220,455 research outputs found

    Arterial pulse wave pressure transducer

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    An arterial pulse wave pressure transducer is introduced. The transducer is comprised of a fluid filled cavity having a flexible membrane disposed over the cavity and adapted to be placed on the skin over an artery. An arterial pulse wave creates pressure pulses in the fluid which are transduced, by a pressure sensitive transistor in direct contact with the fluid, into an electric signal. The electrical signal is representative of the pulse waves and can be recorded so as to monitor changes in the elasticity of the arterial walls

    An economical arterial-pulse-wave transducer

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    Transducer records arterial pulses externally. Device uses thin plastic membrane which is fluid coupled to pressure sensitive transistor. Transistor is connected to amplifier which, in turn, is connected to recorder. End section is threaded to accept suitable holder and contains pressure relief vent allowing transistor to sense only pressure levels greater than atmospheric

    Business integration models in the context of web services.

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    E-commerce development and applications have been bringing the Internet to business and marketing and reforming our current business styles and processes. The rapid development of the Web, in particular, the introduction of the semantic web and web service technologies, enables business processes, modeling and management to enter an entirely new stage. Traditional web based business data and transactions can now be analyzed, extracted and modeled to discover new business rules and to form new business strategies, let alone mining the business data in order to classify customers or products. In this paper, we investigate and analyze the business integration models in the context of web services using a micro-payment system because a micro-payment system is considered to be a service intensive activity, where many payment tasks involve different forms of services, such as payment method selection for buyers, security support software, product price comparison, etc. We will use the micro-payment case to discuss and illustrate how the web services approaches support and transform the business process and integration model.

    Accurate Reaction-Diffusion Operator Splitting on Tetrahedral Meshes for Parallel Stochastic Molecular Simulations

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    Spatial stochastic molecular simulations in biology are limited by the intense computation required to track molecules in space either in a discrete time or discrete space framework, meaning that the serial limit has already been reached in sub-cellular models. This calls for parallel simulations that can take advantage of the power of modern supercomputers; however exact methods are known to be inherently serial. We introduce an operator splitting implementation for irregular grids with a novel method to improve accuracy, and demonstrate potential for scalable parallel simulations in an initial MPI version. We foresee that this groundwork will enable larger scale, whole-cell stochastic simulations in the near future.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figure

    A fundamental approach to adhesion: Synthesis, surface analysis, thermodynamics and mechanics

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    Various surface preparations for titanium 6-4 alloy were studied. An anodizing method was investigated, and compared with the results of other chemical treatments, namely, phosphate/fluoride, Pasa-Jell and Turco. The relative durability of the different surface treatments was assessed by monitoring changes in surface chemistry and morphology occasioned by aging at 505 K (450 F). Basic electron spectroscopic data were collected for polyimide and polyphenylquinoxaline adhesives and synthetic precursors. Fractographic studies were completed for several combinations of adherend, adhesive, and testing conditions

    Photon radiation effects on CdS/CuInSe2 thin film solar cells

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    The unknown tolerance of CuInSe2 cells to proton irradiation, was tested. It was shown that CdS/CuInSe2 solar cells have an inherent tolerance to irradiation by 1 MeV electrons up to at least 2 x 10 to the 16th power electrons/sq cm. Eleven, unencapsulated, 1 sq cm cells deposited on alumina substrates were irradiated with 1 MeV protons at normal incidence. The cells were exposed to six fluences ranging from 2.5 x 10 to the 10th power protons/sq cm to 5.0 x 10 to the 13th power protons/sq cm. After each interval of exposure, the cells were removed from the radiation chamber to undergo current/voltage characterization. It is shown that none of the cells electrical characteristics exhibited any degradation up to and including a fluence of 1 x 10 to the 11th power protons/sq cm. At fluences greater than this, the damage to the CuInSe2 cells V sub oc and fill factor (FF) was more severe than that exhibited by the Isc. The CuInSe2 cells proved to be approximately a factor of 50 more resistant to 1 MeV proton irradiation than silicon or gallium arsenide cells. Annealing of a CuInSe2 cell at 225 deg C for 6 minutes restored it to within 95% of its initial efficiency

    The Use of General Purpose Computer Programs to Derive Equations of Motion for Optimal Isolation Studies

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    Techniques were developed that utilize general purpose structural analysis computer programs to generate the equations of motion necessary for limiting performance studies. The methodology necessary to couple available general purpose finite element structural programs to a limiting performance capability was developed. Primary emphasis was given to the use of the general purpose program to develop equations of motion in a form that can be used by the limiting performance program

    Classical dynamics of the optomechanical modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring cavity

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    We consider a cavity optomechanical system consisting of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) interacting with two counterpropagating traveling-wave modes in an optical ring cavity. In contrast to the more familiar case where the condensate is driven by the standing-wave field of a high-QQ Fabry-P{\'e}rot cavity we find that both symmetric and antisymmetric collective density side modes of the BEC are mechanically excited by the light field. In the semiclassical, mean-field limit where the light field and the zero-momentum mode of the condensate are treated classically the system is found to exhibit a rich multistable behavior, including the appearance of isolated branches of solutions (isolas). We also present examples of the dynamics of the system as input parameters such as the frequency of the driving lasers are varied

    Lorentz and CPT Violating Chern-Simons Term in the Formulation of Functional Integral

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    We show that in the functional integral formalism the (finite) coefficient of the induced, Lorentz- and CPT-violating Chern-Simons term, arising from the Lorentz- and CPT-violating fermion sector, is undetermined.Comment: 5 pages, no figure, RevTe