2,839 research outputs found

    On the Approximability of Digraph Ordering

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    Given an n-vertex digraph D = (V, A) the Max-k-Ordering problem is to compute a labeling :V[k]\ell : V \to [k] maximizing the number of forward edges, i.e. edges (u,v) such that \ell(u) < \ell(v). For different values of k, this reduces to Maximum Acyclic Subgraph (k=n), and Max-Dicut (k=2). This work studies the approximability of Max-k-Ordering and its generalizations, motivated by their applications to job scheduling with soft precedence constraints. We give an LP rounding based 2-approximation algorithm for Max-k-Ordering for any k={2,..., n}, improving on the known 2k/(k-1)-approximation obtained via random assignment. The tightness of this rounding is shown by proving that for any k={2,..., n} and constant ε>0\varepsilon > 0, Max-k-Ordering has an LP integrality gap of 2 - ε\varepsilon for nΩ(1/loglogk)n^{\Omega\left(1/\log\log k\right)} rounds of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy. A further generalization of Max-k-Ordering is the restricted maximum acyclic subgraph problem or RMAS, where each vertex v has a finite set of allowable labels SvZ+S_v \subseteq \mathbb{Z}^+. We prove an LP rounding based 42/(2+1)2.3444\sqrt{2}/(\sqrt{2}+1) \approx 2.344 approximation for it, improving on the 222.8282\sqrt{2} \approx 2.828 approximation recently given by Grandoni et al. (Information Processing Letters, Vol. 115(2), Pages 182-185, 2015). In fact, our approximation algorithm also works for a general version where the objective counts the edges which go forward by at least a positive offset specific to each edge. The minimization formulation of digraph ordering is DAG edge deletion or DED(k), which requires deleting the minimum number of edges from an n-vertex directed acyclic graph (DAG) to remove all paths of length k. We show that both, the LP relaxation and a local ratio approach for DED(k) yield k-approximation for any k[n]k\in [n].Comment: 21 pages, Conference version to appear in ESA 201

    T1T_1- and T2T_2-spin relaxation time limitations of phosphorous donor electrons near crystalline silicon to silicon dioxide interface defects

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    A study of donor electron spins and spin--dependent electronic transitions involving phosphorous (31^{31}P) atoms in proximity of the (111) oriented crystalline silicon (c-Si) to silicon dioxide (SiO2_{2}) interface is presented for [31^{31}P] = 1015^{15} cm3\mathrm{cm}^{-3} and [31^{31}P] = 1016^{16} cm3\mathrm{cm}^{-3} at about liquid 4^4He temperatures (T=5T = 5 K15\mathrm{K} - 15 K\mathrm{K}). Using pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance (pEDMR), spin--dependent transitions between the \Phos donor state and two distinguishable interface states are observed, namely (i) \Pb centers which can be identified by their characteristic anisotropy and (ii) a more isotropic center which is attributed to E^\prime defects of the \sio bulk close to the interface. Correlation measurements of the dynamics of spin--dependent recombination confirm that previously proposed transitions between \Phos and the interface defects take place. The influence of these electronic near--interface transitions on the \Phos donor spin coherence time T2T_2 as well as the donor spin--lattice relaxation time T1T_1 is then investigated by comparison of spin Hahn--echo decay measurements obtained from conventional bulk sensitive pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance and surface sensitive pEDMR, as well as surface sensitive electrically detected inversion recovery experiments. The measurements reveal that both T2T_2 and T1T_1 of \Phos donor electrons spins in proximity of energetically lower interface states at T13T\leq 13 K are reduced by several orders of magnitude

    A Grid Computing Based Power System Monitoring Tool Using Gridgain

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    With the advancement of civilization, Power Sector is undergoing drastic upheavals. With the ever increasing demand and dependence on electric power, protection of power system against failures remains a major challenge, particularly against cascading failures that lead to blackouts. There is a great demand for power systems protection that is scattered all around the globe. Effective monitoring of the power system parameters is a prerequisite in providing effective control and protection schemas. This paper advocates the use of grid computing in power system monitoring which discusses the suitability of grid computing to address the requirements of distinguished power system protection. Albeit, the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is presently implied for monitoring power systems; yet it has its limitations. This paper proposes to use Grid Computing as an aid to the existing SCADA based power system monitoring & control framework and demonstrates is applicability by means of a grid based real-time power system monitoring system. The afore mentioned system has been deployed in desktop computers with GridGain 2.0 as middleware has been employed to set up the grid environment, all relevant details of the design framework has been shown

    Improving spanning trees by upgrading nodes

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    Poor survival outcomes in HER2 positive breast cancer patients with low grade, node negative tumours

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    We present a retrospective analysis on a cohort of low-grade, node-negative patients showing that human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status significantly affects the survival in this otherwise very good prognostic group. Our results provide support for the use of adjuvant trastuzumab in patients who are typically classified as having very good prognosis, not routinely offered standard chemotherapy, and who as such do not fit current UK prescribing guidelines for trastuzumab

    A long-term optical and X-ray ephemeris of the polar EK Ursae Majoris

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    We searched for long-term period changes in the polar EK UMa using new optical data and archival X-ray/EUV data. An optical ephemeris was derived from data taken remotely with the MONET/N telescope and compared with the X-ray ephemeris based on Einstein, Rosat, and EUVE data. A three-parameter fit to the combined data sets yields the epoch, the period, and the phase offset between the optical minima and the X-ray absorption dips. An added quadratic term is insignificant and sets a limit to the period change. The derived linear ephemeris is valid over 30 years and the common optical and X-ray period is P=0.0795440225(24) days. There is no evidence of long-term O-C variations or a period change over the past 17 years Delta P = -0.14+-0.50 ms. We suggest that the observed period is the orbital period and that the system is tightly synchronized. The limit on Delta P and the phase constancy of the bright part of the light curve indicate that O-C variations of the type seen in the polars DP Leo and HU Aqr or the pre-CV NN Ser do not seem to occur in EK UMa. The X-ray dips lag the optical minima by 9.5+-0.7 deg in azimuth, providing some insight into the accretion geometry.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Summary of Surface Swipe Sampling for Beryllium on Lead Bricks and Shielding

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    Approximately 25,000 lbs of lead bricks at Site 300 were assessed by the Site 300 Industrial Hygienis tand Health Physicist for potential contamination of beryllium and radiation for reuse. These lead bricks and shielding had been used as shielding material during explosives tests that included beryllium and depleted uranium. Based on surface swipe sampling that was performed between July 26 and October 11, 2010, specifically for beryllium, the use of a spray encapsulant was found to be an effective means to limit removable surface contamination to levels below the DOE release limit for beryllium, which is 0.2 mcg/100 cm{sup 2}. All the surface swipe sampling data for beryllium and a timeline of when the samples were collected (and a brief description) are presented in this report. On December 15, 2010, the lead bricks and shielding were surveyed with an ion chamber and indicated dose rates less than 0.05 mrem per hour on contact. This represents a dose rate consistent with natural background. An additional suevey was performed on February 8, 2011, using a GM survey instrument to estimate total activity on the lead bricks and shielding, confirming safe levels of radioactivity. The vendor is licensed to possess and work with radioactive material