30,806 research outputs found

    Von Neumann spin measurements with Rashba fields

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    We show that dynamics in spin-orbit coupling field simulates the von Neumann measurement of a particle spin. We demonstrate how the measurement influences the spin and coordinate evolution of a particle by comparing two examples of such a procedure. First example is a simultaneous measurement of spin components, σx\sigma _{x} and σy\sigma _{y}, corresponding to non-commuting operators, which cannot be accurately obtained together at a given time instant due to the Heisenberg uncertainty ratio. By mapping spin dynamics onto a spatial walk such a procedure determines measurement-time averages of σx\sigma _{x} and σy\sigma _{y}, which already can be precisely evaluated in a single short-time measurement. The other, qualitatively different, example is the spin of a one-dimensional particle in a magnetic field. Here the outcome depends on the angle between the spin-orbit coupling and magnetic fields. These results can be applied to studies of spin-orbit coupled cold atoms and electrons in solids.Comment: 6 figure

    Density Functional Theory versus the Hartree Fock Method: Comparative Assessment

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    We compare two different approaches to investigations of many-electron systems. The first is the Hartree-Fock (HF) method and the second is the Density Functional Theory (DFT). Overview of the main features and peculiar properties of the HF method are presented. A way to realize the HF method within the Kohn-Sham (KS) approach of the DFT is discussed. We show that this is impossible without including a specific correlation energy, which is defined by the difference between the sum of the kinetic and exchange energies of a system considered within KS and HF, respectively. It is the nonlocal exchange potential entering the HF equations that generates this correlation energy. We show that the total correlation energy of a finite electron system, which has to include this correlation energy, cannot be obtained from considerations of uniform electron systems. The single-particle excitation spectrum of many-electron systems is related to the eigenvalues of the corresponding KS equations. We demonstrate that this spectrum does not coincide in general with the eigenvalues of KS or HF equations.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex, no figure

    Absolute Continuity Theorem for Random Dynamical Systems on RdR^d

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    In this article we provide a proof of the so called absolute continuity theorem for random dynamical systems on RdR^d which have an invariant probability measure. First we present the construction of local stable manifolds in this case. Then the absolute continuity theorem basically states that for any two transversal manifolds to the family of local stable manifolds the induced Lebesgue measures on these transversal manifolds are absolutely continuous under the map that transports every point on the first manifold along the local stable manifold to the second manifold, the so-called Poincar\'e map or holonomy map. In contrast to known results, we have to deal with the non-compactness of the state space and the randomness of the random dynamical system.Comment: 46 page

    Angular distributions of secondary electrons in fast particle-atom scattering

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    We present the angular distribution of electrons knocked out from an atom in a fast charge particle collision at small momentum transfer. It is determined not only by dipole but also by quadrupole transitions, the contribution of which can be considerably enhanced as compared to the case of photoionization. There the non-dipole parameters are suppressed as compared to the dipole ones by the parameter \omega R/c << 1, where is the photon energy, R is the ionized shell radius and c is the speed of light. This suppression in fast electron-atom collisions can be considerably reduced: the corresponding expansion parameter \omega R/ \nu << 1 is much bigger than in photoionization, since the speed of the incoming electron is much smaller than c. In formation of the angular distribution it is decisively important that the ionizing field in collision process is longitudinal, while in photoionization - it is transversal. We illustrate the general formulas by concrete results for outer s-, p-, and some nd-subshells of multi-electron noble gas atoms Ar, Kr and Xe, at several transferred momentum values: q=0.0, 0.1, 1.1, 2.1. Even for very small transferred momentum q, i.e. in the so-called optical limit, the deviations from the photoionization case are prominent.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1012.5465 and arXiv:1108.101

    The Spin(7)Spin(7)-structures on complex line bundles and explicit Riemannian metrics with SU(4)-holonomy

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    We completely explore the system of ODE's which is equivalent to the existence of a parallel Spin(7)Spin(7)-structure on the cone over a 7-dimensional 3-Sasakian manifold. The one-dimensional family of solutions of this system is constructed. The solutions of this family correspond to metrics with holonomy SU(4) which generalize the Calabi metrics.Comment: 11 page

    Quantum Teleportation Using Quantum Non-Demolition Technique

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    We propose a new scheme and protocol for quantum teleportation of a single-mode field state, based on entanglement produced by quantum non-demolition interaction. We show that the recently attained results in QND technique allow to perform the teleportation in quantum regime. We also show that applying QND coupling to squeezed fields will significantly improve the quality of teleportation for a given degree of squeezing.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 figure

    Motion of a Vector Particle in a Curved Space-time. IV. Asymptotical shape of caustic

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    The studies of influence of spin on a photon motion in a Schwartzschild spacetime is continued. In the previous paper [2] the first order correction to the geodesic motion is reduced to a non-uniform linear ordinary differential equation and the equation obtained has been solved by the standard method of integration of the Green function. If each photon draws a world line specified by this solution then light rays from infinitely distant source form a caustic which does not appear without the spin-gravity interaction. The goal of the present work is to obtain explicit form of caustic.Comment: 6 page