97 research outputs found

    Modeling of grating assisted standing wave microresonators for filter applications in integrated optics

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    A wide, multimode segment of a dielectric optical waveguide, enclosed by Bragg reflectors and evanescently coupled to adjacent port waveguides, can constitute the cavity in an integrated optical microresonator. It turns out that the device can be described adequately in terms of an approximate coupled mode theory model which involves only a few guided modes as basis fields. By reasoning along the coupled mode model, we motivate a simple design strategy for the resonator device. Rigorous two dimensional mode expansion simulations are applied to verify the predictions of the approximate model. The results exemplify the specific spectral response of the standing wave resonators. As refinements we discuss the single resonance of a device with nonsymmetrically detuned Bragg reflectors, and the cascading of two Fabry-Perot cavities, where the coupling across an intermediate shorter grating region establishes a power transfer characteristic that is suitable for an add-drop filter

    Spk untuk Menentukan Pemberian Pinjam Modal Kerja dengan Metode Topsis (Studi Kasus di Bank Sahabat Sampoerna)

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    Bank Sahabat Sampoerna merupakan lembaga keuangan bank yang menerima simpanan dalam bentuk tabungan,  giro  dan  deposito  serta  melayani  pinjaman  berupa  kredit.  Bank  Sahabat  Sampoerna  memiliki permasalahan terkait dengan pengelolaan pinjaman modal kerja, seperti penentuan pengajuan apakah seseorang tersebut  layak,  tidak  layak  atau  ditangguhkan  mendapatkan  pinjaman  modal  kerja.  Untuk  mengatasi  masalah tersebut  dapat  dibangun  Aplikasi  Sistem  Pendukung  Keputusan  Untuk  Menentukan  Pemberian  Pinjam  Modal Kerja Dengan Metode TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). Aplikasi ini memiliki  fitur  pengelolaan  data  pribadi  nasabah,  sistem  pengambilan keputusan.  Hasil  dari  sistem  ini  adalah laporan rekap peminjaman modal kerja USAha mikro. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu pihak bank sahabat sampoerna dalam memutuskan sebuah pengajuan pinjaman modal kerja layak, tidak layak, atau ditangguhkan. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini pengambilan keputusan untuk pengajuan modal kerja dapat dilakukan dengan mudah

    A study of slow light in 1D photonic crystals

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    Slow light (SL) states corresponding to wavelength regions near the bandgap edge of grating structure are known to show strong field enhancement. Such states may be excited efficiently by well-optimised adiabatic transitions in such structures, e.g., by slowly turning on the modulation depth. To study adiabatic excitations, a detailed research in 1D is performed to obtain insight into the relation between the device parameters and properties like enhancement and modal reflection. The results enable the design of an adiabatic device for efficient excitation of SL states in 1D. In addition of that, the effects of small wavelength variations as well as that of small fluctuations in the modulation depth of the grating have been investigated

    Pengaruh Entrepreneurship, Business Coaching, Mentoring dan Komunitas Kreatif terhadap Kinerja Industri Kreatif

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    This study aims to determine the influence of entrepreneurship, business coaching, mentoring and creative communities both simultaneously and partially to the creative industries performance. Entrepreneurship is reflected by the instrumental, prestigious, sociable, takeover, self-sufficiency, hard work, self-confidence, innovative, leadership, action oriented, simple thinking and focus on effort. While business coaching and mentoring is reflected by the forms of training and coaching activities provided by the government and others, the frequency of training and coaching, the duration of assessment and implementation. While the creative community is measured on four aspects, that are, the nature, membership, way of working and relationships with other communities. Performance is indicated by customer growth rate, customer satisfaction level, customer satisfaction level, number of new products, level of job satisfaction and productivity level. Collecting data is done through direct survey to the research object, the creative industry actors who are members of MCF (Malang Creative Fusion). The results show that entrepreneurship, business coaching, mentoring and creative community have simultaneously influence to the creative industries performance. Also, that four independent variables, partially, has positive significant influence to the creative industries performance. So, in order to achieve optimal creative industry performance, it is expected that entrepreneurship in each creative industry actors, collaboration and synergy of quadruple helix are improved.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kewiraswastaan, pembinaan bisnis, pendampingan dan komunitas kreatif baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap kinerja industri kreatif. Kewirausahaan direfleksikan melalui swadaya, prestisius, bersosialisasi, swadaya, swasembada, kerja keras, percaya diri, inovatif, kepemimpinan, berorientasi pada tindakan, berpikir sederhana dan fokus pada usaha. Sementara pembinaan dan pendampingan bisnis tercermin dari bentuk kegiatan pelatihan dan pembinaan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah dan pihak lain, frekuensi pelatihan dan pembinaan, lamanya penilaian dan pelaksanaannya. Sedangkan komunitas kreatif diukur pada empat aspek, yaitu sifat, keanggotaan, cara kerja dan hubungan dengan masyarakat lain. Kinerja ditunjukkan oleh tingkat pertumbuhan pelanggan, tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, jumlah produk baru, tingkat kepuasan kerja dan tingkat produktivitas. Mengumpulkan data dilakukan melalui survei langsung ke objek penelitian, pelaku industri kreatif yang tergabung dalam MCF (Malang Creative Fusion). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kewirausahaan, pembinaan bisnis, pendampingan dan komunitas kreatif berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kinerja industri kreatif. Selain itu, bahwa empat variabel independen, secara parsial, berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja industri kreatif. Jadi, untuk mencapai kinerja industri kreatif yang optimal, diharapkan kewiraswastaan di setiap pelaku industri kreatif, kolaborasi dan sinergi heliks empat kali ditingkatkan

    Metil Bromida (CH3Br) Sebagai Fumigan Hama Gudang Areca Nut Weevil (Araecerus Fascicullatus De Geer) (Coleoptera : Anthribidae) Pada Biji Pinang

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    This research aimed to know the apropriate concentration for controlling A. fasciculatus on severaldose and time exposure. This research was conducted in shading house of agriculture quarantinemain centre, Belawan Gedung Johor, ± 25 m above sea level, started on February to April 2014.This research used randomized complete design, with two factors and three the replicate, firts factorwas replication dose of Methyl Bromide (0 g/m3, 24 g/m3, 32g/m3and 40 g/m3) and second wastimeexposure ( 2 hours, 4 hours and 12 hours). The result showed that dose and time exposure of MethylBromide so significantly affected to mortality percentage, as well as interaction between twofactors. The best result showed on D3 (dose 40 g/m3) with mortality rate 85,16% and T3 (exposuretime 6 hours) with mortality rate 51,09%

    Comparison of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancies

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    The study aimed to compare the NLR (neutrophil lymphocyte ratio), MPV (meanplatelet volume), and PLR (platelet lymphocyte ratio) values in preeclampsiaand normotensive pregnancies. This was a retrospective case-control studyusing medical records of pregnancies between January 1, – December 31, 2019.A total 31 pregnancies with preeclampsia who met the inclusion and exclusioncriteria were involved in the study. As control, 31 normotensive pregnanciesrecruited by simple random sampling were used. The data were presented asmean ± standard deviation (SD) and analyzed by using SPSS program. Receiveroperating characteristic (ROC) curve were used to determine the optimal cutoff point for predicting preeclampsia. The NLR and MPV values of patients withpreeclampsia were significantly higher compare to normotensive pregnancy(p0.245). The result of AUC analysis showed that the NLR and MPVhave AUC values of 0.758 (95%CI:0.637-0.878; p=0.000) and 0.903 (95%CI:0.816-0.989; p=0.000), respectively. Further analysis showed that the optimal cut-offpoint for NLR was 4.0 (sensitivity of 64.5% and a specificity of 71.0%) and forMPV was 7.55 (sensitivity of 87.1% and specificity of 80.0%). In conclusion, theNLR and MPV values are significantly higher in preeclampsia. However, theMPV value has a better predictive value than NLR for preeclampsia

    Simulation of Electric Field Distribution on Meniscus of Electrospray with Zinc Oxide Material

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    Electrospray system had attracted attention of many researchers. It is due to easy to yield uniform thin film and possible for thin film mass production. The important parameters of electrospray process for getting uniform thin film are electric field distribution, surface substrate treatment and solvent properties. In this work, we observed electric field distribution on meniscus. Numerical work has carried out on this work. The material on meniscus used zinc oxide liquid properties. Voltage and walking distance between nozzle and substrate are the most important parameter to adjust electric field distribution. The decreasing walking distance with constant voltage yields increasing electric field distribution on meniscus. On vice versa, the increasing walking distance yields decreasing electric field distribution on meniscus. Increasing and decreasing voltage yields increasing and decreasing electric field distribution on meniscus, respectively
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