8,600 research outputs found

    SFitter: Reconstructing the MSSM Lagrangian from LHC data

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    Once supersymmetry is found at the LHC, the question arises what are the fundamental parameters of the Lagrangian. The answer to this question should thereby not be biased by assumptions on high-scale models. SFitter is a tool designed for this task. Taking LHC (and possibly ILC) data as input it scans the TeV-scale MSSM parameter space using its new weighted Markov chain technique. Using this scan it determines a list of best-fitting parameter points. Additionally a log-likelihood map is calculated, which can be reduced to lower-dimensional Frequentist's profile likelihoods or Bayesian probability maps.Comment: Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 4 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figure

    Stellar laboratories. V. The Xe VI ultraviolet spectrum and the xenon abundance in the hot DO-type white dwarf RE0503-289

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    For the spectral analysis of spectra of hot stars with a high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), advanced non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model atmospheres are mandatory. These are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that are used for their calculation. Reliable Xe VI oscillator strengths are used to identify Xe lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of the DO-type white dwarf RE0503-289 and to determine its photospheric Xe abundance. We publish newly calculated oscillator strengths that are based on a recently measured Xe VI laboratory line spectrum. These strengths were used to consider their radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions in detail in our NLTE stellar-atmosphere models to analyze Xe VI lines exhibited in high-resolution and high S/N UV observations of RE0503-289. We identify three hitherto unknown Xe VI lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of RE0503-289 and confirm the previously measured photospheric Xe abundance of this white dwarf (log Xe = -4.2 +/- 0.6). Reliable measurements and calculations of atomic data are prerequisite for stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Xe VI line profiles in the ultraviolet spectrum of the white dwarf RE0503-289 were well reproduced with the newly calculated Xe VI oscillator strengths.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Di-boson Production beyond NLO QCD and Anomalous Couplings

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    In these proceedings, we review results for several di-boson production processes beyond NLO QCD at high transverse momenta using the VBFNLO Monte-Carlo program together with the LOOPSIM method. Additionally, we show for the WZ production process how higher order QCD corrections can resemble anomalous coupling effects.Comment: Conference Proceedings:C15-05-25.

    EC 11481-2303 - A Peculiar Subdwarf OB Star Revisited

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    EC 11481-2303 is a peculiar, hot, high-gravity pre-white dwarf. Previous optical spectroscopy revealed that it is a sdOB star with an effective temperature (Teff) of 41790 K, a surface gravity log(g)= 5.84, and He/H = 0.014 by number. We present an on-going spectral analysis by means of non-LTE model-atmosphere techniques based on high-resolution, high-S/N optical (VLT-UVES) and ultraviolet (FUSE, IUE) observations. We are able to reproduce the optical and UV observations simultaneously with a chemically homogeneous NLTE model atmosphere with a significantly higher effective temperature and lower He abundance (Teff = 55000 K, log (g) = 5.8, and He / H = 0.0025 by number). While C, N, and O appear less than 0.15 times solar, the iron-group abundance is strongly enhanced by at least a factor of ten.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Z\gamma\gamma production with leptonic decays and triple photon production at NLO QCD

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    We present a calculation of the O(alpha_s) QCD corrections to the production of a Z boson in association with two photons and to triple photon production at hadron colliders. All final-state photons are taken as real. For the Z boson, we consider the decays both into charged leptons and into neutrinos including all off-shell effects. Numerical results are obtained via a Monte Carlo program based on the structure of the VBFNLO program package. This allows us to implement general cuts and distributions of the final-state particles. We find that the NLO QCD corrections are sizable and significantly exceed the expectations from a scale variation of the leading-order result. In addition, differential distributions of important observables change considerably. The prediction of two-photon-associated Z production with Z decays into neutrinos from the charged-lepton rate works well, once we use an additional cut on the invariant mass of the charged-lepton pair.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Stellar laboratories. IX. New Se V, Sr IV - VII, Te VI, and I VI oscillator strengths and the Se, Sr, Te, and I abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289

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    To analyze spectra of hot stars, advanced non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model-atmosphere techniques are mandatory. Reliable atomic data is for the calculation of such model atmospheres. We aim to calculate new Sr IV - VII oscillator strengths to identify for the first time Sr spectral lines in hot white dwarf (WD) stars and to determine the photospheric Sr abundances. o measure the abundances of Se, Te, and I in hot WDs, we aim to compute new Se V, Te VI, and I VI oscillator strengths. To consider radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions of Se V, Sr IV - VII, Te VI, and I VI in our NLTE atmosphere models, we calculated oscillator strengths for these ions. We newly identified four Se V, 23 Sr V, 1 Te VI, and three I VI lines in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of RE0503-289. We measured a photospheric Sr abundance of 6.5 +3.8/-2.4 x 10**-4 (mass fraction, 9500 - 23800 times solar). We determined the abundances of Se (1.6 +0.9/-0.6 x 10**-3, 8000 - 20000), Te (2.5 +1.5/-0.9 x 10**-4, 11000 - 28000), and I (1.4 +0.8/-0.5 x 10**-5, 2700 - 6700). No Se, Sr, Te, and I line was found in the UV spectra of G191-B2B and we could determine only upper abundance limits of approximately 100 times solar. All identified Se V, Sr V, Te VI, and I VI lines in the UV spectrum of RE0503-289 were simultaneously well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature and Kinematics of CIV Absorption Systems

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    We use Keck HIRES spectra of three intermediate redshift QSOs to study the physical state and kinematics of the individual components of CIV selected heavy element absorption systems. Fewer than 8 % of all CIV lines with column densities greater than 10^{12.5} cm^{-2} have Doppler parameters b < 6 km/s. A formal decomposition into thermal and non-thermal motion using the simultaneous presence of SiIV gives a mean thermal Doppler parameter b_{therm}(CIV) = 7.2 km/s, corresponding to a temperature of 38,000 K although temperatures possibly in excess of 300,000 K occur occasionally. We also find tentative evidence for a mild increase of temperature with HI column density. Non-thermal motions within components are typically small (< 10 km/s) for most systems, indicative of a quiescent environment. The two-point correlation function (TPCF) of CIV systems on scales up to 500 km/s suggests that there is more than one source of velocity dispersion. The shape of the TPCF can be understood if the CIV systems are caused by ensembles of objects with the kinematics of dwarf galaxies on a small scale, while following the Hubble flow on a larger scale. Individual high redshift CIV components may be the building blocks of future normal galaxies in a hierarchical structure formation scenario.Comment: submitted to the ApJ Letters, March 16, 1996 (in press); (13 Latex pages, 4 Postscript figures, and psfig.sty included

    How cold is cold dark matter? Small scales constraints from the flux power spectrum of the high-redshift Lyman-alpha forest

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    We present constraints on the mass of warm dark matter (WDM) particles derived from the Lyman-alpha flux power spectrum of 55 high- resolution HIRES spectra at 2.0 < z < 6.4. From the HIRES spectra, we obtain a lower limit of mwdm > 1.2 keV 2 sigma if the WDM consists of early decoupled thermal relics and mwdm > 5.6 keV (2 sigma) for sterile neutrinos. Adding the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Lyman-alpha flux power spectrum, we get mwdm > 4 keV and mwdm > 28 keV (2 sigma) for thermal relics and sterile neutrinos. These results improve previous constraints by a factor two.Comment: Some issues clarified (especially resolution related). Conclusions unchanged. Accepted version by PR
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