399 research outputs found

    Guidelines for morpholino use in zebrafish

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    The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has emerged as a powerful model to study vertebrate development and disease. Its short generation time makes it amenable to genetic manipulation and analysis, and its small size and high fecundity make it especially well suited for large-scale forward genetic and chemical screens. Fast-developing zebrafish embryos are transparent, facilitating live imaging of a variety of developmental processes in wild-type and mutant animals. ... This brief document provides an updated set of guidelines regarding morpholino use in zebrafish that we anticipate will be of value for experimentalists as well as journal and grant reviewers, and decision makers

    Model reduction in computational homogenization for transient heat conduction

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    International audienceThis paper presents a computationally efficient homogenization method for transient heat conduction problems. The notion of relaxed separation of scales is introduced and the homogenization framework is derived. Under the assumptions of linearity and relaxed separation of scales, the microscopic solution is decomposed into a steady-state and a transient part. Static condensation is performed to obtain the global basis for the steady-state response and an eigenvalue problem is solved to obtain a global basis for the transient response. The macroscopic quantities are then extracted by averaging and expressed in terms of the coefficients of the reduced basis. Proof-of-principle simulations are conducted with materials exhibiting high contrast material properties. The proposed homogenization method is compared with the conventional steady-state homogenization and transient computational homogenization methods. Within its applicability limits, the proposed homogenization method is able to accurately capture the microscopic thermal inertial effects with significant computational efficiency

    Radial glia regulate vascular patterning around the developing spinal cord

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    Vascular networks surrounding individual organs are important for their development, maintenance, and function; however, how these networks are assembled remains poorly understood. Here we show that CNS progenitors, referred to as radial glia, modulate vascular patterning around the spinal cord by acting as negative regulators. We found that radial glia ablation in zebrafish embryos leads to excessive sprouting of the trunk vessels around the spinal cord, and exclusively those of venous identity. Mechanistically, we determined that radial glia control this process via the Vegf decoy receptor sFlt1: sflt1 mutants exhibit the venous over-sprouting observed in radial glia-ablated larvae, and sFlt1 overexpression rescues it. Genetic mosaic analyses show that sFlt1 function in trunk endothelial cells can limit their over-sprouting. Together, our findings identify CNS-resident progenitors as critical angiogenic regulators that determine the precise patterning of the vasculature around the spinal cord, providing novel insights into vascular network formation around developing organs

    Ab initio and finite-temperature molecular dynamics studies of lattice resistance in tantalum

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    This manuscript explores the apparent discrepancy between experimental data and theoretical calculations of the lattice resistance of bcc tantalum. We present the first results for the temperature dependence of the Peierls stress in this system and the first ab initio calculation of the zero-temperature Peierls stress to employ periodic boundary conditions, which are those best suited to the study of metallic systems at the electron-structure level. Our ab initio value for the Peierls stress is over five times larger than current extrapolations of experimental lattice resistance to zero-temperature. Although we do find that the common techniques for such extrapolation indeed tend to underestimate the zero-temperature limit, the amount of the underestimation which we observe is only 10-20%, leaving open the possibility that mechanisms other than the simple Peierls stress are important in controlling the process of low temperature slip.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    Cardiac Hypertrophy Involves Both Myocyte Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia in Anemic Zebrafish

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    Background: An adult zebrafish heart possesses a high capacity of regeneration. However, it has been unclear whether and how myocyte hyperplasia contributes to cardiac remodeling in response to biomechanical stress and whether myocyte hypertrophy exists in the zebrafish. To address these questions, we characterized the zebrafish mutant tr265/tr265, whose Band 3 mutation disrupts erythrocyte formation and results in anemia. Although Band 3 does not express and function in the heart, the chronic anemia imposes a sequential biomechanical stress towards the heart. Methodology/principal findings: Hearts of the tr265/tr265 Danio rerio mutant become larger than those of the sibling by week 4 post fertilization and gradually exhibit characteristics of human cardiomyopathy, such as muscular disarray, re-activated fetal gene expression, and severe arrhythmia. At the cellular level, we found both increased individual cardiomyocyte size and increased myocyte proliferation can be detected in week 4 to week 12 tr265/tr265 fish. Interestingly, all tr265/tr265 fish that survive after week-12 have many more cardiomyocytes of smaller size than those in the sibling, suggesting that myocyte hyperplasia allows the long-term survival of these fish. We also show the cardiac hypertrophy process can be recapitulated in wild-type fish using the anemia-inducing drug phenylhydrazine (PHZ). Conclusions/significance: The anemia-induced cardiac hypertrophy models reported here are the first adult zebrafish cardiac hypertrophy models characterized. Unlike mammalian models, both cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia contribute to the cardiac remodeling process in these models, thus allowing the effects of cardiomyocyte hyperplasia on cardiac remodeling to be studied. However, since anemia can induce effects on the heart other than biomechanical, non-anemic zebrafish cardiac hypertrophy models shall be generated and characterized

    Single-cell-resolved dynamics of chromatin architecture delineate cell and regulatory states in zebrafish embryos

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    DNA accessibility of cis-regulatory elements (CREs) dictates transcriptional activity and drives cell differentiation during development. While many genes regulating embryonic development have been identified, the underlying CRE dynamics controlling their expression remain largely uncharacterized. To address this, we produced a multimodal resource and genomic regulatory map for the zebrafish community, which integrates single-cell combinatorial indexing assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (sci-ATAC-seq) with bulk histone PTMs and Hi-C data to achieve a genome-wide classification of the regulatory architecture determining transcriptional activity in the 24-h post-fertilization (hpf) embryo. We characterized the genome-wide chromatin architecture at bulk and single-cell resolution, applying sci-ATAC-seq on whole 24-hpf stage zebrafish embryos, generating accessibility profiles for ∌23,000 single nuclei. We developed a genome segmentation method, ScregSeg (single-cell regulatory landscape segmentation), for defining regulatory programs, and candidate CREs, specific to one or more cell types. We integrated the ScregSeg output with bulk measurements for histone post-translational modifications and 3D genome organization and identified new regulatory principles between chromatin modalities prevalent during zebrafish development. Sci-ATAC-seq profiling of npas4l/cloche mutant embryos identified novel cellular roles for this hematovascular transcriptional master regulator and suggests an intricate mechanism regulating its expression. Our work defines regulatory architecture and principles in the zebrafish embryo and establishes a resource of cell-type-specific genome-wide regulatory annotations and candidate CREs, providing a valuable open resource for genomics, developmental, molecular, and computational biology
