571 research outputs found

    Debating privacy and ICT

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    Over uitbesteding van voedingsverzorging in de zorgsector

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    In het bedrijfsleven en ook bij de overheid valt een trend van steeds verdergaande uitbesteding van activiteiten waar te nemen. Daaraan gerelateerd is of men zo'n activiteit tot de kernactiviteiten rekent. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de stand van zaken m.b.t. uitbesteding als fenomeen bij voedingsverzorging in de zorgsector. Daarbij wordt een relatie gelegd met het instellingsbeleid, waarin de status van voedingsverzorging als al dan niet kernactiviteit voor het primaire zorgprodukt, wordt vastgelegd. De belangrijkste factoren, welke men op directieniveau relevant acht bij uitbestedingsbeslissingen, worden geïdentificeerd en er wordt een beslissingsondersteunend model voor uitbesteding gepresenteerd en aan de praktijk getoetst. Opmerkelijke uitkomst is dat kostenoverwegingen daarbij een relatief lage prioriteit innemen. Dit werk is gebaseerd op de resultaten van een enquete- en diepteinterviews bij ziekenhuizen, verpleeginrichtingen en bejaardentehuizen. Verschillen tussen deze deelsectoren zullen worden bediscussieerd. Tevens wordt uitbesteding in de zorgsector van voedingsverzorging vergeleken met het algemene beeld van uitbesteding van activiteiten in ons land

    Nonlinear hydrodynamical evolution of rotating relativistic stars: Numerical methods and code tests

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    We present numerical hydrodynamical evolutions of rapidly rotating relativistic stars, using an axisymmetric, nonlinear relativistic hydrodynamics code. We use four different high-resolution shock-capturing (HRSC) finite-difference schemes (based on approximate Riemann solvers) and compare their accuracy in preserving uniformly rotating stationary initial configurations in long-term evolutions. Among these four schemes, we find that the third-order PPM scheme is superior in maintaining the initial rotation law in long-term evolutions, especially near the surface of the star. It is further shown that HRSC schemes are suitable for the evolution of perturbed neutron stars and for the accurate identification (via Fourier transforms) of normal modes of oscillation. This is demonstrated for radial and quadrupolar pulsations in the nonrotating limit, where we find good agreement with frequencies obtained with a linear perturbation code. The code can be used for studying small-amplitude or nonlinear pulsations of differentially rotating neutron stars, while our present results serve as testbed computations for three-dimensional general-relativistic evolution codes.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    High Order Upwind Schemes for Multidimensional Magnetohydrodynamics

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    A general method for constructing high order upwind schemes for multidimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), having as a main built-in condition the divergence-free constraint \divb=0 for the magnetic field vector \bb, is proposed. The suggested procedure is based on {\em consistency} arguments, by taking into account the specific operator structure of MHD equations with respect to the reference Euler equations of gas-dynamics. This approach leads in a natural way to a staggered representation of the \bb field numerical data where the divergence-free condition in the cell-averaged form, corresponding to second order accurate numerical derivatives, is exactly fulfilled. To extend this property to higher order schemes, we then give general prescriptions to satisfy a (r+1)th(r+1)^{th} order accurate \divb=0 relation for any numerical \bb field having a rthr^{th} order interpolation accuracy. Consistency arguments lead also to a proper formulation of the upwind procedures needed to integrate the induction equations, assuring the exact conservation in time of the divergence-free condition and the related continuity properties for the \bb vector components. As an application, a third order code to simulate multidimensional MHD flows of astrophysical interest is developed using ENO-based reconstruction algorithms. Several test problems to illustrate and validate the proposed approach are finally presented.Comment: 34 pages, including 14 figure

    Solving One Dimensional Scalar Conservation Laws by Particle Management

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    We present a meshfree numerical solver for scalar conservation laws in one space dimension. Points representing the solution are moved according to their characteristic velocities. Particle interaction is resolved by purely local particle management. Since no global remeshing is required, shocks stay sharp and propagate at the correct speed, while rarefaction waves are created where appropriate. The method is TVD, entropy decreasing, exactly conservative, and has no numerical dissipation. Difficulties involving transonic points do not occur, however inflection points of the flux function pose a slight challenge, which can be overcome by a special treatment. Away from shocks the method is second order accurate, while shocks are resolved with first order accuracy. A postprocessing step can recover the second order accuracy. The method is compared to CLAWPACK in test cases and is found to yield an increase in accuracy for comparable resolutions.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equation

    Dispersive wave runup on non-uniform shores

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    Historically the finite volume methods have been developed for the numerical integration of conservation laws. In this study we present some recent results on the application of such schemes to dispersive PDEs. Namely, we solve numerically a representative of Boussinesq type equations in view of important applications to the coastal hydrodynamics. Numerical results of the runup of a moderate wave onto a non-uniform beach are presented along with great lines of the employed numerical method (see D. Dutykh et al. (2011) for more details).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 18 references. This preprint is submitted to FVCA6 conference proceedings. Other author papers can be downloaded at http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~dutykh