276 research outputs found

    Administration of prostin E2 in the treatment of stomatitis as a side-effect of radiotherapy

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    Kod pacijenata sa malignim oboljenjima na hemioterapiji ili radioterapiji često dolazi do zapaljenja oralne sluzokože, kao nuspojave citotoksičnog učinka terapije. Kako je poznato citoprotektivno delovanje prostaglandina Prostin E2 smo primenili u lečenju deset pacijenata sa neoplazmama ORL i maksilofacijalne regije koji su primili radioterapiju. Kontrolnu grupu sačinjavalo je pet pacijenata sa analognom dijagnozom kojima je primenjena konvencionalna terapija Hexoral sol., dok je jedan bio bez terapije. Rezultati su pokazali da kod pacijenata koji su primili Prostin E2 nije došlo do razvoja inflamatornog procesa ili stomatitisa, dok je kod kontrolne grupe došlo do razvoja inflamatornog procesa (dva pacijenta), a kod jednog do pojave lezije. Izvanredni rezultati ove pilot studije ukazuju da je preventivna lokalna primena Prostina E2 superiornija nad konvencionalnom terapijom i predstavlja lečenje izbora.Patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for malignancies often develop annoying inflammation of the oral mucosa as a side-effect of cytotoxic therapy. As prostaglandins are known to be cytoprotective Prostin E2 was given to 10 patients with neoplasms of the ear, nose, pharynx or larynx, or of the maxillofacial region, who received radiotherapy. The reference group was made up of five patients with the analogous diagnosis who received the conventional therapy with Hexoral sol. One patient was not administered any therapy. The patients that were given Prostin E2 did not develop either the inflammatory process or stomatitis. In the reference group the inflammatory process appeared in two patients and lesions were noticed in one patient. Excellent results, although still preliminary, pointed out that preventive local administration of Prostin E2 was superior to the conventional therapy and thar accordingly, Prostin E2 should be regarded as the drug of choice

    Identification of Measurement Points for Calibration of Water Distribution Network Models

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    AbstractMuch importance is given to determining the input data for water distribution system networks, particularly with regard to urban networks, because the design and the management of WDS are based on a verification model. Good calibration of models is required to obtain realistic results. This is possible by the use of a certain number of measurements: flow in pipes and pressure in nodes. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a new model able to provide guidance on the choice of measurement points to obtain the site data. All analyses are carried out firstly on literature networks and then on a real network using a new approach based on sensitivity matrices

    Učinak kratkotalasnog zračenja na sočivo oka u pacova

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    The paper deals with the results of a study performed in three groups of rats exposed to microwave <radiation. Eighteen rats were irradiated locally (the right eye), 16 were totally irradiated and 22 served as controls. The activities of enzymes aldolase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and sorbital dehydrogenase (SDH) in rats\u27 lenses were examined. In exposed rats the aldolase and LDH activities were found to be lower and that of SDH higher than in control animals.Autori opisuju rezultate istraživanja učinaka mikrotalasnog zračenja na sočivo oka pacova. Dvije grupe od po 10 ženskih pacova zračili su kratkotalasnim zrakama od 12,2 cm, 2 450 MHz, i to jednu grupu samo desno oko (maksimalna snaga 24 W), a drugu celo telo (maksimalna snaga 200 W). Treća je grupa služila kao kontrola. Životinje su bile eksponirane 15 minuta dnevno, pet puta nedeljno tokom 12 nedelja (prva grupa), odnosno 8 nedelja (druga grupa). Tokom eksperimenta sve su životinje oftalmološki pregledavane i merena im je temperatura tela i oka. Nakon završetka eksperimenta oči su enukleirane, sočivo odvojeno i homogenizirano te je u homogenatu merena aktivnost aldolaze, laktat dehidrogenaze i sorbitol dehidrogenaze. Nisu utvrđene oftalmološke promene na oku. U ozračenih pacova utvrđeno je sniženje aktivnosti aldolaze i sorbitol dehidrogenaze, a aktivnost laktat dehidrogenaze bila je povišena, posebno izrazito u lokalno zračenih pacova

    Determination of nickel, cobalt and chromium in a soda-lime glass by using LIBS based on pulses IR laser

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    This work presents a study of the applicability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), based on Infrared Transversally Excited Atmospheric CO2 pulsed laser (TEA CO2), to determine nickel, cobalt, and chromium in a window glass samples. Estimated limits of detection (LODs) for Ni, Co, and Cr, were 2.1, 3.2, and 0.4 ppm, respectively. In addition, two main plasma parameters, electron number density and temperature, were determined to characterize the laser-induced plasma. The electron number density (Ne) was determined from the measured Stark width of the Al I 396.15 nm line, and the intensity ratio of two atomic iron lines (342.71 nm and 344.06 nm) was used to determine the excitation temperature (Texc). The obtained values were Ne= 8.3·1016 cm-3 and Texc= 7700 K.The book of abstracts available at: [http://www.socphyschemserb.org/media/physical-chemistry-2022/abstracts.pdf

    Magnetic field dependence of the oxygen isotope effect on the magnetic penetration depth in hole-doped cuprate superconductors

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    The magnetic field dependence of the oxygen-isotope (^{16}O/^{18}O) effect (OIE) on the in-plane magnetic field penetration depth \lambda_{ab} was studied in the hole-doped high-temperature cuprate superconductors YBa_2Cu_4O_8, Y_0.8Pr_0.2Ba_2Cu_3O_7-\delta, and Y_0.7Pr_0.3Ba_2Cu_3O_7-\delta. It was found that \lambda_ab for the ^{16}O substituted samples increases stronger with increasing magnetic field than for the ^{18}O ones. The OIE on \lambda_ab decreases by more than a factor of two with increasing magnetic field from \mu_0H=0.2 T to \mu_0H=0.6 T. This effect can be explained by the isotope dependence of the in-plane charge carrier mass m^\ast_{ab}.Comment: 4 pages, two figure

    Muon-Spin-Rotation Measurements of the Penetration Depth in the Infinite-Layer Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductor Sr0.9La0.1CuO2

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    Muon spin rotation (mSR) measurements of the in-plane penetration depth lambda_ab have been performed in the electron-doped infinite layer high-Tc superconductor (HTS) Sr0.9La0.1CuO2. Absence of the magnetic rare-earth ions in this compound allowed to measure for the first time the absolute value of lambda_ab(0) in electron-doped HTS using mSR. We found lambda_ab(0)=116(2) nm. The zero-temperature depolarization rate sigma(0)?1/lambda_ab(0)^2=4.6(1) MHz is more than four times higher than expected from the Uemura line. Therefore this electron-doped HTS does not follow the Uemura relation found for hole-doped HTS.Comment: to be published in Physical Review Letter

    A call for a fundamental shift from model-centric to data-centric approaches in hydroinformatics

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Cambridge University Press via the DOI in this record. Data availability statement: All used data have been presented in the paper.Over the years, data-driven models have gained notable traction in water and environmental engineering. The adoption of these cutting-edge frameworks is still in progress in the grand scheme of things, yet for the most part, such attempts have been centered around the models themselves, and their internal computational architecture, that is, the model-centric approach. These endeavors can certainly pave the way for more tailor-fitted models capable of producing accurate results. However, such a perspective often neglects a fundamental assumption of these models, which is the importance of reliability, correctness, and accessibility of the data used in constructing them. This challenge arises from the prevalent model-centric paradigm of thinking in the field. An alternative approach, however, would prioritize placing data at the focal point, focusing on systematically enhancing current datasets and devising frameworks to improve data collection schemes. This suggests a paradigm shift toward more data-centric thinking in water and environmental engineering. Practically, this shift is not without challenges and necessitates smarter data collection rather than an excessive one. Equally important is the ethical and accurate collection of data, making it available to everyone while safeguarding the rights of individuals and other legal entities involved in the process.European Union Horizon 202

    The Assessment of Breeding Value of First Farrowed Sows by the Method of Selection Indices

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    The goal of this research paper was to assess the breeding value of first farrowed Swedish Landrace sows by the means of selection indices method. The traits on the basis of which the breeding value of animals was assessed are following: daily liveweight gain, average thickness of collected back fat measured at five sites and number of liveborn piglets in the first litter. The liveweight gain and carcass quality traits determined at the end of performance test were corrected for the body mass of 100kg by the method of basic indexes and following mean values were determined: for corrected daily liveweight gain (KZDP) 499.92g/day and for corrected average collected backfat thickness (KSL) 20.01mm. The first farrowed sows on average produced 8.09 liveborn piglets in the litter. Studying the effect of the gilts` birth year and season on KZDP and KSL it was determined that the gilts` birth year and season had no statistically significant influence (P>0.05) on KZDP variation but they had a statistically significant effect on KSL (P lt 0.01). The year and the season of farrowing and the class of backfat thickness in performance test did not display any statistically significant effect (P>0.05) on BZPL, while the KZDP class and the age at first farrowing had a statistically significant effect on the variability of these trait (P lt 0.05; P lt 0.01). All studied traits varied statistically significantly (P lt 0.01) under the impact of the gilts` sire or dam. Heritability coefficients were: h2= 0.402 for KZDP, h2= 0.261 for KSL and h2= 0.177 for BZPL. The relation between KZDP and KSL was of a medium strength both at phenotype and genetic levels (rph=0.491; rg=0.411), while the relation of these traits with BZPL did not exist, except for the genetic relationship between KSL and KZDP which was of a medium strength (rg=0.252). Three equations for the selection indexes were constructed among which as the most optimal was chosen the one which includes all three traits (KZDP, KSL and BZPL) and whose correlation coefficent of selection index and aggregate genotype was rIAG = 0.5473