218 research outputs found

    Chirped pulse Raman amplification in warm plasma: towards controlling saturation

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    Stimulated Raman backscattering in plasma is potentially an efficient method of amplifying laser pulses to reach exawatt powers because plasma is fully broken down and withstands extremely high electric fields. Plasma also has unique nonlinear optical properties that allow simultaneous compression of optical pulses to ultra-short durations. However, current measured efficiencies are limited to several percent. Here we investigate Raman amplification of short duration seed pulses with different chirp rates using a chirped pump pulse in a preformed plasma waveguide. We identify electron trapping and wavebreaking as the main saturation mechanisms, which lead to spectral broadening and gain saturation when the seed reaches several millijoules for durations of 10's - 100's fs for 250 ps, 800 nm chirped pump pulses. We show that this prevents access to the nonlinear regime and limits the efficiency, and interpret the experimental results using slowly-varying-amplitude, current-averaged particle-in-cell simulations. We also propose methods for achieving higher efficiencies.close0

    Analysis of forced vibrations of conveyor belts

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    The paper presents the study of forced transverse vibrations of conveyor belts. Those are caused by rollers having an eccentricity, which originates either from production errors or transported material sticking to bearing rollers of the lower conveyor branch. The dynamic behavior of the belt was analyzed by solving a boundary problem described by differential equations expressed in partial derivatives and corresponding boundary conditions. The solution helped to determine modal parameters of the system - eigenfrequencies and eigenforms of vibrations, which, in their main modes, would be the basis of practical recommendations for selecting such parameters of conveyor systems and their operational modes which could prevent the system from getting into a resonance state. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Dynamics of the Universal Area-Preserving Map Associated with Period Doubling: Hyperbolic Sets

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    It is known that the famous Feigenbaum-Coullet-Tresser period doubling universality has a counterpart for area-preserving maps of {\fR}^2. A renormalization approach has been used in \cite{EKW1} and \cite{EKW2} in a computer-assisted proof of existence of a "universal" area-preserving map FF_* -- a map with orbits of all binary periods 2^k, k \in \fN. In this paper, we consider maps in some neighbourhood of FF_* and study their dynamics. We first demonstrate that the map FF_* admits a "bi-infinite heteroclinic tangle": a sequence of periodic points {zk}\{z_k\}, k \in \fZ, |z_k| \converge{{k \to \infty}} 0, \quad |z_k| \converge{{k \to -\infty}} \infty, whose stable and unstable manifolds intersect transversally; and, for any N \in \fN, a compact invariant set on which FF_* is homeomorphic to a topological Markov chain on the space of all two-sided sequences composed of NN symbols. A corollary of these results is the existence of {\it unbounded} and {\it oscillating} orbits. We also show that the third iterate for all maps close to FF_* admits a horseshoe. We use distortion tools to provide rigorous bounds on the Hausdorff dimension of the associated locally maximal invariant hyperbolic set: 0.7673 \ge {\rm dim}_H(\cC_F) \ge \varepsilon \approx 0.00044 e^{-1797}.$

    Centrality of the Umbilical Cord Insertion in a Human Placenta Influences the Placental Efficiency☆

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    We assess the effect on placental efficiency of the non-centrality of the umbilical cord insertion and on chorionic vascular distribution to determine if cord centrality measurably affects placental function as reflected in birth weight

    Placental surface shape, function, and effects of maternal and fetal vascular pathology

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    In clinical practice, variability of placental surface shape is common. We measure the average placental shape in a birth cohort and the effect deviations from the average have on placental functional efficiency. We test whether altered placental shape improves the specificity of histopathology diagnoses of maternal uteroplacental and feto-placental vascular pathology for clinical outcomes

    On the Hyperbolicity of Lorenz Renormalization

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    We consider infinitely renormalizable Lorenz maps with real critical exponent α>1\alpha>1 and combinatorial type which is monotone and satisfies a long return condition. For these combinatorial types we prove the existence of periodic points of the renormalization operator, and that each map in the limit set of renormalization has an associated unstable manifold. An unstable manifold defines a family of Lorenz maps and we prove that each infinitely renormalizable combinatorial type (satisfying the above conditions) has a unique representative within such a family. We also prove that each infinitely renormalizable map has no wandering intervals and that the closure of the forward orbits of its critical values is a Cantor attractor of measure zero.Comment: 63 pages; 10 figure

    An ultra-high gain and efficient amplifier based on Raman amplification in plasma

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    Raman amplification arising from the excitation of a density echelon in plasma could lead to amplifiers that significantly exceed current power limits of conventional laser media. Here we show that 1-100 J pump pulses can amplify picojoule seed pulses to nearly joule level. The extremely high gain also leads to significant amplification of backscattered radiation from "noise", arising from stochastic plasma fluctuations that competes with externally injected seed pulses, which are amplified to similar levels at the highest pump energies. The pump energy is scattered into the seed at an oblique angle with 14 J sr(-1), and net gains of more than eight orders of magnitude. The maximum gain coefficient, of 180 cm(-1), exceeds high-power solid-state amplifying media by orders of magnitude. The observation of a minimum of 640 J sr(-1) directly backscattered from noise, corresponding to approximate to 10% of the pump energy in the observation solid angle, implies potential overall efficiencies greater than 10%