982 research outputs found

    Determination of wellbore stability in rock massif

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    Present and Future Gamma-Ray Probes of the Cygnus OB2 Environment

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    The MAGIC Collaboration has provided new observational data pertaining to the TeV J2032+4130 gamma-ray source (within the Cygnus OB2 region), for energies E_gamma >400 GeV. It is then appropriate to update the impact of these data on gamma-ray production mechanisms in stellar associations. We consider two mechanisms of gamma-ray emission, pion production and decay (PION) and photo-excitation of high-energy nuclei followed by prompt photo-emission from the daughter nuclei (A*). We find that while the data can be accommodated with either scenario, the A* features a spectral bump, corresponding to the threshold for exciting the Giant Dipole Resonance, which can serve to discriminate between them. We comment on neutrino emission and detection from the region if the PION and/or A* processes are operative. We also touch on the implications for this analysis of future Fermi and Cerenkov Telescope Array data.Comment: 6 pp, 2 figs. Matching version publihed in Phys. Rev.

    The Capacitive Magnetic Field Sensor

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    The results of a study of sensitive element magnetic field sensor are represented in this paper. The sensor is based on the change of the capacitance with an active dielectric (ferrofluid) due to the magnitude of magnetic field. To prepare the ferrofluid magnetic particles are used, which have a followingdispersion equal to 50 < [the empty set] <= 56, 45 < [the empty set] <= 50, 40 < [the empty set] <=45 and [the empty set] <= 40 micron of nanocrystalline alloy of brand 5BDSR. The dependence of the sensitivity of the capacitive element from the ferrofluid with different dispersion of magnetic particles is considered. The threshold of sensitivity and sensitivity of a measuring cell with ferrofluid by a magnetic field was determined. The experimental graphs of capacitance change of the magnitude of magnetic field are presented

    Prerequisites of effective implementation of the city brand in Ukraine: state-administrative aspect

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    Індексація видання в наукометричних базах: Index Copernicus (IC), SIS, Google Scholar.У статті визначено передумови ефективного впровадження бренду міста з боку органів місцевого самоврядування, що для України є особливо актуальним у зв’язку з інтенсифікацією конкуренції між містами. Закцентовано на тому, що на сьогоднішній день в Україні впровадження бренду міста є неефективним без участі та зацікавленості органів місцевого самоврядування, їхньої взаємодії з групами зацікавлених сторін, наявності спеціальних структурних одиниць в їхній організаційній структурі, а також без співставності запропонованого бренду міста стратегії розвитку міста. Підкреслюється важливість взаємодії органів місцевого самоврядування особливо з територіальною громадою. Запропоновано визначення бренду міста з урахуванням його особливостей з точки зору публічного управління, у якому підкреслено, що він є інструментом підвищення конкурентоспроможності міста.For today, local authorities in Ukraine need to pay more attention to the processes of forming, implementing and managing the city's brand, because by using city brand, it is possible to increase the level of competitiveness that in conditions of increasing competition between cities is important for the social and economic well-being of the city and the local community. Application of development strategies and branding in various European cities contributed to the promotion and professionalization of city branding. However, the definition of the city's brand needs to be clarified, because its formation is carried out under political and administrative influence, therefore the indication of the role of the municipality in the definition is necessary. In our opinion, city brand – is a tool for increasing the competitiveness of the city, the processes of formation, implementation and management of which are carried out by a separate structural unit in the organizational structure of the local authority, are regulated by the relevant legal acts and are systematically reviewed in accordance to the strategic goals and objectives of the city development. One of the ultimate goals of the city's brand is to increase living standards and satisfaction needs of the local community as well as various stakeholder groups. The prerequisites of effective implementation of the city brand in Ukraine are: 1. The interest and motivation of local authorities in forming and implementing the city brand. Forming, managing and control over the processes of building a city brand are within the competence of the local authorities, which perform the function of public authority and the implementation of the city development strategy. Motivation for local authorities may be different. It depends on the strategic priorities of the city's development: the desire to improve the reputation of the city, increase the influence on voters, unite the residents around the city's problems, etc. However, in any case, the main goal is the economic growth and financial independence of the city, which can be achieved by management decisions on tourism development, investment attraction, infrastructure development, introduction of innovative technologies, modern technologies of education, and so on. 2. Interaction of local authorities with representatives of the territorial community (local citizens), taking into account their interests and needs in the formation and implementation of the brand of the city. If we consider branding of the city as a tool for increasing the city's competitiveness and attractiveness among different stakeholder groups, the following main groups of stakeholders are: the local community (local citizens); municipality (including key persons in making managerial decisions); external and internal tourists; investors, business entities and public-private partnerships; potential users of educational services. 3. Compliance of the city brand with the strategic directions of city development of the current mayor and his team. The image and vision of a city mayor as the chief administrator and his team may differ from the point of view of the previous authorities, therefore, when the measure is changed, there is a partial or complete reorientation of the focus of the city's development policy. The effectiveness of implementing a city brand is reduced if the current government uses an outdated concept or concept that is significantly different from their vision. 4. The presence in the local government of a special profile unit for the effective management of the city's brand and control of all stages of its formation and implementation. The working group on city branding should include a professional in city branding sphere. To prevent the avoidance of responsibility for the ineffective management of the city's brand in the local government, it is necessary to create a structural and functional unit that is interrelated with the planning and development departments, whose authority includes the regulation of the processes for the implementation of the city brand

    Swift Highly Charged Ion Channelling

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    We review recent experimental and theoretical progress made in the scope of swift highly charged ion channelling in crystals. The usefulness of such studies is their ability to yield impact parameter information on charge transfer processes, and also on some time related problems. We discuss the cooling and heating phenomena at MeV/u energies, results obtained with decelerated H-like ion beams at GSI and with ions having an excess of electrons at GANIL, the superdensity effect along atomic strings and Resonant Coherent Excitation.Comment: to be published in Journal of Physics

    Josephson tunnel junctions with nonlinear damping for RSFQ-qubit circuit applications

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    We demonstrate that shunting of Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor Josephson junctions by Superconductor-Insulator-Normal metal (S-I-N) structures having pronounced non-linear I-V characteristics can remarkably modify the Josephson dynamics. In the regime of Josephson generation the phase behaves as an overdamped coordinate, while in the superconducting state the damping and current noise are strikingly small, that is vitally important for application of such junctions for readout and control of Josephson qubits. Superconducting Nb/AlOx{_x}/Nb junction shunted by Nb/AlOx{_x}/AuPd junction of S-I-N type was fabricated and, in agreement with our model, exhibited non-hysteretic I-V characteristics at temperatures down to at least 1.4 K.Comment: 4 pages incl. 3 figure