75 research outputs found

    Struktur Trofik Komunitas Ikan di Sungai Cisadea Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat [Trophic Structure Of Fish Community In Cisadea River, Cianjur, Jawa Barat]

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    Interaksi yang terjadi pada suatu komunitas ikan dapat dikaji melalui analisis makanan alaminya. Penelitian ini bertu-juan untuk mengkaji struktur trofik komunitas ikan di Sungai Cisadea. Ikan dikoleksi dengan menggunakan alat tang-kap aktif dan pasif di enam lokasi yang mewakili wilayah bagian hulu, tengah dan hilir selama musim kemarau (Juni-November 2012). Selama pengamatan, sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 666 individu yang termasuk dalam 48 spesies. Sebanyak 250 individu dianalisis komposisi makanannya dan morfologi saluran pencernaannya untuk mengetahui ke-lompok trofik pada komunitas ikan tersebut. Berdasarkan golongan besar organismenya, komunitas ikan di Sungai Cisadea terdiri atas tiga kelompok, yaitu karnivora, omnivora, dan herbivora dengan kelompok ikan yang mendominasi adalah ikan omnivora dan karnivora. Berdasarkan takson organisme makanannya, komunitas ikan di Sungai Cisadea dibagi menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu insektivora, fitoplanktivora, krustasivora, dan moluskivora. Kelompok takson organisme makanannya ialah fitoplankton, insekta, makrofita, krustase, moluska, ikan, protozoa, dan rotifer. Di wilayah sungai bagian hulu dan tengah makanan utama ikan terdiri atas insekta dan alga, sedangkan di bagian hilir terdiri atas alga, krustase, dan insekta

    Genetic Diversity of the Structure of HSP70 Gene in Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB), Walik, and Kate Walik Chickens

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    Our research was designed to identify the sequence variations of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene in three breeds of native Indonesian chickens, Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) chicken, Walik chicken, and Kate Walik chicken. Total DNA was isolated from the whole blood using a DNeasy blood and tissue kit. The HSP70 gene was amplified and sequenced from 94 chickens using PCR. The amplification product was 787 bp long, consisting of a 210 bp promoter region, a 112 bp long 5′untranslated region (UTR), and a 465 bp protein coding region. Our KUB, Walik, and Kate Walik chicken HSP70 gene sequence alignments express genetic diversity in the promoter region (insertions and deletions), 5′UTR (deletions and nucleotide substitutions), and at the beginning of the coding region (nucleotide substitutions). Four haplotypes, H1, H2, H3, and H4, were identified in the HSP70 gene protein coding region. The haplotype H2 was found in all three chickens, while H4 was only found in Walik chicken. The H4 is a novel haplotype which never reported before. Based on a median-joining network analysis, H4 is a haplotype produced by mutations at two specific sites (g.370A>G and g.388C>G) in the protein coding region of the HSP70 gene of the chicken. It could be concluded that Walik chicken can be used as a standard for heat stress genotyping in Indonesian local chickens, because it has complete HSP70 gene haplotypes

    Iktiofauna Di Perairan Hutan Tropis Dataran Rendah, Hutan Harapan Jambi [Ichthyofauna of Lowland Rainforest Waters, Harapan Rainforest, Jambi]

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    Hutan Harapan Jambi merupakan kawasan restorasi ekosistem pada areal hutan hujan tropis dataran rendah pertama di Indonesia, memiliki berbagai tipe ekosistem perairan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September 2012 hingga Juli 2013 bertujuan untuk mengkaji keanekaragaman spesies ikan air tawar alami yang ada di areal tersebut. Pengambilan contoh ikan dilakukan pada delapan badan air di areal Hutan Harapan berdasarkan tipologi habitat menggunakan jala, jaring insang, sudu, serok, seruau, bubu dan pancing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keanekaragaman ikan di Hutan Harapan terdiri atas 123 spesies ikan, 25 famili, dan 52 genera. Famili Cyprinidae mempunyai spesies terbanyak (59 spesies). Berdasarkan kategori status konservasi IUCN Red List ikan di Hutan Harapan terbagi atas lima kategori yaitu: belum dievaluasi 74 spesies, informasi kurang 4 spesies, berisiko rendah 41 spesies, hampir terancam 3 spesies, dan genting 1 spesies

    Keragaman Jenis dan Struktur Morfometrik Kryptopterus Spp. di Sungai Batang Hari [Diversity And Morphometric Structure Of Kryptopterus Spp. On Batang Hari River]

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    Sistematika pada genus Kryptopterus berkembang sangat cepat. Penelitian terakhir tentang keragaman Kryptopterus di Sungai Batang Hari dilakukan tahun 2003. Perubahan kondisi lingkungan dalam rentang waktu tujuh tahun (2003-2010) diduga telah mengubah komposisi jenis-jenis Kryptopterus di daerah aliran Sungai Batang Hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan data terbaru anggota dari jenis-jenis Kryptopterus yang masih ditemukan di Sungai Batang Hari dan untuk menguji ada atau tidaknya indeks khusus penciri spesies dalam genus Kryptopterus. Data morfometrik diukur untuk 12 karakter dan ditambahkan satu karakter hasil penghitungan. Berdasarkan 13 karakter tersebut dihitung 13 indeks morfometrik. Hasil penelitian menemukan jenis Kryptopterus yang masih ditemukan di daerah aliran Sungai Batang Hari adalah K. limpok, K. micronema, K. kryptopterus, K. bicirrhis, dan K. apogon. Jenis-jenis Kryptopterus dapat dipisahkan berdasarkan indeks morfometrik. K. limpok dicirikan dengan tubuh yang lebih tinggi dibanding anggota Kryptopterus lainnya. K. bicirrhis dicirikan dengan ekor yang lebih tebal (tinggi)

    Morphological Identification and Diversity Analysis of Fossil Diatoms From Diatomite Sangiran Central Java Indonesia

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    Diatomite Sangiran is diatom fossil rich sediment. The aim of this research was to study the diversity of fossildiatoms from Sangiran, Indonesia based on morphological characteristics. Samples were taken from lower, middle,and upper sediment layers based on their different physical features with three replications each. Diatomiteextraction was performed following modification of Setty (1966) and frustule counting was accomplished by censusmethod. There were total 50 species found in diatomite layers. The diversity analysis showed that highest speciesrichness (21-22), diversity (1.35-1.47), and evenness index (0.44-0.48) were belong to the lower layer. The highestfrustule abundance (9.66x107-1.43x108 frustules/gram) and dominance index (0.67-0.72) were belong to themiddle layer. On the other hand, highest centrales:pennales ratios (0.73-1.11) were belong to the upper layer. Thesediment layers signified an obvious indication of gradual changes from marine to freshwater environment.Dendrogram analysis using MINITAB.v.15.1.2 software denoted similarity between lower sediment layer and theyounger layers was 72.12%; while similarity between middle and upper layers 92.63%

    Characterization of Partial Coding Region Fibroin Gene on Wild Silkmoth Cricula trifenestrata Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)

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    The study was conducted to characterize coding region of wild silkmoth C. trifenestrata partial fibroin gene, and detect these gene potential as molecular marker. A total of six larvae C. trifenestrata were collected from Bogor, Purwakarta and Bantul Regency. Genomic DNA was extracted from silk gland individual larvae, then amplified by PCR method and sequenced. DNA sequenced result was 986 nucleotide partial fibroin gene of C. trifenestrata, which are comprising complete coding region of first exon (42 nucleotide), an intron (113 nucleotide), and partial of second was exon (831 nucleotide). Only coding region was characterized. Results showed that first exon very conserved in C. trifenestrata. These gene consisted of 31%, thymine, 28% guanine, 21% cytosine, and 19% adenine. Cytosine and thymine (sites of 25th and 35th respectively) were marker for C. trifenestrata species. The first exon encoding 14 amino acids. Valine amino acid (12th site) was marker to the species C. trifenestrata. The partial second exon consisted of guanine (32.7%), alanine (26.5%), thymine (21%) and cytosine (19.7%). These region encoded 277 amino acids, which were dominated by the alanine (27.8%) and glycine (21.66%). Alanine formed polyalanine sequence with different motifs namely: AAAAAAASS, AAAAAAAAAAAGSSG, AAAAAAAAAAAAGSGTGFGGYDS, AAAAAAAAAAGSSGRGGYDGVDGGYGSGSS, and AAAAAAAAAAAAGSSGRGLGGYDGWVDDGYGSGSGS
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