198 research outputs found

    Влияние интенсивности механической активации на структуру гексагонального нитрида бора

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    Изучено влияние интенсивности механической активации на микроструктуру и свойства гексагонального нитрида бора (hBN).Вивчено вплив інтенсивності механічної активації на мікроструктуру і властивості гексагонального нітриду бору (hBN).The mechanical activation intensity effect on the microstructure and properties of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has been studied

    Virus effects on plant quality and vector behavior are species specific and do not depend on host physiological phenotype

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    There is growing evidence that plant viruses manipulate host plants to increase transmission-conducive behaviors by vectors. Reports of this phenomenon frequently include only highly susceptible, domesticated annual plants as hosts, which constrains our ability to determine whether virus effects are a component of an adaptive strategy on the part of the pathogen or simply by-products of pathology. Here, we tested the hypothesis that transmission-conducive effects of a virus (Turnip yellows virus [TuYV]) on host palatability and vector behavior (Myzus persicae) are linked with host plant tolerance and physiological phenotype. Our study system consisted of a cultivated crop, false flax (Camelina sativa) (Brassicales: Brassicaceae), a wild congener (C. microcarpa), and a viable F1 hybrid of these two species. We found that the most tolerant host (C. microcarpa) exhibited the most transmission-conducive changes in phenotype relative to mock-inoculated healthy plants: Aphids preferred to settle and feed on TuYV-infected C. microcarpa and did not experience fitness changes due to infection—both of which will increase viruliferous aphid numbers. In contrast, TuYV induced transmission-limiting phenotypes in the least tolerant host (C. sativa) and to a greater degree in the F1 hybrid, which exhibited intermediate tolerance to infection. Our results provide no evidence that virus effects track with infection tolerance or physiological phenotype. Instead, vector preferences and performance are driven by host-specific changes in carbohydrates under TuYV infection. These results provide evidence that induction of transmission-enhancing phenotypes by plant viruses is not simply a by-product of general pathology, as has been proposed as an explanation for putative instances of parasite manipulation by viruses and many other taxa

    Habitable Zones and UV Habitable Zones around Host Stars

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    Ultraviolet radiation is a double-edged sword to life. If it is too strong, the terrestrial biological systems will be damaged. And if it is too weak, the synthesis of many biochemical compounds can not go along. We try to obtain the continuous ultraviolet habitable zones, and compare the ultraviolet habitable zones with the habitable zones of host stars. Using the boundary ultraviolet radiation of ultraviolet habitable zone, we calculate the ultraviolet habitable zones of host stars with masses from 0.08 to 4.00 \mo. For the host stars with effective temperatures lower than 4,600 K, the ultraviolet habitable zones are closer than the habitable zones. For the host stars with effective temperatures higher than 7,137 K, the ultraviolet habitable zones are farther than the habitable zones. For hot subdwarf as a host star, the distance of the ultraviolet habitable zone is about ten times more than that of the habitable zone, which is not suitable for life existence.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the fifth international Mango Symposium Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the Xth international congress of Virology: September 1-6, 1996 Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haoma, Jerusalem, Israel

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    Biotechnological approaches for plant viruses resistance: from general to the modern RNA silencing pathway

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    Anatomia e desenvolvimento ontogenético da flor de mandioca

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    A plasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 41 encodes catabolism of two compounds from root exudate of Calystegium sepium.

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    Our objectives were to identify substances produced by plant roots that might act as nutritional mediators of specific plant-bacterium relationships and to delineate the bacterial genes responsible for catabolizing these substances. We discovered new compounds, which we call calystegins, that have the characteristics of nutritional mediators. They were detected in only 3 of 105 species of higher plants examined: Calystegia sepium, Convolvulus arvensis (both of the Convolvulaceae family), and Atropa belladonna. Calystegins are abundant in organs in contact with the rhizosphere and are not found, or are observed only in small quantities, in aerial plant parts. Just as the synthesis of calystegins is infrequent in the plant kingdom, their catabolism is rare among rhizosphere bacteria that associate with plants and influence their growth. Of 42 such bacteria tested, only one (Rhizobium meliloti 41) was able to catabolize calystegins and use them as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The calystegin catabolism gene(s) (cac) in this strain is located on a self-transmissible plasmid (pRme41a), which is not essential to nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with legumes. We suggest that under natural conditions calystegins provide an exclusive carbon and nitrogen source to rhizosphere bacteria which are able to catabolize these compounds. Calystegins (and the corresponding microbial catabolic genes) might be used to analyze and possibly modify rhizosphere ecology