95 research outputs found

    Climate change adaptation in agriculture: practices and technologies. Messages to the SBSTA 44 agriculture workshops

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    In 2014 the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), as part of its mandate to consider issues related to agriculture, decided to invite submissions from parties and observers, covering four topics, in 2015 and 2016. Of the two topics for consideration in 2016, one relates to ‘identification and assessment of agricultural practices and technologies to enhance productivity in a sustainable manner, food security and resilience, considering the differences in agro-ecological zones and farming systems, such as different grassland and cropland practices and systems’. In this info note we provide a brief overview of key practices and technologies. A twinned info note considers higher-level measures of adaptation in agriculture, such as policies and institutions

    Long-Term Vegetation Change in Central Africa: The Need for an Integrated Management Framework for Forests and Savannas

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    peer reviewedTropical forests and savannas are the main biomes in sub-Saharan Africa, covering most of the continent. Collectively they offer important habitat for biodiversity and provide multiple ecosystem services. Considering their global importance and the multiple sustainability challenges they face in the era of the Anthropocene, this chapter undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the past, present, and future vegetation patterns in central African forests and savannas. Past changes in climate, vegetation, land use, and human activity have affected the distribution of forests and savannas across central Africa. Currently, forests form a continuous block across the wet and moist areas of central Africa, and are characterized by high tree cover (>90% tree cover). Savannas and woodlands have lower tree cover (<40% tree cover), are found in drier sites in the north and south of the region, and are maintained by frequent fires. Recent tree cover loss (2000–2015) has been more important for forests than for savannas, which, however, reportedly experienced woody encroachment. Future cropland expansion is expected to have a strong impact on savannas, while the extent of climatic impacts depends on the actual scenario. We finally identify some of the policy implications for restoring ecosystems, expanding protected areas, and designing sustainable ecosystem management approaches in the region

    Climate change impacts and adaptation in forest management: a review

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    Facteurs climatiques et productivité des variétés de canne à sucre (Saccharum officinarum L.) dans les plantations industrielles de la vallée du Niari (Congo-Brazzaville)

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de démontrer les incidences des principaux facteurs climatiques sur la productivité des variétés de canne à sucre dans les plantations industrielles de la vallée du Niari. Les données proviennent des différentes campagnes agricoles de 2000-2001 à 2006-2007 de la Société agricole et de raffinage industriel de sucre au Congo (Saris-Congo). Elles concernent les précipitations, les températures, le rayonnement global solaire, les rendements de production et les hauteurs des différentes variétés de canne à sucre. L’évapotranspiration réelle (ETR) est calculée selon le modèle du bilan hydrique de Thornthwaite. Les résultats montrent que les coefficients de détermination entre les principaux facteurs climatiques et la croissance des variétés de canne à sucre sont de l’ordre de 0,974 à 0,980. L’évolution des rendements en fonction des indices de satisfaction des besoins hydriques (ETR/ETM) est de l’ordre de 0,664 à 0,845. Ceci met en exergue les incidences des facteurs climatiques sur la productivité des variétés de canne à sucre de la vallée du Niari. Ces facteurs climatiques, permettent d’expliquer par les différentes approches méthodologiques, l’évolution des rendements en canne et d’estimer la production dans les périmètres sucriers.Mots clés: Variétés de canne à sucre, rendements de production, plantations industrielles, facteurs climatiques, vallée du Niari (Congo)