29 research outputs found

    A Potential Energy Landscape Study of the Amorphous-Amorphous Transformation in H2_2O

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    We study the potential energy landscape explored during a compression-decompression cycle for the SPC/E (extended simple point charge) model of water. During the cycle, the system changes from low density amorphous ice (LDA) to high density amorphous ice (HDA). After the cycle, the system does not return to the same region of the landscape, supporting the interesting possibility that more than one significantly different configuration corresponds to LDA. We find that the regions of the landscape explored during this transition have properties remarkably different from those explored in thermal equilibrium in the liquid phase

    Coping with nonverbal communication in public service interpreting with Chinese immigrants

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    Nonverbal communication (NVC) plays a key role in face-to-face interactions. This article explores how nonverbal communication affects interpreter-mediated interactions between Chinese immigrants living in Catalonia and local public service providers. It presents data obtained from a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews with public service interpreters and intercultural mediators, and analyses their experience in coping with nonverbal cues that are the potential source of misunderstanding. Special attention is to the examples of the Chinese smile and absence of eye contact. The conclusions discuss the implications that nonverbal communication may have in defining the role and functions of public service interpreters