3,557 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Simulations of Oscillating Shock Waves in a Sub-Keplerian Accretion Flow Around Black Holes

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    We study the accretion processes on a black hole by numerical simulation. We use a grid based finite difference code for this purpose. We scan the parameter space spanned by the specific energy and the angular momentum and compare the time-dependent solutions with those obtained from theoretical considerations. We found several important results (a) The time dependent flow behaves close to a constant height model flow in the pre-shock region and a flow with vertical equilibrium in the post-shock region. (c) The infall time scale in the post-shock region is several times higher than the free-fall time scale. (b) There are two discontinuities in the flow, one being just outside of the inner sonic point. Turbulence plays a major role in determining the locations of these discontinuities. (d) The two discontinuities oscillate with two different frequencies and behave as a coupled harmonic oscillator. A Fourier analysis of the variation of the outer shock location indicates higher power at the lower frequency and lower power at the higher frequency. The opposite is true when the analysis of the inner shock is made. These behaviours will have implications in the spectral and timing properties of black hole candidates.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 1 Table MNRAS (In press

    Magnetically Driven Accretion in the Kerr Metric III: Unbound Outflows

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    We have carried out fully relativistic numerical simulations of accretion disks in the Kerr metric. In this paper we focus on the unbound outflows that emerge self-consistently from the accretion flow. These outflows are found in the axial funnel region and consist of two components: a hot, fast, tenuous outflow in the axial funnel proper, and a colder, slower, denser jet along the funnel wall. Although a rotating black hole is not required to produce these unbound outflows, their strength is enhanced by black hole spin. The funnel-wall jet is excluded from the axial funnel due to elevated angular momentum, and is also pressure-confined by a magnetized corona. The tenuous funnel outflow accounts for a significant fraction of the energy transported to large distances in the higher-spin simulations. We compare the outflows observed in our simulations with those seen in other simulations.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, ApJ submitte


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    Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of moving from training to performance improvement in Human Resource Development (HRD). Business organizations need to dramatically alter the roles of training managers to ensure that they move towards a performance improvement process, and to ensure that potential solutions are linked to organizational and individual performance problems. As part of a program for nuclear power managers at a major university, we evaluated the changes in the perceptions of twenty-one training managers from around the United States. The evaluation data lead us to conclusions regarding the changing role of training managers from strictly training to that of performance consultant and the challenges mangerā€™s face as they try to build partnering relationships

    Magnetically Driven Jets in the Kerr Metric

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    We compute a series of three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion flows in the Kerr metric to investigate the properties of the unbound outflows that result. The overall strength of these outflows increases sharply with increasing black hole rotation rate, but a number of generic features are found in all cases. The mass in the outflow is concentrated in a hollow cone whose opening angle is largely determined by the effective potential for matter orbiting with angular momentum comparable to that of the innermost stable circular orbit. The dominant force accelerating the matter outward comes from the pressure of the accretion disk's corona. The principal element that shapes the outflow is therefore the centrifugal barrier preventing accreting matter from coming close to the rotation axis. Inside the centrifugal barrier, the cone contains very little matter and is dominated by electromagnetic fields that rotate at a rate tied closely to the rotation of the black hole. These fields carry an outward-going Poynting flux whose immediate energy source is the rotating spacetime of the Kerr black hole. When the spin parameter a/M of the black hole exceeds ~0.9, the energy carried to infinity by these outflows can be comparable to the nominal radiative efficiency predicted in the Novikov-Thorne model. Similarly, the expelled angular momentum can be comparable to that accreted by the black hole. Both the inner electromagnetic part and the outer matter part can contribute in significant fashion to the energy and angular momentum of the outflow.Comment: 43 pages 12 figures To Appear in the Astrophysical Journal replaced figure 3c with correct imag

    A feasibility study for advanced technology integration for general aviation

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    An investigation was conducted to identify candidate technologies and specific developments which offer greatest promise for improving safety, fuel efficiency, performance, and utility of general aviation airplanes. Interviews were conducted with general aviation airframe and systems manufacturers and NASA research centers. The following technologies were evaluated for use in airplane design tradeoff studies conducted during the study: avionics, aerodynamics, configurations, structures, flight controls, and propulsion. Based on industry interviews and design tradeoff studies, several recommendations were made for further high payoff research. The most attractive technologies for use by the general aviation industry appear to be advanced engines, composite materials, natural laminar flow airfoils, and advanced integrated avionics systems. The integration of these technologies in airplane design can yield significant increases in speeds, ranges, and payloads over present aircraft with 40 percent to 50 percent reductions in fuel used

    Applicability of ERTS-1 to Montana geology

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Late autumn imagery provides the advantages of topographic shadow enhancement and low cloud cover. Mapping of rock units was done locally with good results for alluvium, basin fill, volcanics, inclined Paleozoic and Mesozoic beds, and host strata of bentonite beds. Folds, intrusive domes, and even dip directions were mapped where differential erosion was significant. However, mapping was not possible for belt strata, was difficult for granite, and was hindered by conifers compared to grass cover. Expansion of local mapping required geologic control and encountered significant areas unmappable from ERTS imagery. Annotation of lineaments provided much new geologic data. By extrapolating test site comparisons, it is inferred that 27 percent of some 1200 lineaments mapped from western Montana represent unknown faults. The remainder appear to be localized mainly by undiscovered faults and sets of minor faults or joints

    What's the point of knowing how?

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    Why is it useful to talk and think about knowledge-how? Using Edward Craigā€™s discussion of the function of the concepts of knowledge and knowledge-how as a jumping off point, this paper argues that considering this question can offer us new angles on the debate about knowledge-how. We consider two candidate functions for the concept of knowledge-how: pooling capacities, and mutual reliance. Craig makes the case for pooling capacities, which connects knowledge-how to our need to pool practical capacities. I argue that the evidence is much more equivocal. My suggested diagnosis is that the concept of knowledge-how plays both functions, meaning that the concept of knowledge-how is inconsistent, and that the debate about knowledge-how is at least partly a metalinguistic negotiation. In closing, I suggest a way to revise the philosophical concept of knowledge how

    Targeting determinants of dosage compensation in Drosophila

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    The dosage compensation complex (DCC) in Drosophila melanogaster is responsible for up-regulating transcription from the single male X chromosome to equal the transcription from the two X chromosomes in females. Visualization of the DCC, a large ribonucleoprotein complex, on male larval polytene chromosomes reveals that the complex binds selectively to many interbands on the X chromosome. The targeting of the DCC is thought to be in part determined by DNA sequences that are enriched on the X. So far, lack of knowledge about DCC binding sites has prevented the identification of sequence determinants. Only three binding sites have been identified to date, but analysis of their DNA sequence did not allow the prediction of further binding sites. We have used chromatin immunoprecipitation to identify a number of new DCC binding fragments and characterized them in vivo by visualizing DCC binding to autosomal insertions of these fragments, and we have demonstrated that they possess a wide range of potential to recruit the DCC. By varying the in vivo concentration of the DCC, we provide evidence that this range of recruitment potential is due to differences in affinity of the complex to these sites. We were also able to establish that DCC binding to ectopic high-affinity sites can allow nearby low-affinity sites to recruit the complex. Using the sequences of the newly identified and previously characterized binding fragments, we have uncovered a number of short sequence motifs, which in combination may contribute to DCC recruitment. Our findings suggest that the DCC is recruited to the X via a number of binding sites of decreasing affinities, and that the presence of high-and moderate-affinity sites on the X may ensure that lower-affinity sites are occupied in a context-dependent manner. Our bioinformatics analysis suggests that DCC binding sites may be composed of variable combinations of degenerate motifs

    Applicability of ERTS-1 to lineament and photogeologic mapping in Montana: Preliminary report

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    A lineament map prepared from a mosaic of western Montana shows about 85 lines not represented on the state geologic map, including elements of a northeast-trending set through central western Montana which merit ground truth checking and consideration in regional structural analysis. Experimental fold annotation resulted in a significant local correction to the state geologic map. Photogeologic mapping studies produced only limited success in identification of rock types, but they did result in the precise delineation of a late Cretaceous or early Tertiary volcanic field (Adel Mountain field) and the mapping of a connection between two granitic bodies shown on the state map. Imagery was used successfully to map clay pans associated with bentonite beds in gently dipping Bearpaw Shale. It is already apparent that ERTS imagery should be used to facilitate preparation of a much needed statewide tectonic map and that satellite imagery mapping, aided by ground calibration, provides and economical means to discover and correct errors in the state geologic map

    Return to driving after traumatic brain injury : a British perspective

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    Primary Objective: to identify current legal situation, and professional practice in assisting persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) to return to safe driving after injury. Methods and Procedures A brief review of relevant literature, a description of the current statutory and quasi-statutory authorities regulating return to driving after TBI in the UK, and a description of the nature and resolution of clinical and practical dilemmas facing professionals helping return to safe driving after TBI. Each of the 15 UK mobility centres was contacted and literature requested; in addition a representative of each centre responded to a structured telephone survey. Main Outcome and Results: The current situation in Great Britain is described, with a brief analysis of the strengths and weaknesses both of the current statutory situation, and also the practical situation (driving centres), with suggestions for improvements in practice. Conclusion Although brain injury may cause serious limitations in driving ability, previous drivers are not routinely assessed or advised regarding return to driving after TBI
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