1,536 research outputs found

    Interpretation of the N2 LBH glow observed on the S3-4 spacecraft

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    Emissions in the vacuum ultraviolet Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) bands of N2 were observed at night from the S3-4 spacecraft and from the Space Shuttle. No atmospheric source of this emission was identified. Conway et al. have reported that the intensity of the S3-4 LBH emission varied as the cube power of the N2 or N2O concentration. A vehicle-atmosphere interaction was suggested as the source but it was found that the needed excitation cross section would have to be unacceptably large. Recent models of the gas concentration build-up around large space vehicles predict concentrations that may be consistent with the observe LBH intensity variation with altitude. The emission in the model is generated primarily by secondary collisional excitation by ambient N2 and/or O of desorbed metastable molecular constituents. A Chapman-like production function in the induced gaseous environment results in the observed cube power of the N2 concentration altitude variation. A cross section of approximately 2.5 x 10(-18) sq cm is required for excitation of desorbed metastable N2(A) to the N2 (a 1 Pi g) state to account for the observed intensities

    A compact imaging spectrometer for studies of space vehicle induced environment emissions

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    On the basis of spectral measurements made from the Space Shuttle and on models of the possible Space Station external environment, it appears likely that, even at the planned altitudes of Space Station, photon emissions will be induced. These emissions will occur to some degree throughout the UV-visible-IR spectrum. The emissions arise from a combination of processes including gas phase collisions between relatively energetic ambient and surface emitted or re-emitted atoms or molecules, where the surface raises some species to excited energy states. At present it is not possible to model these processes or the anticipated intensity levels with accuracy, as a number of fundamental parameters needed for such calculations are still poorly known or unknown. However, it is possible that certain spectral line and band features will exceed the desired goal that contaminant emissions not exceed the natural zodiacal background. However, in the near infrared and infrared, it appears that this level will be exceeded to a significant degree. Therefore it will be necessary to monitor emission levels in the vicinity of Space Station, both in order to establish the levels and to better model the environment. In this note, we briefly describe a small spectrometer that is suitable for monitoring the spectrum from 1200A to less than or approximately 12,000A. This instrument uses focal plane array detectors to image this full spectral range simultaneously. The spectral resolution is 4 to 12A, depending on the portion of the wavelength range

    Space station contamination study: Assessment of contaminant spectral brightness

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    The results presented show that spectral emissions which arise as a result of vehicle-ambient atmospheric interactions are significant and can become competitive with the natural zodiacal background up to altitudes as high as 400 km for the Vacuun Ultraviolet (VUV) and Visible Infrared Spectra (VIS) for the worst case conditions used. The empirical database on the induced environment of space vehicles is very sparse, and these results are based on a number of assumptions and cannot be regarded as definitive at the present time. Since the technique for doing calculations of this kind was developed in its preliminary form for the purpose of this study, a list of greatly improved estimates are provided of the contamination irradiances. Tasks which are considered most important in order to achieve a higher confidence level for the preliminary conclusions drawn are provided

    Space station contamination study: Assessment of contaminant spectral brightness

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    The assessment of spectral brightness resulting from the ambient-contaminant interaction requires a knowledge of the details of cross sections and excitation mechanisms. The approach adopted was to utilize the spectral brightness measurements made on Spacelab 1 and on the S3-4 spacecraft to identify source mechanisms, key cross sections and hence, the abundance of contaminant species. These inferred abundances were then used to update the composition comprising the total column concentrations predicted by the Science and Engineering Associates' configuration contamination model for the Space Station and to scale the irradiances to four altitudes: 300, 350, 400, and 463 km. The concentration irradiances are compared with zodiacal natural background levels. The results demonstrate that emissive contamination is significantly more severe than anticipated. It is shown that spectral emissions can become competitive with the zodiacal background up to altitudes as high as 400 km for the vacuum ultraviolet and visible emissions

    X Ray, Far, and Extreme Ultraviolet Coatings for Space Applications

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    The idea of utilizing imaging mirrors as narrow band filters constitutes the basis of the design of extreme ultraviolet imagers operating at 58.4 nm and 83.4 nm. The net throughput of both imaging-filtering systems is better than 20 percent. The superiority of the EUV self-filtering camera/telescope becomes apparent when compared to previously theoretically designed 83.4-nm filtering-imaging systems, which yielded transmissions of less than a few percent and therefore less than 0.1 percent throughput when combined with at least two imaging mirrors. Utilizing the self-filtering approach, instruments with similar performances are possible for imaging at other EUV wavelengths, such as 30.4 nm. The self-filtering concept is extended to the X-ray region where its application can result in the new generation of X-ray telescopes, which could replace current designs based on large and heavy collimators

    A tentative explanation of cosmological red shift

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    The authors suggest a possible alternative explanation of cosmological red shift. They consider that there exists a background field in the universe, and that light (the photon) has an extremely weak interaction with this background, and as result, experiences an energy loss. By analogy with damped oscillations, the authors introduce a dumping term with the first derivative with respect to time in the wave equation. The solution yields a linearly reduced frequency of the light with travel distance. The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how a simple alternative interpretation of the Hubble relation can be generated

    New experiments to constrain the coefficients of the Robertson transformations for inertial systems

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    A feasibility study was conducted to evaluate a measurement of the variability in the one-way speed of light by a direct-time-of-flight approach. The proposed experiment design was successfully completed and the initial tests indicated that the approach is viable

    Enhanced N(+) Sub 2 in the Shuttle Environment

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    Observations were made of the N2 first negative and Meinel emission bands with the Imaging Spectrometric Observatory (ISO) on Spacelab 1. These observations have revealed the presence of N2 emissions which exceed those expected on the basis of current ionospheric models by up to a factor of 10. If the emission is of terrestrial origin, large unidentified ionospheric sources of N2 ions must exist. On the other hand, if the source is local to the shuttle environment, a mechanism must be found which is capable of generating emissions of such unexpectedly large intensity. Charge exchange of ambient ionospheric O+ ions with shuttle environmental N2, followed by resonance scattering of sunlight, as a candidate were suggested. However, this model implies that a cloud of N2 gases must surround the vehicle in concentrations in excess of 10 to the 11 c.c. cm with a scale length of tens of meters. In addition, the N2 residence time must be of the order of 10 sec

    Properties of large scale plasma flow during the early stage of the plasmaspheric refilling

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    The objective is to better characterize the macroscopic properties of the interhemisphere plasma flow by solving a more complete set of hydrodynamic equations than that solved previously. Specifically, the ion continuity, momentum and energy equations were solved for the plasma flow along the closed magnetic field lines. During the initial stage of the supersonic outflow in the equatorial region, the ions cool substantially. Using the hydrodynamic model for the large-scale plasma flow, the dynamics of shocks was examined which form in the geomagnetic flux tubes during the early stages of refilling. These shocks are more like those forming in neutral gases than the electrostatic shocks driven by microinstabilities involving ion-ion interaction. Therefore, the shocks seen in the hydrodynamic model are termed as hydrodynamic shocks. Such shocks are generally unsteady and therefore the usual shock jump conditions given by Rankine-Hugoniot relations are not strictly applicable to them. The density, flow velocity and temperature structures associated with the shocks are examined for both asymmetrical and symmetrical flows. In the asymmetrical flow the outflow from one of two conjugate ionospheres is dominant. On the other hand, in the symmetrical case outflows from the two ionospheric sources are identical. Both cases are treated by a two-stream model. In the late type of flow, the early-time refilling shows a relaxation type of oscillation, which is driven by the large-scale interactions between the two identical streams. After this early stage, the resulting temperature structure shows some interesting features. In the equatorial region the streams are isothermal, but in the off-equatorial regions the streams have quite different temperatures, and also densities and flow velocities. The dense and slow stream is found to be warmer than the low-density fast stream. In the late stage of refilling, the temperature is found to steadily increase from the conjugate ionospheres towards the equator; the equatorial temperature is found to be as high as about 8000 K compared to the ionospheric temperature of 3600 K