26,867 research outputs found

    A sensory-guided surgical micro-drill

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2010 The Authors.This article describes a surgical robotic device that is able to discriminate tissue interfaces and other controlling parameters ahead of the drill tip. The advantage in such a surgery is that the tissues at the interfaces can be preserved. A smart tool detects ahead of the tool point and is able to control the interaction with respect to the flexing tissue, to avoid penetration or to control the extent of protrusion with respect to the position of the tissue. For surgical procedures, where precision is required, the tool offers significant benefit. To interpret the drilling conditions and the conditions leading up to breakthrough at a tissue interface, a sensing scheme is used that discriminates between the variety of conditions posed in the drilling environment. The result is a fully autonomous system, which is able to respond to the tissue type, behaviour, and deflection in real-time. The system is also robust in terms of disturbances encountered in the operating theatre. The device is pragmatic. It is intuitive to use, efficient to set up, and uses standard drill bits. The micro-drill, which has been used to prepare cochleostomies in the theatre, was used to remove the bone tissue leaving the endosteal membrane intact. This has enabled the preservation of sterility and the drilling debris to be removed prior to the insertion of the electrode. It is expected that this technique will promote the preservation of hearing and reduce the possibility of complications. The article describes the device (including simulated drill progress and hardware set-up) and the stages leading up to its use in the theatre.Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, U

    Morphology and flexibility of graphene and few-layer graphene on various substrates

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    We report on detailed microscopy studies of graphene and few-layer-graphene produced by mechanical exfoliation on various semi-conducting substrates. We demonstrate the possibility to prepare and analyze graphene on (001)-GaAs, manganese p-doped (001)-GaAs and InGaAs substrates. The morphology of graphene on these substrates was investigated by scanning electron and atomic force microscopy and compared to layers on silicon oxide. It was found that graphene sheets strongly follow the texture of the sustaining substrates independent on doping, polarity or roughness. Furthermore resist residues exist on top of graphene after a lithographic step. The obtained results provide the opportunity to research the graphene-substrate interactions

    Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Suspended Graphene: Transport Coefficients and Electron Interaction Strength

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    Strongly correlated electron liquids which occur in quantizing magnetic fields reveal a cornucopia of fascinating quantum phenomena such as fractionally charged quasiparticles, anyonic statistics, topological order, and many others. Probing these effects in GaAs-based systems, where electron interactions are relatively weak, requires sub-kelvin temperatures and record-high electron mobilities, rendering some of the most interesting states too fragile and difficult to access. This prompted a quest for new high-mobility systems with stronger electron interactions. Recently, fractional-quantized Hall effect was observed in suspended graphene (SG), a free-standing monolayer of carbon, where it was found to persist up to T=10 K. The best results in those experiments were obtained on micron-size flakes, on which only two-terminal transport measurements could be performed. Here we pose and solve the problem of extracting transport coefficients of a fractional quantum Hall state from the two-terminal conductance. We develop a method, based on the conformal invariance of two-dimensional magnetotransport, and illustrate its use by analyzing the measurements on SG. From the temperature dependence of longitudinal conductivity, extracted from the measured two-terminal conductance, we estimate the energy gap of quasiparticle excitations in the fractional-quantized nu=1/3 state. The gap is found to be significantly larger than in GaAs-based structures, signaling much stronger electron interactions in suspended graphene. Our approach provides a new tool for the studies of quantum transport in suspended graphene and other nanoscale systems

    Motion state recognition of debris ejected in vehicular collision after contact with the ground

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    The motion state of debris ejected from the vehicle involved in vehicular collision is important for finding out the vehicle collision speed. This research developed an analytical model to recognise the debris motion state. With the model, analyses were conducted, which reveal that if α, which is the contact angle between the debris and the ground at the moment when the debris collides the ground, is within the range from 0° to its boundary value, then the debris slides; if α is within the range from its boundary value to 90°, then the debris bounces. With debris' initial angular velocity ω = 0, the boundary value is 11.8° for sphere debris and 7.8° for rectangular debris; with ω ≠ 0, the boundary value for rectangular debris is arcsin(g/Rω2) where g represents the acceleration due to gravity and R is the distance from the debris centre to the point of its contact with the ground. Experiment tests were conducted for debris motion states with ω = 0, which confirmed the analytical results

    MapSense: Mitigating Inconsistent WiFi Signals using Signal Patterns and Pathway Map for Indoor Positioning

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    The indoor positioning technology plays a significant role in the scenarios of the Internet of Things (IoT) which require indoor location context. In this paper, the WiFi signals under modern enterprise WiFi infrastructure, signal patterns between coexisting access points (APs) and signals’ correlation with indoor pathway map are investigated to address the problem of inconsistent WiFi signal observations. The sibling signal patterns (SSP) are defined for the first time and processed to generate Beacon APs which have higher confidence in positioning. The spatial signal patterns are used to bring the estimated location into a limited area through signal coverage constraint (SCC). A positioning scheme using SSP and SCC is proposed and shows improved positioning accuracy. The proposed scheme is fully designed, implemented and evaluated in a real-world environment, revealing its effectiveness and efficiency

    Neutral triplet Collective Mode as a new decay channel in Graphite

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    In an earlier work we predicted the existence of a neutral triplet collective mode in undoped graphene and graphite [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 89} (2002) 16402]. In this work we study a phenomenological Hamiltonian describing the interaction of tight-binding electrons on honeycomb lattice with such a dispersive neutral triplet boson. Our Hamiltonian is a generalization of the Holstein polaron problem to the case of triplet bosons with non-trivial dispersion all over the Brillouin zone. This collective mode constitutes an important excitation branch which can contribute to the decay rate of the electronic excitations. The presence of such collective mode, modifies the spectral properties of electrons in graphite and undoped graphene. In particular such collective mode, as will be shown in this paper, can account for some part of the missing decay rate in a time-domain measurement done on graphite
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