95 research outputs found

    Feature paper in environmental chemistry and technology

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    Attention to the environment and its problems has undergone unprecedented growth in recent years [...]

    Platinum and Palladium Accumulation in Edible Mushroom Boletus aereus Bull. Growing in Unpolluted Soils of Sicily Region (Italy)

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    : Human exposure to certain metals occurs indirectly through diet. This study was conducted to determine the content of Pt and Pd in fruiting bodies of Boletus aereus Bull. collected from several wooded areas of Sicily with different substrates (sedimentary and volcanic) with limited anthropogenic influence. Determinations were performed by coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to quantify Pt and Pd. The concentrations of investigated Pt and Pd in mushroom samples ranged from 0.31 to 3.09 ng g-1 for palladium and 0.21 to 4.22 ng g-1 for platinum. The results of the present study suggest that commonly consumed Boletus aereus mushrooms do not accumulate significant levels of Pt and Pd as demonstrated by bioconcentration factor (BCF) values, and their content is lower than in other food products. Additionally, based on the calculated daily intake rates of Pt and Pd, it can be concluded that occasional consumption of fruiting bodies of B. aereus collected in Sicily is safe. The proposed methodological approach appears to be fully adequate for the reliable quantification of Pt and Pd. The data obtained in this investigation confirm that mushrooms are probative of a significant portion of the total exposure to PGEs due to the diet

    Determination of Water-Soluble Trace Elements in the PM10 and PM2.5 of Palermo Town (Italy)

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    This study contributes to the current knowledge on the solubility of trace elements in the atmospheric particulate matter of the urban area of Palermo. Daily sample filters of PM10 and PM2.5 were collected in monitoring stations within and outside the urban area, characterized by variable traffic density. The bulk of compositions in PM10 and PM2.5 were determined by ICP-MS. The water-soluble trace elements (WSTE) and major ion components of particulate matter were determined by ICP-MS and ion chromatography, respectively. A significant difference in the metals content was observed between the samples taken in urban areas and those from suburban areas. The calculated enrichment factor highlights the high values for Cu, Mo, Sb, V, and Zn, confirming the contribution of human activities. The leaching test was applied to PM10 and PM2.5 filters and showed different behaviors and transport of metals and metalloids. The calculated leaching coefficient highlights the metals typically produced by anthropic activities, compared to those of geogenic origin, are much more soluble in water and have greater mobility. The factor analysis was used to identify the sources of water-soluble ions. The main sources are anthropic, geogenic, and sea spray. The final objective of this study is to obtain, with the aid of leaching experiments on PM2.5 and PM10 filter samples, information about the bioavailability and mobility of the different metals and metalloids that could be used as the scientific basis for public health intervention and to raise the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in the urban environment, especially in densely populated areas

    Influence of Saharan Dust on the Composition of Urban Aerosols in Palermo City (Italy)

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    The Mediterranean Basin is involved in a recurring phenomenon wherein air masses laden with dust from North Africa impact the southern regions of the European continent. Saharan dust has been associated with increased mortality and respiratory symptoms. Palermo is a large coastal city, and in addition to the impact of desert dust particles, it has a mixture of anthropogenic sources of pollutants. In this study, we collected Saharan dust samples during August 2022 and October 2023, following a high-intensity Saharan dust event, and measured concentrations of 33 major and trace elements as well as Rare Earth Elements (REE). The mineralogical characterization of the deposition dust collected during Saharan events revealed calcite, dolomite, quartz, and clay minerals. The presence of palygorskite is indicative of Saharan events. Seven elements (Ca, Mg, Al, Ti, Fe, K, and Na) account for 98% of the total analyzed inorganic burden. Elemental ratios are valuable tools in atmospheric sciences for estimating sources of air masses. The results highlight that the city of Palermo is mainly affected by dust from the north-western Sahara

    Metals distribution in the organic and inorganic fractions of soil: a case study on soils from Sicily

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    AbstractThe content of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, has been determined in the organic and inorganic fraction of eight soil samples from Sicily. A modified type-Tessier sequential extraction procedure has been used to recognize metals in five different fractions categorised as follows: (a) exchangeable metals, (b) metals bound to carbonates, (c) metals bound to iron and manganese oxides, (d) metals bound to organic matter, and (e) metals in residual fraction. The mineralogical composition of soils samples was characterized by X-ray diffraction. Humic substances were extracted by means of an alkaline extraction procedure. It has been found that both the mineralogical composition and the different content of humic fraction of organic matter in the soils investigated are responsible for the observed trace metal distribution. The obtained data show that a significant amount of trace metals is bound to the organic fraction where different binding sites are present simultaneously. In particular, Pb an..

    Circulating S100B and Adiponectin in Children Who Underwent Open Heart Surgery and Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Background. S100B protein, previously proposed as a consolidated marker of brain damage in congenital heart disease (CHD) newborns who underwent cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), has been progressively abandoned due to S100B CNS extra-source such as adipose tissue. The present study investigated CHD newborns, if adipose tissue contributes significantly to S100B serum levels. Methods. We conducted a prospective study in 26 CHD infants, without preexisting neurological disorders, who underwent cardiac surgery and CPB in whom blood samples for S100B and adiponectin (ADN) measurement were drawn at five perioperative time-points. Results. S100B showed a significant increase from hospital admission up to 24 h after procedure reaching its maximum peak (P0.05) have been found all along perioperative monitoring. ADN/S100B ratio pattern was identical to S100B alone with the higher peak at the end of CPB and remained higher up to 24 h from surgery. Conclusions. The present study provides evidence that, in CHD infants, S100B protein is not affected by an extra-source adipose tissue release as suggested by no changes in circulating ADN concentrations

    Characterizing the Atmospheric Mn Cycle and Its Impact on Terrestrial Biogeochemistry

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    The role of manganese (Mn) in ecosystem carbon (C) biogeochemical cycling is gaining increasing attention. While soil Mn is mainly derived from bedrock, atmospheric deposition could be a major source of Mn to surface soils, with implications for soil C cycling. However, quantification of the atmospheric Mn cycle, which comprises emissions from natural (desert dust, sea salts, volcanoes, primary biogenic particles, and wildfires) and anthropogenic sources (e.g., industrialization and land-use change due to agriculture), transport, and deposition, remains uncertain. Here, we use compiled emission data sets for each identified source to model and quantify the atmospheric Mn cycle by combining an atmospheric model and in situ atmospheric concentration measurements. We estimated global emissions of atmospheric Mn in aerosols (<10 mu m in aerodynamic diameter) to be 1,400 Gg Mn year(-1). Approximately 31% of the emissions come from anthropogenic sources. Deposition of the anthropogenic Mn shortened Mn "pseudo" turnover times in 1-m-thick surface soils (ranging from 1,000 to over 10,000,000 years) by 1-2 orders of magnitude in industrialized regions. Such anthropogenic Mn inputs boosted the Mn-to-N ratio of the atmospheric deposition in non-desert dominated regions (between 5 x 10(-5) and 0.02) across industrialized areas, but that was still lower than soil Mn-to-N ratio by 1-3 orders of magnitude. Correlation analysis revealed a negative relationship between Mn deposition and topsoil C density across temperate and (sub)tropical forests, consisting with atmospheric Mn deposition enhancing carbon respiration as seen in in situ biogeochemical studies

    Impact on air quality of the covid-19 lockdown in the urban area of Palermo (Italy)

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    At the end of 2019, the first cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were reported in Wuhan, China. Thereafter, the number of infected people increased rapidly, and the outbreak turned into a national crisis, with infected individuals all over the country. The COVID-19 global pandemic produced extreme changes in human behavior that affected air quality. Human mobility and production activities decreased significantly, and many regions recorded significant reductions in air pollution. The goal of our investigation was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the concentrations of the main air pollutants in the urban area of Palermo (Italy). In this study, the trends in the average concentrations of CO, NO2, O3, and PM10 in the air from 1 January 2020 to 31 July 2020 were compared with the corresponding average values detected at the same monitoring stations in Palermo during the previous five years (2015–2019). During the lockdown period (10 March–30 April), we observed a decrease in the concentrations of CO, NO2, and particulate matter (PM)10, calculated to be about 51%, 50%, and 45%, respectively. This confirms that air pollution in an urban area is predominantly linked to vehicular traffic

    \u3b413C variations in tree rings as an indication of severe changes in the urban air quality

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    Annual growth rings sampled from three free-standing trees (Platanus hybrida sp.), grew in the metropolitan area of Palermo (Italy) and covering a 118 years time span (1880-1998), have been studied for their 13C/12C carbon isotope ratios. It has been found that the 13C/12C tree ring record, during the study time interval, decreased of -3.6\u2030, from -26.4\u2030 in 1880 to -30\u2030 in 1998. Such a progressive depletion has been attributed to the addition of anthropogenic 13C depleted carbon dioxide to the local atmosphere. The observed 13C/12C decrease has been used to infer some possible pathways of atmospheric CO2 change in the study urban area
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