42 research outputs found

    Constrained robust estimation of magnetotelluric impedance functions based on a bounded-influence regression M-estimator and the Hilbert transform

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    International audienceRobust impedance estimation procedures are now in standard use in magnetotelluric (MT) measurements and research. These always yield impedance estimates which are better than the conventional least square (LS) estimation because the 'real' MT data almost never satisfy the statistical assumptions of Gaussian distribution upon which normal spectral analysis is based. The robust estimation procedures are commonly based on M-estimators that have the ability to reduce the influence of unusual data (outliers) in the response (electric field) variables, but are often not sensitive to exceptional predictors (magnetic field) data, which are termed leverage points. This paper proposes an alternative procedure for making reliably robust estimates of MT impedance functions, which simultaneously provide protection from the influence of outliers in both response and input variables. The means for accomplishing this is based on the bounded-influence regression M-estimation and the Hilbert Transform operating on the causal MT impedance functions. In the resulting regression estimates, outlier contamination is removed and the self consistency between the real and imaginary parts of the impedance estimates is guaranteed. Using synthetic and real MT data, it is shown that the method can produce improved MT impedance functions even under conditions of severe noise contamination

    Kualitas Hijauan Gamal (Gliricidia Sepium) yang Diberi Pupuk Organik Cair (Poc) dengan Dosis Berbeda

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    The study was conducted aimed to determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer with different doses of the forage quality gamal (G. sepium). Experimental design used in the study was completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Liquid organic fertilizer dosing in treatments T0, T1, T2 and T3, respectively 0, 1, 3 and 5%. Parameters measured were protein and crude fiber content of forage gamal. The results showed the influence of liquid organic fertilizer on forage quality gamal is the treatment T2 (3% POC) that have the highest-quality value of treatments T0, T1 and T3. Value protein and crude fiber treatment T2 was 19,64% and 42,29%

    Pertumbuhan dan Bobot Bahan Kering Rumput Gajah dan Rumput Raja pada Perlakuan Aras Auksin yang Berbeda

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    Urine sapi terdapat kandungan hormon auksin untuk merangsang pertumbuhan tanaman. Rumput gajah dan rumput raja adalah tanaman berkualitas unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan pemanfaatan urine sapi betina sebagai sumber zat pengatur tumbuh pada tanaman, mengetahui kecepatan tumbuh, daya tumbuh, rasio tajuk dan akar, mengetahui titik optimal pertumbuhan kedua tanaman dari perlakuan aras urin sapi dan auksin sintetik. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret – Mei 2012 di lahan tanaman pakan Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro Semarang dan analisis bahan kering dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu Tanaman Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian dosis urine sapi yang berbeda pada kedua tanaman tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kecepatan tumbuh, pertambahan tinggi, (P>0,01). Perlakuan jenis tanaman (R) berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap perlakuan yang diujikan, kecuali pada uji rasio tajuk dan akar. Interaksi antar perlakuan (RxTy) tidak berpengaruh nyata pada uji kecepatan tumbuh, tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya tumbuh, tinggi tanaman (P<0,05) dan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap rasio tajuk dan akar (P<0,01). Daya tumbuh dan kecepatan tumbuh rumput gajah lebih tinggi dibandingkan rumput raja. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan perlakuan urine sapi berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan bobot bahan kering dengan hasil sesuai dengan hipotesis pada parameter tinggi tanaman

    Analisis Koordinasi Over Current Relay Dan Recloser Di Sistem Proteksi Feeder Gardu Induk Semen Nusantara (Snt 2) Cilacap

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    The main aim of protection system is used to protect safety of human cause by electrics current and to protect equipment from the fault. The fault can cause over current which has big value and endangerous the equipment. Besides the fault can also cause supply of energy to consumer is disturbed. The fault can be permanently or temporary. Coordination of protection system between OCR and recloser is needed to anticipate the fault.To create good coordination in protection system, the threshold setting is the main key. In determining OCR and Recloser setting, there are many effect that need attention for example the use of curve characteristic, current setting (In) and time setting (Tms)Based on reaserch data and calculation, the biggest of 3 phase short circuit over curent in feeder SNT 2 is 12 kA in the near of substation. While the smallest of 3 phase short circuit over curent in feeder SNT 2 is 1,9 kA in the tail of network. The smallest of 3 phase short circuit over curent can be detected by recloser 2.The three relays, OCR, Recloser 1 and Recloser 2 have each different graph of characteristic that is not proportioned. Its shows that the setting of three relays is correct because there isn’t any relay that precede the other relays

    Kecernaan Bahan Kering dan Bahan Organik secara In Vitro Hijauan Desmodium Cinereum pada Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair dan Jarak Tanam

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    This research was conducted with the objective of identifying and studying the dry matter digestibility (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) in vitro forage D. cinereum at various doses of liquid organic fertilizer and plant spacing. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) 4 x 2 factorial with three replications. Liquid organic fertilizer (P) as the factor A (0, 1, 3, and 5 ml / 1 l water / plot) and spacing (S) as the factor B (50 x 75 cm and 25 x 50 cm). Parameters measured were DMD and OMD. The results showed that the highest DMD and OMD achieved by comparison P1S0 P2S0, P0S1, P2S1, P3S1, P1S1, P0S0 and P3S0. Liquid organic fertilizer significantly (p <0.05) against DMD and OMD. Planting space did not significantly affect DMD and OMD. DMD and OMD value is 61.64; 61.39; 59.98; 59.67; 58.97; 58.86; 57.86; 53.88% and 59.63; 59.45; 57.67; 57.23; 56.73; 56.15; 55.75; 48.02%. Liquid organic fertilizer dose 3 ml / 1 l water / plot (P2) to give effect to the values DMD 60.53% and OMD 58.34% which is the highest digestibility values

    The Use of Computerized Systems to Route Vehicles on Road Transport in the Blok M Bus Station Using Asymetrix Toolbook II

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    Computer system applications to route vehicles on road transport is a multimediaapplication that contains about-route bus lines coming out of the Blok M bus stationwhich is packaged in a simple by using Asymetrix Toolbook II. It is expected thatinformation using this application can be useful for prospective passengers in theBlok M bus station, as for the multimedia element-element used in this application isimage, text, sound. Overall it was merged into a form of application that is easy tooperate, particularly for potential passengers. Simply by just clicking the cursor, thepassengers can see the information provided and listen to track bus route that willcome out of the Blok M bus station

    Toleransi Bui Salak Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Air, Suhu Dan Serangan Jamur

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    Y. PURWANTO, R. D. RAHAYU & HADI SUTARNO.1987. Tolerance of salak seeds on moisture content, temperature and fungal attack.Berita Biologi 3(8): 390 -395.Salak (Salacca edulis var.amboinensis) seeds are difficult to withstand in long term storage.For keeping its viability in storage their tolerance on moisture content,temperatur and fungal attack were studied.Decreasing moistur content influenced salak seed viability. Salak seeds would not afford to sprout.If moisture content reached 24.9%.By moisture content of 47.5%,seed viability dropped to 50.00%.Treatment of storage at temperatures of 10°C, 15 C and 20 C decreased moisture content sjid fungal attack less than at 25°C' and control. Dipping Dithane M45 treatment decreased fungal attack obviously, but it also reduced seed viability

    Valuasi Compound Option Put On Put Tipe Eropa

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    Options are one of the form of investment which a contract that gives the right (not obligation) to the option holder to buy (call options) or sell (put options) the underlying asset by a certain date for a certain price. Option price is a reflection of the intrinsic value of the option and any additional amount over intrinsic value. One type of options that are traded is compound options. Compound option model is introduced by Robert Geske in 1979. Compound options are options on options. Compound option put on a put is put option where the underlying assets are another put option. The compound option put on put will be exercised on the first exercise date only if the value of the put option on that date is less than the first stike price. An empirical study using compound option put on a put stocks of Apple Inc which is strike price compound option US560,strikepriceputoptionUS 560, strike price put option US 585, with the first exercise date on March 28, 2014 and the second exercise date on May 17, 2014. The theoritical price of compound option put on put on stocks of Apple Inc is US$ 501.4566