40 research outputs found

    The phase-controlled Raman effect

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    Unlike spontaneous Raman effect, nonlinear Raman scattering generates fields with a well-defined phase, allowing Raman signals from individual scatterers to add up into a highly directional, high-brightness coherent beam. Here, we show that the phase of coherent Raman scattering can be accurately controlled and finely tuned by using spectrally and temporally tailored optical driver fields. In our experiments, performed with spectrally optimized phase-tunable laser pulses, such a phase control is visualized through the interference of the coherent Raman signal with the field resulting from nonresonant four-wave mixing. This interference gives rise to Fano-type profiles in the overall nonlinear response measured as a function of the delay time between the laser pulses, featuring a well-resolved destructive-interference dip on the dark side of the Raman peak. This phase-control strategy is shown to radically enhance the coherent response from weak Raman modes, thus helping confront long-standing challenges in nonlinear Raman imaging and microspectroscopy

    Mid-infrared laser filaments in the atmosphere

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    Filamentation of ultrashort laser pulses in the atmosphere offers unique opportunities for long-range transmission of high-power laser radiation and standoff detection. With the critical power of self-focusing scaling as the laser wavelength squared, the quest for longer-wavelength drivers, which would radically increase the peak power and, hence, the laser energy in a single filament, has been ongoing over two decades, during which time the available laser sources limited filamentation experiments in the atmosphere to the near-infrared and visible ranges. Here, we demonstrate filamentation of ultrashort mid-infrared pulses in the atmosphere for the first time. We show that, with the spectrum of a femtosecond laser driver centered at 3.9 um, right at the edge of the atmospheric transmission window, radiation energies above 20 mJ and peak powers in excess of 200 GW can be transmitted through the atmosphere in a single filament. Our studies reveal unique properties of mid-infrared filaments, where the generation of powerful mid-infrared supercontinuum is accompanied by unusual scenarios of optical harmonic generation, giving rise to remarkably broad radiation spectra, stretching from the visible to the mid-infrared

    Air-guided photonic-crystal-fiber pulse-compression delivery of multimegawatt femtosecond laser output for nonlinear-optical imaging and neurosurgery

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Large-core hollow photonic- crystal fibers (PCFs) are shown to enable a fiber-format air-guided delivery of ultrashort infrared laser pulses for neurosurgery and nonlinear-optical imaging. With an appropriate dispersion precompensation, an anomalously dispersive 15-mu m-core hollow PCF compresses 510-fs, 1070-nm light pulses to a pulse width of about 110 fs, providing a peak power in excess of 5 MW. The compressed PCF output is employed to induce a local photodisruption of corpus callosum tissues in mouse brain and is used to generate the third harmonic in brain tissues, which is captured by the PCF and delivered to a detector through the PCF cladding. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Broadly tunable carrier envelope phase stable optical parametric amplifier pumped by a monolithic ytterbium fiber amplifier

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    In an effort to develop a robust and efficient front end for a chirped-pulse parametric amplification chain, we demonstrate a broadband difference-frequency converter driven by a monolithic femtosecond Yb-doped-fiber amplifier and emitting carrier-envelope-offset-free pulses with the energy of tens of nanojoules tunable in the wavelength range from 1200 nm to beyond 2 μm. Next to providing these seed pulses, the system enables direct optical synchronization of Nd- and Yb-doped pump lasers for subsequent parametric amplification. © 2009 Optical Society of America

    Mapping anomalous dispersion of air with ultrashort mid-infrared pulses

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    AbstractWe present experimental studies of long-distance transmission of ultrashort mid-infrared laser pulses through atmospheric air, probing air dispersion in the 3.6–4.2-μm wavelength range. Atmospheric air is still highly transparent to electromagnetic radiation in this spectral region, making it interesting for long-distance signal transmission. However, unlike most of the high-transmission regions in gas media, the group-velocity dispersion, as we show in this work, is anomalous at these wavelengths due to the nearby asymmetric-stretch rovibrational band of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The spectrograms of ultrashort mid-infrared laser pulses transmitted over a distance of 60 m in our experiments provide a map of air dispersion in this wavelength range, revealing clear signatures of anomalous dispersion, with anomalous group delays as long as 1.8 ps detected across the bandwidth covered by 80-fs laser pulses.</jats:p

    Electron spin manipulation and readout through an optical fiber

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    The electron spin of nitrogen--vacancy (NV) centers in diamond offers a solid-state quantum bit and enables high-precision magnetic-field sensing on the nanoscale. Implementation of these approaches in a fiber format would offer unique opportunities for a broad range of technologies ranging from quantum information to neuroscience and bioimaging. Here, we demonstrate an ultracompact fiber-optic probe where a diamond microcrystal with a well-defined orientation of spin quantization NV axes is attached to the fiber tip, allowing the electron spins of NV centers to be manipulated, polarized, and read out through a fiber-optic waveguide integrated with a two-wire microwave transmission line. The microwave field transmitted through this line is used to manipulate the orientation of electron spins in NV centers through the electron-spin resonance tuned by an external magnetic field. The electron spin is then optically initialized and read out, with the initializing laser radiation and the photoluminescence spin-readout return from NV centers delivered by the same optical fiber

    Coherent four-photon spectroscopy of excited atoms in a laser-produced plasma: From point-by-point to multipoint two-dimensional mapping

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    An experimental technique for the two-dimensional mapping of the relative populations of excited states of atoms and ions in a low-temperature plasma of optical breakdown is developed on the basis of coherent four-wave mixing (FWM) with hyper-Raman resonances. Conditions when FWM in a plasma occurs in the phase-matched regime and is not subject to significant influence of one-photon absorption are experimentally determined. A folded FWM scheme for single-pulse two-dimensional imaging of spatial distributions of atoms and ions in a laser-produced plasma is discussed. Copyright © 1997 by MAHK Hayka/Interperiodica Publishing

    Pulse fidelity control in a 20-μJ sub-200-fs monolithic Yb-fiber amplifier

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    We discuss nonlinearity management versus energy scalability and compressibility in a three-stage monolithic 100-kHz repetition rate Yb-fiber amplifier designed as a driver source for the generation and tunable parametric amplification of a carrier-envelope phase stable white-light supercontinuum. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd