans. Introductio

    The dynamics of grouping-induced biases in apparent numerosity revealed by a continuous tracking technique

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    Connecting pairs of items causes robust underestimation of the numerosity of an ensemble, presumably by invoking grouping mechanisms. Here we asked whether this underestimation in numerosity judgments could be revealed and further explored by continuous tracking, a newly developed technique that allows for fast and efficient data acquisition and monitors the dynamics of the responses. Participants continuously reproduced the perceived numerosity of a cloud of dots by moving a cursor along a number line, while the number of dots and the proportion connected by lines varied over time following two independent random walks. The technique was robust and efficient, and correlated well with results obtained with a standard psychophysics task. Connecting objects with lines caused an underestimation of approximately 15% during tracking, agreeing with previous studies. The response to the lines was slower than the response to the physical numerosity, with a delay of approximately 150 ms, suggesting that this extra time is necessary for processing the grouping effect

    Subitizing but not estimation of numerosity requires attentional resources

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    The numerosity of small numbers of objects, up to about four, can be rapidly appraised without error, a phenomenon known as subitizing. Larger numbers can either be counted, accurately but slowly, or estimated, rapidly but with errors. There has been some debate as to whether subitizing uses the same or different mechanisms than those of higher numerical ranges and whether it requires attentional resources. We measure subjects' accuracy and precision in making rapid judgments of numerosity for target numbers spanning the subitizing and estimation ranges while manipulating the attentional load, both with a spatial dual task and the "attentional blink" dual-task paradigm. The results of both attentional manipulations were similar. In the high-load attentional condition, Weber fractions were similar in the subitizing (2-4) and estimation (5-7) ranges (10-15%). In the low-load and single-task condition, Weber fractions substantially improved in the subitizing range, becoming nearly error-free, while the estimation range was relatively unaffected. The results show that the mechanisms operating over the subitizing and estimation ranges are not identical. We suggest that pre-attentive estimation mechanisms works at all ranges, but in the subitizing range, attentive mechanisms also come into play

    Visual motion distorts visual and motor space

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    Much evidence suggests that visual motion can cause severe distortions in the perception of spatial position. In this study, we show that visual motion also distorts saccadic eye movements. Landing positions of saccades performed to objects presented in the vicinity of visual motion were biased in the direction of motion. The targeting errors for both saccades and perceptual reports were maximum during motion onset and were of very similar magnitude under the two conditions. These results suggest that visual motion affects a representation of spatial position, or spatial map, in a similar fashion for visuomotor action as for perception

    Pupillary Responses Obey Emmert’s Law and Co-vary with Autistic Traits

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    We measured the pupil response to a light stimulus subject to a size illusion and found that stimuli perceived as larger evoke a stronger pupillary response. The size illusion depends on combining retinal signals with contextual 3D information; contextual processing is thought to vary across individuals, being weaker in individuals with stronger autistic traits. Consistent with this theory, autistic traits correlated negatively with the magnitude of pupil modulations in our sample of neurotypical adults; however, psychophysical measurements of the illusion did not correlate with autistic traits, or with the pupil modulations. This shows that pupillometry provides an accurate objective index of complex perceptual processes, particularly useful for quantifying interindividual differences, and potentially more informative than standard psychophysical measures

    Ideal observer analysis for continuous tracking experiments

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    Continuous tracking is a newly developed technique that allows fast and efficient data acquisition by asking participants to “track” a stimulus varying in some property (usually position in space). Tracking is a promising paradigm for the investigation of dynamic features of perception and could be particularly well suited for testing ecologically relevant situations difficult to study with classical psychophysical paradigms. The high rate of data collection may be useful in studies on clinical populations and children, who are unable to undergo long testing sessions. In this study, we designed tracking experiments with two novel stimulus features, numerosity and size, proving the feasibility of the technique outside standard object tracking. We went on to develop an ideal observer model that characterizes the results in terms of efficiency of conversion of stimulus strength into responses, and identification of early and late noise sources. Our ideal observer closely modeled results from human participants, providing a generalized framework for the interpretation of tracking data. The proposed model allows to use the tracking paradigm in various perceptual domains, and to study the divergence of human participants from ideal behavior

    Perceptual History Acts in World-Centred Coordinates

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    Serial dependence effects have been observed using a variety of stimuli and tasks, revealing that the recent past can bias current percepts, leading to increased similarity between two. The aim of this study is to determine whether this temporal integration occurs in egocentric or allocentric coordinates. We asked participants to perform an orientation reproduction task using grating stimuli while the head was kept at a fixed position, or after a 40° yaw rotation between trials, from left (−20°) to right (+20°), putting the egocentric and allocentric cues in conflict. Under these conditions, allocentric cues prevailed

    Perceptual Oscillations in Gender Classification of Faces, Contingent on Stimulus History

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    Perception is a proactive ‘‘predictive’’ process, in which the brain takes advantage of past experience to make informed guesses about the world to test against sensory data. Here we demonstrate that in the judgment of the gender of faces, beta rhythms play an important role in communicating perceptual experience. Observers classified in forced choice as male or female, a sequence of face stimuli, which were physically constructed to be male or female or androgynous (equal morph). Classification of the androgynous stimuli oscillated rhythmically between male and female, following a complex waveform comprising 13.5 and 17 Hz. Parsing the trials based on the preceding stimulus showed that responses to androgynous stimuli preceded by male stimuli oscillated reliably at 17 Hz, whereas those preceded by female stimuli oscillated at 13.5 Hz. These results suggest that perceptual priors for face perception from recent perceptual memory are communicated through frequency-coded beta rhythms

    Spontaneous pupillary oscillations increase during mindfulness meditation

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    A significant body of literature has shown that pupil size varies with cognitive and perceptual states [1,2]. Furthermore, the pupil diameter oscillates spontaneously at low frequencies, sometimes referred to as pupillary hippus [3,4]. Oscillation amplitude varies with many neural factors, including arousal and cortical excitability. Here we show that pupillary oscillations are modulated by mindfulness meditation, increasing by 53% compared to pre- and post-meditation baselines. The effect occurs only in trained meditators and is specific for low frequencies (below 1 Hz), with delta frequencies (1–5 Hz) unchanged. The study suggests that pupil size may be a useful marker of the altered cortical state during meditation. Pomè et al. measured the diameter of the eye pupil in trained mindfulness meditators and found that slow spontaneous pupil oscillations are specifically enhanced during meditation, indicating that the pupils can betray the meditative state