34 research outputs found

    Exploration and Selection of Rhizobacteria That Inhibit Phytophthora Capsici in Vitro

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    Exploration and Selection of Rhizobacteria that Inhibit Phytophthora capsici in vitro. Phytophthora capsici, a seed borne and the soil borne fungal pathogen is the cause of phytophthora blight on chili. The disease is difficult to control because of the resistant varieties unavailability in Indonesia. The aimed was to obtain isolates of rhizobacteria which has the ability to inhibit P. capsici in vitro. Rhizobacteria exploration was conducted in the chili production center in East Java (Malang, Batu, and Kediri) and West Java (Bogor). In one location, chili plant that had symptoms of phytophthora blight disease and a healthy plant next to it were chosen as samples to isolate P. capsici and the rhizobacteria. The rhizobacteria were isolated on NA, TSA, and TSAP (TSA with heated sample). Samples of diseased plants were used in isolation of P. capsici on V8 agar. The inhibition and compatibility of the rhizobacteria to inhibit P. capsici in vitro were tested by dual culture method. In this experiment, it was obtained 252 isolates of rhizobacteria and one isolate of P. capsici. Isolates of rhizobacteria with high to medium inhibition were E1, E3C2, and F2B1 respectively. All three isolates were then combined and tested against P. capsici in vitro. The highest inhibition was indicated by four isolate and combination of isolates, which were E1 isolate (58%), the combination of E1 + E3C2 isolates (58%), E1 + F2B1 (60%) and E1 + E3C2 + F2B1 (58 %)

    Stagnancy of Land Use Arrangement Former Cultivation Rights

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    Land issues still cause problems especially in terms of USAge rights that are discharged, the allocation is still limited to the obsolete concept that is still applied today, while the increasingly complex needs for the development of the suitability and more appropriate. This study formulates the extent to which the city of Makassar in reorganizing this concession as its purpose-built sustainably and sustainable future. This study uses empirical juridical and legal research supported by the results of observation. The results of this study describe the efforts undertaken by the government in this case BPN Makassar City seem less innovative so that the impact on potential obstacles of regional development and running haltingly

    A framework for analysing learning health systems: Are we removing the most impactful barriers?

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    Objective: Learning Health Systems (LHS) are one of the major computing advances in healthcare. However, no prior research has systematically analysed barriers and facilitators for LHS. This paper presents an investigation into the barriers, benefits and facilitating factors for LHS in order to create a basis for their successful implementation and adoption. Method: First, the ITPOSMO-BBF framework was developed based on the established ITPOSMO (Information, Technology, Processes, Objectives, Staffing, Management and Other factors) framework, extending it for analysing barriers, benefits and facilitators. Second, the new framework was applied to LHS. Results: We found that LHS shares similar barriers and facilitators with Electronic Health Records (EHR); in particular, most facilitator effort in implementing EHR and LHS goes towards barriers categorised as human factors, even though they were seen to carry fewer benefits. Barriers whose resolution would bring significant benefits in safety, quality and health outcomes remain. Discussion: LHS envisage constant generation of new clinical knowledge and practice based on the central role of collections of EHR. Once LHS are constructed and operational, they trigger new data streams into the EHR. So LHS and EHR have a symbiotic relationship. The implementation and adoption of EHRs has proved and continues to prove challenging and there are many lessons for LHS arising from these challenges. Conclusion: Successful adoption of LHS should take account of the framework proposed in this paper, especially with respect to its focus on removing barriers that have the most impact


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    Efficiency of water use in paddy rice irrigation system is necessary to increase cropping intensity. Development of rice cultivars that are responsive to adequate soil moisture with high yield and efficient use of water is required for tropical paddy fields. The research was conducted in Sleman district of Yogyakarta province, from April to August 2011. The study was conducted on some selected rice cultivars to be cultivated on soil saturated culture (SSC) system to asses the response of cultivars that can produce high grain yield. Experiment was using randomized block design (RBD) and environment factors as replications. Control treatment was rice field. Rice cultivars used are IR.64, Ciherang, Inpari-1, Inpari-2, Inpari-3, Inpari-4, Inpari-10, Inpari-6 Jete, Cigeulis, Ciliwung, Luk Ulo, Way Apo Buru, Widas, Bondoyudo, Silugonggo, Tukad Petanu, Batang Piaman, Cibogo, Dodokan, Sarinah, OM.5637, WS.63-22-1-1-3-3, Inpari-8, Situ, Bagendit, and Cimelati. The results showed that the cultivars Cimelati and Sarinah was a cultivar response to the SSC system compared to other cultivars. The Cimelati cultivar grain yield potential was 25.02 g/hill and Sarinah was 21.45 g/hill. The yield using SSC system was higher compared to rice fields system

    Respon Beberapa Kultivar Padi Sawah Pada Pengairan Sistem Genangan Dalam Parit [Response of Some Rice Cultivars Under Soil Saturated Culture]

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    Efficiency of water use in paddy rice irrigation system is necessary to increase cropping intensity. Development of rice cultivars that are responsive to adequate soil moisture with high yield and efficient use of water is required for tropical paddy fields. The research was conducted in Sleman district of Yogyakarta province, from April to August 2011. The study was conducted on some selected rice cultivars to be cultivated on soil saturated culture (SSC) system to asses the response of cultivars that can produce high grain yield. Experiment was using randomized block design (RBD) and environment factors as replications. Control treatment was rice field. Rice cultivars used are IR.64, Ciherang, Inpari-1, Inpari-2, Inpari-3, Inpari-4, Inpari-10, Inpari-6 Jete, Cigeulis, Ciliwung, Luk Ulo, Way Apo Buru, Widas, Bondoyudo, Silugonggo, Tukad Petanu, Batang Piaman, Cibogo, Dodokan, Sarinah, OM.5637, WS.63-22-1-1-3-3, Inpari-8, Situ, Bagendit, and Cimelati. The results showed that the cultivars Cimelati and Sarinah was a cultivar response to the SSC system compared to other cultivars. The Cimelati cultivar grain yield potential was 25.02 g/hill and Sarinah was 21.45 g/hill. The yield using SSC system was higher compared to rice fields system