15 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Bilangan Bulat Siswa Kelas V melalui Model Pembelajaran Bamboo Dancing

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    Negative perceptions about math in elementary school students resulted in less active students in the learning process, student engagement in learning is very important for students to understand the material presented. Based on these problems, teachers need to develop innovative learning models that can melibatka Math students in the learning process. This study aimed to describe the learning that can improve the activity of learning integers fifth grade students through a learning model Bamboo Dancing. The research method is a classroom action research with research subjects fourth grade students of SDN 35 Kebonsari 1 Malang. The products of this research is learning design study model bamboo dancing. The results show the percentage of students \u27learning activeness in the first cycle of 80% with good liveliness criteria, then the second cycle students\u27 learning activeness on the second cycle increased to 92.5% with the liveliness of the criteria very well. Based on this model study of bamboo dancing can enhance the activity of learning integers fifth grade students of SDN Kebonsari 1 Malang

    Penerapan Element Gamifikasi pada Pengembangan Layanan Digital Library Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Man 2 Mojokerto

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    MAN 2 Mojokerto Library is located at RA Basuni No. 306 Sooko, North Daleman, Japan, Kec. Sooko, Mojokerto. This library has a large collection of textbooks and non-lessons, both in print and electronic form. The library has several services including, borrowing and returns. The library wants to apply the reading culture to the community of MAN 2 Mojokerto, and wants to develop existing services in the library because the existing services are less diverse. The solution given to the problem is to develop library services into digital libraries by applying existing gamification elements such as Challange & Quest to increase the interest in reading library by answering questions from the e-book that has been read, leaderboards are used to encourage library to be diligent in reading e-books and answering as many questions as possible by displaying the percentage of attendance and activity of the library, Point is used to encourage library to often answer questions and motivate library to come to the library to borrow books for a longer time by exchange points earned, and utilization of E-books also helps the development of digital library services. Layanan tersebut dapat diakses kapan saja tanpa terbatas ruang maupun waktu sehingga civitas sekolah dapat menggunakannya secara langsung. Selain itu layanan yang ada mendukung perpustakaan dalam menerapkan budaya membaca disekolah. Elemen-elemen gamification yang digunakan yaitu Point, Leaderboard, Challenges & Quests. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, 46,9% jawaban siswa aplikasi ini sangat menarik, 40,6% aplikasi ini menarik, dan 12,5% aplikasi ini cukup menarik dan 50% jawaban pustakawan aplikasi ini sangat membantu dan 50% aplikasi ini membantu.layanan ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah pemustaka maupun pustakawan dalam melakukan proses membaca maupun pengelolaan data dan laporan


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    Dynamical study of Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) showed that the orbital evolution of TNOs, especially for Scattered-Disk class, is closely related to Centaurs. As of 1 June 2009, there were 673 known Centaurs and TNOs whose orbits are well-determined within an uncertainty of 6.4 /decade. It is interesting to investigate a fraction of evolving Centaurs and TNOs to inner solar system regions along 1 Myr evolution under perturbations of all planets. In order to have a better knowledge about spatial distributions of Centaurs and TNOs, we generated additional four sets artificial data based on the known distribution. We find that most Centaurs show chaotic orbital evolutions and many of them are ejected out to the outer solar system. The ejected Centaurs in the first-half evolution are more numerous than that of the second-half one. This study also indicates that number of Centaurs originated from 3:2 Neptune resonance objects is more abundant at about 5 105 yr, and only ~1% Centaurs and TNOs evolve to be Mars-crossers. Keywords: Asteroids, Orbit dynamic, Centaurs, Trans-Neptunu


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    Dynamical study of Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) showed that the orbital evolution of TNOs, especially for Scattered-Disk class, is closely related to Centaurs. As of 1 June 2009, there were 673 known Centaurs and TNOs whose orbits are well-determined within an uncertainty of ? 6.4 ?/decade. It is interesting to investigate a fraction of evolving Centaurs and TNOs to inner solar system regions along 1 Myr evolution under perturbations of all planets. In order to have a better knowledge about spatial distributions of Centaurs and TNOs, we generated additional four sets artificial data based on the known distribution. We find that most Centaurs show chaotic orbital evolutions and many of them are ejected out to the outer solar system. The ejected Centaurs in the first-half evolution are more numerous than that of the second-half one. This study also indicates that number of Centaurs originated from 3:2 Neptune resonance objects is more abundant at about 5 ? 105 yr, and only ~1% Centaurs and TNOs evolve to be Mars-crossersTelaah dinamika objek Trans-Neptunus menunjukkan bahwa evolusi orbitnya, khususnya kelas Scatter-Disk, berkaitan erat dengan Centaurs. Sampai 1 Juni 2009 terdapat 673 objek Centaurs dan Trans-Neptunus yang orbitnya diketahui dengan sangat baik dengan ketidakpastian 6.4'/dekade. Adalah menarik untuk mencari tahu fraksi jumlah objek Centaurs dan Trans-Neptunus yang berevolusi ke bagian dalam tata surya sepanjang 1 juta tahun, dengan melibatkan gangguan seluruh planet. Agar sebaran lokasi objek Centaurs dan Trans-Neptunus dapat dipahami dengan baik, kami membangun empat set data artifisial berdasarkan sebaran orbital yang telah diketahui. Pekerjaan ini menunjukkan bahwa banyak Centaurs memperlihatkan evolusi orbit yang chaotic dan banyak di antaranya terlempar ke tepian tata surya. Objek Centaurs yang terlempar pada paruh pertama evolusi jauh lebih banyak daripada paruh keduanya. Studi ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa Centaurs yang berasal dari objek resonansi 3:2 Neptunus mencapai jumlah yang banyak pada sekitar 5 x 105 tahun, dan hanya -1% Centaurs dan Trans-Neptunus berevolusi menjadi Mars-Grassers.hal.102-11


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    A set of asteroids that belong to Atens and Apollos groups which orbits are crossing the Earth at 1 AU is known as Earth-like-Orbit Asteroids. As of 1 July 2009, there were 19 Earth-like-Orbit Asteroids listed at the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory – NASA) Small-Body Database. Orbital dynamics of five new asteroids among them (2008 EV5, 2008 JE, 2008 KT, 2008 UA202, and 2008 UC202) have not been studied yet. This study is important because they are asteroids belonging to potentially hazardous objects. High accuracy orbital integrations for a time-span of –1000 to +1000 yr have been conducted to figure out their evolutionary tracks. Our results show that high inclination Earth-like-Orbit Asteroids of more than ~5 degrees tend to be more dynamically stable than those of lower orbital inclination which often switch over from Atens to Apollos and vice versa. Four new Earth-like-Orbit Asteroids are found to have potential collisions with Earth because they will encounter the Earth at minimum distances of less than 0.01 AU. Keywords: Asteroids, Orbit dynamics, Hazardous object

    Development of Human Resources in the Industry 4.0: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The world is ever-evolving, and organizations must adapt quickly to the changes to continue to grow or at the very least survive. One big external change that is currently happening is the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, a company's human resources must develop to accommodate the requisites of this new era. The objective of the current study was to seek the answer to the question: How can human resources be prepared for the industrial revolution 4.0? The study used a systematic literature review design. Based on the results, it is concluded that improving the quality of human resources, leadership, HR competencies, mastering technology, and data literacy can help prepare the workforce. Alternatively, strategies for developing human resources through education and training, continuing professional development, skills upgrading, or updating programs should also be considered. The implication is that organizations must develop their human resources by implementing strategies that fit the need of their trade to compete and thrive in industry 4.0. Keywords: human resource development, industrial era 4.0, systematic literature revie

    Strategy to Build Organizational Culture to Improve Teacher Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    A strong organizational culture is a force that can unite goals, create motivation, commitment, loyalty, and performance of all school residents, and provide the necessary structure and control without relying on formal bureaucracy. Organizational culture is expected to improve school quality, performance, as well as foster a healthy, dynamic or active, positive, and professional life. The goal of this study was to find out the strategies to build organizational culture to improve teacher performance in this pandemic period. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods. The data sources used in this study are primary and secondary data with systematic literature review techniques carried out in three stages, namely planning, implementation, and reporting of the results of literature reviews. The results obtained in this study are expected to provide an overview of how efforts in obtaining cultural strategies are limited to performance during pandemics. Keywords: organizational culture, teacher performance, COVID pandemi

    Karakterisasi Fisik, Kimia, dan Sensoris Saus Sambal Mangga Kweni (Mangifera Odorata Griff) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Asam Sitrat dan Durasi Sterilisasi

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    Mangga kweni (Mangifera odorata Griff) merupakan salah satu jenis mangga yang cukup banyak dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat dan banyak dimafaatkan dalam pembuatan sambal, khususnya di daerah Lampung dan Palembang. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk saus sambal kweni instan dengan penambahan asam sitrat dan perlakuan sterilisasi. Variasi konsentrasi asam sitrat dalam penelitian ini adalah 0%, 0,1%, 0,3%, dan 0,5%, dengan durasi sterilisasi  20 menit dan 35 menit. Pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap saus sambal kweni berupa analisis sifat fisik, kimia, dan sensoris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi pemberian asam sitrat dan lama sterilisasi berpengaruh signifikan (p<0,05)  terhadap kadar air, nilai pH, viskositas dan warna. hasil analisis sensoris berdasar uji tingkat kesukaan (hedonik), menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antar sampel, namun secara keseluruhan atribut (overall), sampel D yang disterilisasi 35 menit adalah yang paling disukai panelis