42,963 research outputs found

    SOS-convex Semi-algebraic Programs and its Applications to Robust Optimization: A Tractable Class of Nonsmooth Convex Optimization

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    In this paper, we introduce a new class of nonsmooth convex functions called SOS-convex semialgebraic functions extending the recently proposed notion of SOS-convex polynomials. This class of nonsmooth convex functions covers many common nonsmooth functions arising in the applications such as the Euclidean norm, the maximum eigenvalue function and the least squares functions with â„“1\ell_1-regularization or elastic net regularization used in statistics and compressed sensing. We show that, under commonly used strict feasibility conditions, the optimal value and an optimal solution of SOS-convex semi-algebraic programs can be found by solving a single semi-definite programming problem (SDP). We achieve the results by using tools from semi-algebraic geometry, convex-concave minimax theorem and a recently established Jensen inequality type result for SOS-convex polynomials. As an application, we outline how the derived results can be applied to show that robust SOS-convex optimization problems under restricted spectrahedron data uncertainty enjoy exact SDP relaxations. This extends the existing exact SDP relaxation result for restricted ellipsoidal data uncertainty and answers the open questions left in [Optimization Letters 9, 1-18(2015)] on how to recover a robust solution from the semi-definite programming relaxation in this broader setting

    Density-functional investigation of the rhombohedral to simple cubic phase transition of arsenic

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    We report on our investigation of the crystal structure of arsenic under compression, focusing primarily on the pressure-induced A7 to simple cubic (sc) phase transition. The two-atom rhombohedral unit cell is subjected to pressures ranging from 0 GPa to 200 GPa; for each given pressure, cell lengths and angles, as well as atomic positions, are allowed to vary until the fully relaxed structure is obtained. We find that the nearest and next-nearest neighbor distances give the clearest indication of the occurrence of a structural phase transition. Calculations are performed using the local density approximation (LDA) and the PBE and PW91 generalized gradient approximations (GGA-PBE and GGA-PW91) for the exchange-correlation functional. The A7 to sc transition is found to occur at 21+/-1 GPa in the LDA, at 28+/-1 GPa in the GGA-PBE and at 29+/-1 GPa in the GGA-PW91; no volume discontinuity is observed across the transition in any of the three cases. We use k-point grids as dense as 66X66X66 to enable us to present reliably converged results for the A7 to sc transition of arsenic.Comment: To be published in Physical Review B; material supplementary to this article is available at arXiv:0810.169

    Time-dependent universal conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic Au wires: implications

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    In cold, mesoscopic conductors, two-level fluctuators lead to time-dependent universal conductance fluctuations (TDUCF) manifested as 1/f1/f noise. In Au nanowires, we measure the magnetic field dependence of TDUCF, weak localization (WL), and magnetic field-driven (MF) UCF before and after treatments that alter magnetic scattering and passivate surface fluctuators. Inconsistencies between LÏ•WLL_{\phi}^{\rm WL} and LÏ•TDUCFL_{\phi}^{\rm TDUCF} strongly suggest either that the theory of these mesoscopic phenomena in weakly disordered, highly pure Au is incomplete, or that the assumption that the TDUCF frequency dependence remains 1/f1/f to very high frequencies is incorrect. In the latter case, TDUCF in excess of 1/f1/f expectations may have implications for decoherence in solid-state qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted to PR

    Information Erasure and Recover in Quantum Memory

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    We show that information in quantum memory can be erased and recovered perfectly if it is necessary. That the final states of environment are completely determined by the initial states of the system allows that an easure operation can be realized by a swap operation between system and an ancilla. Therefore, the erased information can be recoverd. When there is an irreversible process, e.g. an irreversible operation or a decoherence process, in the erasure process, the information would be erased perpetually. We present that quantum erasure will also give heat dissipation in environment. And a classical limit of quantum erasure is given which coincides with Landauer's erasure principle.Comment: PACS: 0365.Bz. 03.67.Hk;3page

    Cavity QED treatment of scattering-induced efficient free-space excitation and collection in high-Q whispering-gallery microcavities

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    Whispering-gallery microcavity laser possesses ultralow threshold, whereas convenient free-space optical excitation and collection suffer from low efficiencies due to its rotational symmetry. Here we analytically study a three-dimensional microsphere coupled to a nano-sized scatterer in the framework of quantum optics. It is found that the scatterer is capable of coupling light in and out of the whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) without seriously degrading their high-Q properties, while the microsphere itself plays the role of a lens to focus the input beam on the scatterer and vice versa. Our analytical results show that (1) the high-Q WGMs can be excited in free space, and (2) over 50% of the microcavity laser emission can be collected within less than 1∘{1}^{\circ}. This coupling system holds great potential for low threshold microlasers free of external couplers.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Building stock dynamics and its impacts on materials and energy demand in China

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    China hosts a large amount of building stocks, which is nearly 50 billion square meters. Moreover, annual new construction is growing fast, representing half of the world's total. The trend is expected to continue through the year 2050. Impressive demand for new residential and commercial construction, relative shorter average building lifetime, and higher material intensities have driven massive domestic production of energy intensive building materials such as cement and steel. This paper developed a bottom-up building stock turnover model to project the growths, retrofits and retirements of China's residential and commercial building floor space from 2010 to 2050. It also applied typical material intensities and energy intensities to estimate building materials demand and energy consumed to produce these building materials. By conducting scenario analyses of building lifetime, it identified significant potentials of building materials and energy demand conservation. This study underscored the importance of addressing building material efficiency, improving building lifetime and quality, and promoting compact urban development to reduce energy and environment consequences in China
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