67 research outputs found

    Nature of yrast excitations near N=40: Level structure of Ni-67

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    Excited states in Ni-67 were populated in deep-inelastic reactions of a Ni-64 beam at 430 MeV on a thick U-238 target. A level scheme built on the previously known 13 micro-s isomer has been delineated up to an excitation energy of ~5.3 MeV and a tentative spin and parity of (21/2-). Shell model calculations have been carried out using two effective interactions in the f5/2pg9/2 model space with a Ni-56 core. Satisfactory agreement between experiment and theory is achieved for the measured transition energies and branching ratios. The calculations indicate that the yrast states are associated with rather complex configurations, herewith demonstrating the relative weakness of the N=40 subshell gap and the importance of multi particle-hole excitations involving the g9/2 neutron orbital.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review

    Lifetime measurements of excited states in neutron-rich nuclei around 48 Ca

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    The lifetimes of the first excited states of the N = 30 isotones 50Ca and 51Sc and the Z = 18 isotopes 44−46Ar isotopes have been determined using a novel technique that combines the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift method with the CLARA-PRISMA spectrometers in multinucleon transfer reactions. The results allow determinination of the effective charges above 48Ca and test the strength of the N = 28 magic number when moving away from the stability line.Gadea Raga, Andrés, [email protected] ; Algora, Alejandro, [email protected] ; Rubio Barroso, Berta, [email protected]

    Shell-model states with seniority ν=3, 5, and 7 in odd- A neutron-rich Sn isotopes

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    Excited states with seniority ν=3, 5, and 7 have been investigated in odd neutron-rich Sn119,121,123,125 isotopes produced by fusion-fission of 6.9-MeV/ACa48 beams with Pb208 and U238 targets and by fission of a U238 target bombarded with 6.7-MeV/ANi64 beams. Level schemes have been established up to high spin and excitation energies in excess of 6 MeV, based on multifold gamma-ray coincidence relationships measured with the Gammasphere array. In the analysis, the presence of isomers was exploited to identify gamma rays and propose transition placements using prompt and delayed coincidence techniques. Gamma decays of the known 27/2- isomers were expanded by identifying new deexcitation paths feeding 23/2+ long-lived states and 21/2+ levels. Competing branches in the decay of 23/2- states toward two 19/2- levels were delineated as well. In Sn119, a new 23/2+ isomer was identified, while a similar 23/2+ long-lived state, proposed earlier in Sn121, has now been confirmed. In both cases, isomeric half-lives were determined with good precision. In the range of ν=3 excitations, the observed transitions linking the various states enabled one to propose with confidence spin-parity assignments for all the observed states. Above the 27/2- isomers, an elaborate structure of negative-parity levels was established reaching the (39/2-), ν=7 states, with tentative spin-parity assignments based on the observed deexcitation paths as well as on general yrast population arguments. In all the isotopes under investigation, strongly populated sequences of positive-parity (35/2+), (31/2+), and (27/2+) states were established, feeding the 23/2+ isomers via cascades of three transitions. In the Sn121,123 isotopes, these sequences also enabled the delineation of higher-lying levels, up to (43/2+) states. In Sn123, a short half-life was determined for the (35/2+) state. Shell-model calculations were carried out for all the odd Sn isotopes, from Sn129 down to Sn119, and the results were found to reproduce the experimental level energies rather well. Nevertheless, some systematic deviations between calculated and experimental energies, especially for positive-parity states, point to the need to improve some of the two-body interactions used in calculations. The computed wave-function amplitudes provide for a fairly transparent interpretation of the observed level structures. The systematics of level energies over the broad A = 117-129 range of Sn isotopes displays a smooth decrease with mass A, and the observed regularity confirms most of the proposed spin-parity assignments. The systematics of the B(E2) reduced transition probabilities extracted for the 23/2+ and 19/2+ isomers is discussed with an emphasis on the close similarity of the observed A dependence with that of the E2 transition rates established for other ν=2, 3, and 4 isomers in the Sn isotopic chain

    Nature of yrast excitations near N=40: Level structure of 67 Ni

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    Excited states in 67Ni were populated in deep-inelastic reactions of a 64Ni beam at 430 MeV on a thick 238U target. A level scheme built on the previously known 13-μs isomer has been delineated up to an excitation energy of 5.3 MeV and a tentative spin and parity of (21/2-). Shell model calculations have been carried out using two effective interactions in the f5/2pg9/2 model space with a 56Ni core. Satisfactory agreement between experiment and theory is achieved for the measured transition energies and branching ratios. The calculations indicate that the yrast states are associated with rather complex configurations, herewith demonstrating the relative weakness of the N=40 subshell gap and the importance of multi-particle-hole excitations involving the g9/2 neutron orbital

    Yrast structure of Fe64

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    The level structure of the N=38 isotone Fe64 was studied with the Ni64 + U238 reaction at 430 MeV. Several new levels were identified and compared to shell model calculations. Results show no evidence for deformation in the ground state, but a possible contribution from intruder orbitals at higher energy and spin

    Spectroscopic study of the 64,66,68Ni isotopes populated in 64Ni + 238U collisions

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    Excited states in 64Ni, 66Ni, and 68Ni were populated in quasielastic and deep-inelastic reactions of a 430-MeV 64Ni beam on a thick 238U target. Level schemes including many nonyrast states were established up to respective excitation energies of 6.8, 8.2, and 7.8 MeV on the basis of γ-ray coincidence events measured with the Gammasphere array. Spin-parity assignments were deduced from an angular-correlation analysis and from observed γ-decay patterns, but information from earlier γ-spectroscopy and nuclear-reaction studies was used as well. The spin assignments for nonyrast states were supported further by their observed population pattern in quasielastic reactions selected through a cross-coincidence technique. Previously established isomeric-state decays in 66Ni and 68Ni were verified and delineated more extensively through a delayed-coincidence analysis. A number of new states located above these long-lived states were identified. Shell-model calculations were carried out in the p3/2f5/2p 1/2g9/2 model space with two effective interactions using a 56Ni core. Satisfactory agreement between experimental and computed level energies was achieved, even though the calculations indicate that all the states are associated with rather complex configurations. This complexity is illustrated through the discussion of the structure of the negative-parity states and of the M1 decays between them. The best agreement between data and calculations was achieved for 68Ni, the nucleus where the calculated states have the simplest structure. In this nucleus, the existence of two low-spin states reported recently was confirmed as well. Results of the present study do not indicate any involvement of collective degrees of freedom and confirm the validity of a shell-model description in terms of neutron excitations combined with a closed Z = 28 proton shell. Further improvements to the calculations are desirable

    Influence of the νg9/2 orbital on level structures of neutron-rich Mn61,62,36,37

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    Level structures in Mn61,62, 36,37 were studied with Gammasphere in the reaction of a 430-MeV Ni64 beam and a thick U238 target. The newly identified levels decrease in excitation energy compared to the analogous structures in the lighter Mn isotopes and behave similarly to states in the corresponding Fe isotones that involve g9/2 neutron excitations. This behavior illustrates the importance of the inclusion of the νg9/2 orbital in any realistic shell-model calculations in this region

    Two-neutron and core-excited states in Pb 210: Tracing E3 collectivity and evidence for a new β -decaying isomer in Tl 210

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    Yrast and near-yrast levels up to an I=17 spin value and a 6-MeV excitation energy have been delineated in the "two-neutron" Pb210 nucleus following deep-inelastic reactions involving Pb208 targets and a number of heavy-ion beams at energies ∼25% above the Coulomb barrier. The level scheme was established on the basis of multifold prompt and delayed coincidence relationships measured with the Gammasphere array. In addition to the previously known states, many new levels were identified. For most of the strongly populated states, spin-parity assignments are proposed on the basis of angular distributions. The reinvestigation of the ν(g9/2)2, 8+ isomeric decay results in the firm identification of the low-energy E2 transitions involved in the 8+→6+→4+ cascade, and in a revised 6+ level half-life of 92(10) ns, nearly a factor of 2 longer than previously measured. Among the newly identified states figure spin I=4-10 levels associated with the νg9/2i11/2 multiplet, as well as yrast states involving νg9/2j15/2, νi11/2j15/2, and ν(j15/2)2 neutron couplings. The highest-spin excitations are understood as 1p-1h core excitations and the yrast population is found to be fragmented to the extent that levels of spin higher than I=17 could not be reached. Four E3 transitions are present in the Pb210 yrast decay; three of these involve the g9/2→j15/2 octupole component, as reflected in the 21(2) and >10 Weisskopf unit enhancements of the B(E3) rates of the first two. The fourth, 16+→13-E3 transition corresponds to the 3- core octupole excitation built on the νi11/2j15/2 state, in analogy to a similar E3 coupling to the νj15/2 level in Pb209. Shell-model calculations performed for two-neutron states and 1p-1h Pb208 core excitations are in good agreement with the data. Evidence was found for the existence of a hitherto unknown high-spin β-decaying isomer in Tl210. Shell-model calculations of the Tl210 levels suggest the possibility of a 11+ long-lived, β-decaying state, and the delayed yields observed in various reactions fit rather well with a Tl210 assignment

    Structure of 60,62Fe and the onset of νg9/2 occupancy

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    Level structures in 60,62Fe34,36 and adjacent nuclei were studied with Gammasphere using the reaction of a 430-MeV 64Ni beam on a 55-mg/cm2 thick 238U target. High-spin level schemes were deduced from singlyand doubly-gated prompt coincidence events. Levels populated in the β decay of 60,62Mn isomers were studied in singly- and doubly-gated delayed coincidences. Spin and parity assignments were deduced from angular correlations of γ rays observed in both nuclei, leading to firm positive-parity yrast assignments up through 8+ in 62Fe. The observed levels for 60Fe up to ~3.5 MeV compare well with pf shell-model calculations available in the literature. Calculations performed in a limited pfg basis exhibit reasonable agreement for the 2+, 4+, and 6+ levels in 62Fe. However, theoretical descriptions that include the newly identified negative-parity levels in 62Fe require a much larger basis, necessarily including g9/2 neutrons, as well as improved interactions leading to negative-parity levels

    Core-coupled protons, f7/2 intruder states, and competing g 9/2 proton and neutron structures in 65,67Cu

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    The nuclei 65,67Cu were studied in reactions between a 430-MeV 64Ni beam and a thick 238U target with the Gammasphere array. Decay schemes for both nuclei have been extended, with spin and parity assignments of observed states constrained by measured γ-ray angular distributions and correlations. Positive-parity level structures, based on p3/2 protons coupled to negative-parity states in the Ni cores, have been identified above the known 9/2+ states. In 67Cu, a negative-parity dipole band built upon a πf7/2-1 state has been observed, as were two shorter negative-parity sequences. A qualitative description of the level structures has been obtained through comparison with systematics of the odd-A57-71Cu isotopes and with states in the neighboring even-even Ni and Zn cores. Shell-model calculations using JUN45 and jj44b effective interactions were performed for 65,67Cu, with jj44b providing overall better agreement with the data. Both are limited, however, by the restriction that the f7/2 and g9/2 orbitals are not available simultaneously in the basis. Proton f7/2 and neutron g9/2 orbitals are required for the full negative-parity spectrum of states, while g9/2 protons and neutrons are both important for positive-parity levels. The latter states are found to be better described in terms of weak coupling of a proton to the Ni core