1,027 research outputs found

    Observation of polarization quantum noise of laser radiation in Rb vapor cell

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    We present experimental study of polarization quantum noise of laser radiation passed through optically think vapor of Rb87. We observe a step-like noise spectrum. We discuss various factor which may result in such noise spectrum and prevent observation of squeezing of quantum fluctuations predicted in Matsko et al. PRA 63, 043814 (2001).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Translated from Russian by I. Novikov

    Temperature dependence of the electron spin g factor in GaAs

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    The temperature dependence of the electron spin gg factor in GaAs is investigated experimentally and theoretically. Experimentally, the gg factor was measured using time-resolved Faraday rotation due to Larmor precession of electron spins in the temperature range between 4.5 K and 190 K. The experiment shows an almost linear increase of the gg value with the temperature. This result is in good agreement with other measurements based on photoluminescence quantum beats and time-resolved Kerr rotation up to room temperature. The experimental data are described theoretically taking into account a diminishing fundamental energy gap in GaAs due to lattice thermal dilatation and nonparabolicity of the conduction band calculated using a five-level kp model. At higher temperatures electrons populate higher Landau levels and the average gg factor is obtained from a summation over many levels. A very good description of the experimental data is obtained indicating that the observed increase of the spin gg factor with the temperature is predominantly due to band's nonparabolicity.Comment: 6 pages 4 figure

    Dynamic optical bistability in resonantly enhanced Raman generation

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    We report observations of novel dynamic behavior in resonantly-enhanced stimulated Raman scattering in Rb vapor. In particular, we demonstrate a dynamic hysteresis of the Raman scattered optical field in response to changes of the drive laser field intensity and/or frequency. This effect may be described as a dynamic form of optical bistability resulting from the formation and decay of atomic coherence. We have applied this phenomenon to the realization of an all-optical switch.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Standard constitutional catalog of principles of judicial authority in the CIS countries

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    The present paper presents the results of a comparative legal analysis of constitutions of the CIS member states in order to identify a standard catalog of judicial power principles in them, considering their interpretation as a set of fundamental principles determining the institutional and procedural aspects of judicial powe

    EIT and diffusion of atomic coherence

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    We study experimentally the effect of diffusion of Rb atoms on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) in a buffer gas vapor cell. In particular, we find that diffusion of atomic coherence in-and-out of the laser beam plays a crucial role in determining the EIT resonance lineshape and the stored light lifetime.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Homogeneous singularities inside collapsing wormholes

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    We analyze analytically and numerically the origin of the singularity in the course of the collapse of a wormhole with the exotic scalar field Psi with negative energy density, and with this field Psi together with the ordered magnetic field H. We do this under the simplifying assumptions of the spherical symmetry and that in the vicinity of the singularity the solution of the Einstein equations depends only on one coordinate (the homogeneous approximation). In the framework of these assumptions we found the principal difference between the case of the collapse of the ordinary scalar field Phi with the positive energy density together with an ordered magnetic field H and the collapse of the exotic scalar field Psi together with the magnetic field H. The later case is important for the possible astrophysical manifestation of the wormholes.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures each of which has a),b),c),and d) sub-figures. To be published in "Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology

    The Ceremony of Receiving Ambassadresses at the Russian Court of the Eighteenth Century

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    The article was submitted on 25.07.2023.В период XVII–XVIII вв. в европейской системе межгосударственных отношений произошли значительные изменения. Институты дипломатии развивались и совершенствовались: краткосрочные посольские миссии сменились постоянными представительствами, сформировался более устойчивый порядок коммуникации внутри европейского сообщества, роль дипломатических представителей выросла. Другим новшеством стало включение в дипломатический процесс женщин, сопровождавших послов, которые принимались официально в соответствии со специальными протоколами. На основании корпуса документов АВПРИ в статье рассматриваются создание и эволюция протокола приема «посольш», их привилегии и участие в придворной жизни, а также этикетные коллизии между дипломатическим корпусом и петербургским двором. Анализ церемониала приема «чужестранных дам» показал, что он хотя и регулировался правовыми нормами, но сильно зависел от личного расположения российского правителя к дипломату и его спутнице, а также стране, которую они представляли.During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the European system of international relations underwent significant changes, marked by the institutional development of diplomatic services and the establishment of more coherent diplomatic ceremonials. Resident embassies became common, introducing the presence of female relatives of diplomats who actively participated in the life of the diplomatic corps. The growing presence of ambassadresses played a transformative role in early modern diplomatic culture, contributing to the development of gendered diplomatic ceremonials. Drawing on relevant approaches to the study of the ‘new diplomatic history’ and using archival material from the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, this article examines the diplomatic ceremonial of ambassadorial spouses at the eighteenth-century Russian court. It examines the presentation of ambassadors’ wives at court, the implementation of protocol, and issues of etiquette that became sources of contention between ‘ambassadresses’ and the St Petersburg court, as well as methods of conflict resolution. The study of the reception ceremony for ‘foreign ladies’ reveals that, although it was governed by legal norms, it depended heavily on the Russian monarch’s personal attitude towards the ambassador and ambassadress, as well as the country they represented.Исследование осуществлено в рамках Программы фундаментальных исследований НИУ ВШЭ

    Vacuum Squeezing in Atomic Media via Self-Rotation

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    When linearly polarized light propagates through a medium in which elliptically polarized light would undergo self-rotation, squeezed vacuum can appear in the orthogonal polarization. A simple relationship between self-rotation and the degree of vacuum squeezing is developed. Taking into account absorption, we find the optimum conditions for squeezing in any medium that can produce self-rotation. We then find analytic expressions for the amount of vacuum squeezing produced by an atomic vapor when light is near-resonant with a transition between various low-angular-momentum states. Finally, we consider a gas of multi-level Rb atoms, and analyze squeezing for light tuned near the D-lines under realistic conditions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; Submitted to PR