345 research outputs found

    Monitoring the radio galaxy M87 with HAWC

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    Studies of radio galaxies at TeV energies are fascinating because their jets are misaligned concerning our sightline. Thus, it provides us with a unique opportunity to study the structure of their jets, the radiative processes, and the acceleration mechanisms involved in them. In addition, some radio galaxies have presented variability in their emission, like the giant radio galaxy M87, which has reported several activity periods. Due to its duty cycle >95% and instantaneous field of view of 2 sr, HAWC provides daily monitoring of variable sources visible from the Northern Hemisphere. In this work, we show the results of monitoring M87 between January 2015 and December 2018. HAWC's observations are consistent with the low activity state reported by other instruments (like H.E.S.S and MAGIC). However, after September 2017 (~MJD 58000), the HAWC measurements of M87 show hints of higher activity.Comment: Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021), Berlin, Germany - Onlin

    Exploring the Coronal Magnetic Field with Galactic Cosmic Rays: The Sun Shadow Observed by HAWC

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    Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are charged particles that reach the heliosphere almost isotropically in a wide energy range. In the inner heliosphere, the GCR flux is modulated by solar activity so that only energetic GCRs reach the lower layers of the solar atmosphere. In this work, we propose that high-energy GCRs can be used to explore the solar magnetic fields at low coronal altitudes. We used GCR data collected by the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory to construct maps of GCR flux coming from the Sun’s sky direction and studied the observed GCR deficit, known as Sun shadow (SS), over a 6 yr period (2016-2021) with a time cadence of 27.3 days. We confirm that the SS is correlated with sunspot number, but we focus on the relationship between the photospheric solar magnetic field measured at different heliolatitudes and the relative GCR deficit at different energies. We found a linear relationship between the relative deficit of GCRs represented by the depth of the SS and the solar magnetic field. This relationship is evident in the observed energy range of 2.5-226 TeV, but is strongest in the range of 12.4 33.4 TeV, which implies that this is the best energy range to study the evolution of magnetic fields in the low solar atmosphere

    Galactic Gamma-Ray Diffuse Emission at TeV Energies with HAWC Data

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    Galactic gamma-ray diffuse emission (GDE) is emitted by cosmic rays (CRs), ultra-relativistic protons, and electrons, interacting with gas and electromagnetic radiation fields in the interstellar medium. Here we present the analysis of teraelectronvolt diffuse emission from a region of the Galactic plane over the range in longitude of l ∈ [43°, 73°], using data collected with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) detector. Spectral, longitudinal, and latitudinal distributions of the teraelectronvolt diffuse emission are shown. The radiation spectrum is compatible with the spectrum of the emission arising from a CR population with an index similar to that of the observed CRs. When comparing with the DRAGON base model, the HAWC GDE flux is higher by about a factor of 2. Unresolved sources such as pulsar wind nebulae and teraelectronvolt halos could explain the excess emission. Finally, deviations of the Galactic CR flux from the locally measured CR flux may additionally explain the difference between the predicted and measured diffuse fluxes

    Searching for TeV Dark Matter in Irregular Dwarf Galaxies with HAWC Observatory

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    We present the results of dark matter (DM) searches in a sample of 31 dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies within the field of view of the HAWC Observatory. dIrr galaxies are DM-dominated objects in which astrophysical gamma-ray emission is estimated to be negligible with respect to the secondary gamma-ray flux expected by annihilation or decay of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). While we do not see any statistically significant DM signal in dIrr galaxies, we present the exclusion limits (95% C.L.) for annihilation cross section and decay lifetime for WIMP candidates with masses between 1 and 100 TeV. Exclusion limits from dIrr galaxies are relevant and complementary to benchmark dwarf Spheroidal (dSph) galaxies. In fact, dIrr galaxies are targets kinematically different from benchmark dSph, preserving the footprints of different evolution histories. We compare the limits from dIrr galaxies to those from ultrafaint and classical dSph galaxies previously observed with HAWC. We find that the constraints are comparable to the limits from classical dSph galaxies and ∼2 orders of magnitude weaker than the ultrafaint dSph limits

    Probing the Extragalactic Mid-infrared Background with HAWC

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    The extragalactic background light (EBL) contains all the radiation emitted by nuclear and accretion processes in stars and compact objects since the epoch of recombination. Measuring the EBL density directly is challenging, especially in the near-to-far-infrared wave band, mainly due to the zodiacal light foreground. Instead, gamma-ray astronomy offers the possibility to indirectly set limits on the EBL by studying the effects of gamma-ray absorption in the very high energy (VHE: \u3e100 GeV) spectra of distant blazars. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma Ray Observatory (HAWC) is one of the few instruments sensitive to gamma rays with energies above 10 TeV. This offers the opportunity to probe the EBL in the near/mid-IR region: λ = 1-100 μm. In this study, we fit physically motivated emission models to Fermi-LAT gigaelectronvolt data to extrapolate the intrinsic teraelectronvolt spectra of blazars. We then simulate a large number of absorbed spectra for different randomly generated EBL model shapes and calculate Bayesian credible bands in the EBL intensity space by comparing and testing the agreement between the absorbed spectra and HAWC extragalactic observations of two blazars. The resulting bands are in agreement with current EBL lower and upper limits, showing a downward trend toward higher wavelength values λ \u3e 10 μm also observed in previous measurements

    Study of the Very High Energy Emission of M87 through its Broadband Spectral Energy Distribution

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    The radio galaxy M87 is the central dominant galaxy of the Virgo Cluster. Very high-energy (VHE, ≳0.1 TeV) emission from M87 has been detected by imaging air Cherenkov telescopes. Recently, marginal evidence for VHE long-term emission has also been observed by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory, a gamma-ray and cosmic-ray detector array located in Puebla, Mexico. The mechanism that produces VHE emission in M87 remains unclear. This emission originates in its prominent jet, which has been spatially resolved from radio to X-rays. In this paper, we construct a spectral energy distribution from radio to gamma rays that is representative of the nonflaring activity of the source, and in order to explain the observed emission, we fit it with a lepto-hadronic emission model. We found that this model is able to explain nonflaring VHE emission of M87 as well as an orphan flare reported in 2005

    GRB 221009A: A light dark matter burst or an extremely bright Inverse Compton component?

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been considered as potential very high-energy photon emitters due to the large amount of energy released as well as the strong magnetic fields involved in their jets. However, the detection of TeV photons is not expected from bursts beyond a redshift of z≳0.1z\gtrsim 0.1 due to their attenuation with the extragalactic background light (EBL). For these reasons, the recent observation of photons with energies of 18 and 251 TeV from GRB 221009A (z=0.151) last October 9th, 2022 has challenged what we know about the TeV-emission mechanisms and the extragalactic background. In order to explain the TeV observations, recent works exploring candidates of dark matter have started to appear. In this paper, we discuss the required conditions and limitations within the most plausible scenario, synchrotron-self Compton (SSC) radiation in the GRB afterglow, to interpret the one 18-TeV photon observation besides the EBL. To avoid the Klein-Nishina effect, we find an improbable value of the microphysical magnetic parameter below 10−610^{-6} for a circumburst medium value >1cm−3> 1{\rm cm^{-3}} (expected in the collapsar scenario). Therefore, we explore possible scenarios in terms of ALPs and dark photon mechanisms to interpret this highly-energetic photon and we discuss the implications in the GRB energetics. We find that the ALPs and dark photon scenarios can explain the 18 TeV photon but not the 251 TeV photon.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    HAWC Study of the Very-high-energy γ-Ray Spectrum of HAWC J1844−034

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    Recently, the region surrounding eHWC J1842−035 has been studied extensively by γ-ray observatories due to its extended emission reaching up to a few hundred TeV and potential as a hadronic accelerator. In this work, we use 1910 days of cumulative data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory to carry out a dedicated systematic source search of the eHWC J1842−035 region. During the search, we found three sources in the region, namely, HAWC J1844−034, HAWC J1843−032, and HAWC J1846−025. We have identified HAWC J1844−034 as the extended source that emits photons with energies up to 175 TeV. We compute the spectrum for HAWC J1844−034, and by comparing with the observational results from other experiments, we have identified HESS J1843−033, LHAASO J1843−0338, and TASG J1844−038 as very-high-energy γ-ray sources with a matching origin. Also, we present and use the multiwavelength data to fit the hadronic and leptonic particle spectra. We have identified four pulsar candidates in the nearby region in which PSR J1844−0346 is found to be the most likely candidate due to its proximity to HAWC J1844−034 and the computed energy budget. We have also found SNR G28.6−0.1 as a potential counterpart source of HAWC J1844−034 for which both leptonic and hadronic scenarios are feasible

    Detailed Analysis of the TeV γ-Ray Sources 3HWC J1928+178, 3HWC J1930+188, and the New Source HAWC J1932+192

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    The latest High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) point-like source catalog up to 56 TeV reported the detection of two sources in the region of the Galactic plane at galactic longitude 52° \u3c ℓ \u3c 55°, 3HWC J1930+188 and 3HWC J1928+178. The first one is associated with a known TeV source, the supernova remnant SNR G054.1+00.3. It was discovered by one of the currently operating Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT), the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS), detected by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S), and identified as a composite SNR. However, the source 3HWC J1928+178, discovered by HAWC and coincident with the pulsar PSR J1928+1746, was not detected by any IACT despite their long exposure on the region, until a recent new analysis of H.E.S.S. data was able to confirm it. Moreover, no X-ray counterpart has been detected from this pulsar. We present a multicomponent fit of this region using the latest HAWC data. This reveals an additional new source, HAWC J1932+192, which is potentially associated with the pulsar PSR J1932+1916, whose γ-ray emission could come from the acceleration of particles in its pulsar wind nebula. In the case of 3HWC J1928+178, several possible explanations are explored, in an attempt to unveil the origins of the very-high-energy γ-ray emission

    Physical activity through sustainable transport approaches (PASTA): protocol for a multi-centre, longitudinal study

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    BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for non-communicable diseases, yet many are not sufficiently active. The Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches (PASTA) study aims to better understand active mobility (walking and cycling for transport solely or in combination with public transport) as an innovative approach to integrate physical activity into individuals' everyday lives. The PASTA study will collect data of multiple cities in a longitudinal cohort design to study correlates of active mobility, its effect on overall physical activity, crash risk and exposure to traffic-related air pollution. METHODS/DESIGN: A set of online questionnaires incorporating gold standard approaches from the physical activity and transport fields have been developed, piloted and are now being deployed in a longitudinal study in seven European cities (Antwerp, Barcelona, London, Oerebro, Rome, Vienna, Zurich). In total, 14000 adults are being recruited (2000 in each city). A first questionnaire collects baseline information; follow-up questionnaires sent every 13 days collect prospective data on travel behaviour, levels of physical activity and traffic safety incidents. Self-reported data will be validated with objective data in subsamples using conventional and novel methods. Accelerometers, GPS and tracking apps record routes and activity. Air pollution and physical activity are measured to study their combined effects on health biomarkers. Exposure-adjusted crash risks will be calculated for active modes, and crash location audits are performed to study the role of the built environment. Ethics committees in all seven cities have given independent approval for the study. DISCUSSION: The PASTA study collects a wealth of subjective and objective data on active mobility and physical activity. This will allow the investigation of numerous correlates of active mobility and physical activity using a data set that advances previous efforts in its richness, geographical coverage and comprehensiveness. Results will inform new health impact assessment models and support efforts to promote and facilitate active mobility in cities
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