12 research outputs found

    Holmes' or functional tremor?

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    Holmes tremor is a rare kind of hyperkinetic movement disorder, clinically characterized by irregular, monolateral, high-amplitude jerks, sharing a quite similar frequency with those observed in Parkinson's disease; its generation likely relies on a combined involvement of cerebello-thalamic and nigrostriatal pathways

    Defective chromatic and achromatic visual pathways in developmental dyslexia : Cues for an integrated intervention programme

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    Purpose: As well as obtaining confirmation of the magnocellular system involvement in developmental dyslexia (DD); the aim was primarily to search for a possible involvement of the parvocellular system; and, furthermore, to complete the assessment of the visual chromatic axis by also analysing the koniocellular system. Methods: Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to achromatic stimuli with low luminance contrast and low spatial frequency, and isoluminant red/green and blue/yellow stimuli with high spatial frequency were recorded in 10 dyslexic children and 10 age- and sex-matched, healthy subjects. Results: Dyslexic children showed delayed VEPs to both achromatic stimuli (magnocellular-dorsal stream) and isoluminant red/green and blue/yellow stimuli (parvocellular-ventral and koniocellular streams). To our knowledge, this is the first time that a dysfunction of colour vision has been brought to light in an objective way (i.e., by means of electrophysiological methods) in children with DD. Conclusion: These results give rise to speculation concerning the need for a putative approach for promoting both learning how to read and/or improving existing reading skills of children with or at risk of DD. The working hypothesis would be to combine two integrated interventions in a single programme aimed at fostering the function of both the magnocellular and the parvocellular streams

    Brainstem reflexes can help to differentiate idiophatic from psychogenic cervical dystonia

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    In 12 soggetti con distonia focale sono state studiate le caratteristiche delle risposte riflesse tronco-encefalich

    Transcallosal inhibition dampens neural responses to high contrast stimuli in human visual cortex

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    Visual cortical areas in the two hemispheres interact via the corpus callosum, but the precise role of the callosal pathway in visual processing remains controversial. Here we have investigated the function of transcallosal projections in human primary visual cortex (V1). Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) triggered by grating stimuli of different contrasts were recorded before and after functional inactivation of the occipital cortex of one hemisphere via off-line low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS; 0.5 Hz stimulation for 20 min). VEPs were recorded in V1 before (T0), immediately after (T1) and 45' following the completion of rTMS (T2). We found that low-frequency rTMS had an inhibitory effect on VEPs amplitudes at all contrasts in the treated side. Remarkably, reduction of VEP amplitudes in the inhibited hemisphere at T1 was accompanied by an increase in VEP amplitudes in the contralateral side only at mid-high contrasts (50-90%). This disinhibitory effect was observed with both central and hemifield stimulation. No changes in VEP amplitudes were observed when rTMS was applied to a cortical site more anterior with respect to V1. These data provide the first evidence that a mechanism of transcallosal inhibition dampens neural responses at high contrasts in human visual cortex. © 2011 IBRO

    Role of acupunture in pain control in Parkinson's disease: clinical and instrumental evidence in a single case

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    In un soggetto con malattia di Parkinson ed algie agli arti inferiori sono stati valutati con scale cliniche e LEPs gli effetti di un ciclo di agopuntur