18,416 research outputs found

    Quantum Information Paradox: Real or Fictitious?

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    One of the outstanding puzzles of theoretical physics is whether quantum information indeed gets lost in the case of Black Hole (BH) evaporation or accretion. Let us recall that Quantum Mechanics (QM) demands an upper limit on the acceleration of a test particle. On the other hand, it is pointed out here that, if a Schwarzschild BH would exist, the acceleration of the test particle would blow up at the event horizon in violation of QM. Thus the concept of an exact BH is in contradiction of QM and quantum gravity (QG). It is also reminded that the mass of a BH actually appears as an INTEGRATION CONSTANT of Einstein equations. And it has been shown that the value of this integration constant is actually zero. Thus even classically, there cannot be finite mass BHs though zero mass BH is allowed. It has been further shown that during continued gravitational collapse, radiation emanating from the contracting object gets trapped within it by the runaway gravitational field. As a consequence, the contracting body attains a quasi-static state where outward trapped radiation pressure gets balanced by inward gravitational pull and the ideal classical BH state is never formed in a finite proper time. In other words, continued gravitational collapse results in an "Eternally Collapsing Object" which is a ball of hot plasma and which is asymptotically approaching the true BH state with M=0 after radiating away its entire mass energy. And if we include QM, this contraction must halt at a radius suggested by highest QM acceleration. In any case no EH is ever formed and in reality, there is no quantum information paradox.Comment: 8 pages in Pramana Style, 6 in Revtex styl

    An asset and liability management (ALM) model using integrated chance constraints

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    This paper discusses and develops a Two Stage Integrated Chance Constraints Programming for the Employees Provident Fund Malaysia. The main aim is to manage, that is, balance assets and liabilities. Integrated Chance Constraints not only limit the event of underfunding but also the amount of underfunding. This paper includes the numerical illustration

    A Volume Clearing Algorithm for Muon Tomography

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    The primary objective is to enhance muon-tomographic image reconstruction capability by providing distinctive information in terms of deciding on the properties of regions or voxels within a probed volume "V" during any point of scanning: threat type, non-threat type, or not-sufficient data. An algorithm (MTclear) is being developed to ray-trace muon tracks and count how many straight tracks are passing through a voxel. If a voxel "v" has sufficient number of straight tracks (t), then "v" is a non-threat type voxel, unless there are sufficient number of scattering points (p) in "v" that will make it a threat-type voxel. The algorithm also keeps track of voxels for which not enough information is known: where p and v both fall below their respective threshold parameters. We present preliminary results showing how the algorithm works on data collected with a Muon Tomography station based on gas electron multipliers operated by our group. The MTclear algorithm provides more comprehensive information to a human operator or to a decision algorithm than that provided by conventional muon-tomographic reconstruction algorithms, in terms of qualitatively determining the threat possibility from a probed volume. This is quite important because only low numbers of cosmic ray source muons are typically available in nature for tomography, while a quick determination of threats is essential.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to conf. record of 2014 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium, Seattl

    Is there still a strong CP problem?

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    The role of a chiral U(1) phase in the quark mass in QCD is analysed from first principles. In operator formulation, there is a parity symmetry and the phase can be removed by a change in the representation of the Dirac gamma matrices. Moreover, these properties are also realized in a Pauli-Villars regularized version of the theory. In the functional integral scenario, attempts to remove the chiral phase by a chiral transformation are thought to be obstructed by a nontrivial Jacobian arising from the fermion measure and the chiral phase may therefore seem to break parity. But if one starts from the regularized action with the chiral phase also present in the regulator mass term, the Jacobian for a combined chiral rotation of quarks and regulators is seen to be trivial and the phase can be removed by a combined chiral rotation. This amounts to a taming of the strong CP problem.Comment: 6 pages, REVTeX; brief discussion available at http://theory.saha.ernet.in/~mitra/scp.htm

    Evidence for a Finite Temperature Insulator

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    In superconductors the zero-resistance current-flow is protected from dissipation at finite temperatures (T) by virtue of the short-circuit condition maintained by the electrons that remain in the condensed state. The recently suggested finite-T insulator and the "superinsulating" phase are different because any residual mechanism of conduction will eventually become dominant as the finite-T insulator sets-in. If the residual conduction is small it may be possible to observe the transition to these intriguing states. We show that the conductivity of the high magnetic-field insulator terminating superconductivity in amorphous indium-oxide exhibits an abrupt drop, and seem to approach a zero conductance at T<0.04 K. We discuss our results in the light of theories that lead to a finite-T insulator