121 research outputs found


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    The work here summarized represents an attempt to review the South African Gorgonopsians, an attempt based on a re-examination of the cranial anatomy of the type material and a comparison of all the specimens available. The possible origin of the group from the Russian eotheriodonts is discussed in conclusion

    Note sur une nouvelle espece de Scaloposauridae

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    Main articleThis paper describes the skull and part of the skeleton of a new species of Scaloposaurid, referred to the genus Tetracynodon Broom and Robinson (1948), the affinities of which are briefly discussed.Non

    Chorlakkia hassani, A New Middle Eocene Dichobunid (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan)

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    Morphology of the petrosal and stapes of Borealestes (Mammaliaformes, Docodonta) from the Middle Jurassic of Skye, Scotland

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    We describe, in unprecedented detail, the petros-als and stapes of the docodont Borealestes from the Middle Jurassic of Scotland, using high resolution lCT and phase- contrast synchrotron imaging. We describe the inner ear endocast and the vascularized interior structure of the pet-rosal, and provide the first endocranial view of a docodontan petrosal. Our study confirms some similarities in petrosal and stapedial morphology with the better known Haldan-odon of the Late Jurassic of Portugal, including: (1) the degree of curvature of the cochlea; (2) multiple features related to the highly pneumatized paroccipital region; (3) the shape of lateral trough, the fossa of the M. tensor tym-pani, and the ridge on the promontorium; (4) the round shape of the fenestra vestibuli; and (5) overall morphology of the stapes. But Borealestes differs from Haldanodon in having a bony ridge that separates the tympanic opening of the prootic canal, the secondary facial foramen and the hia-tus Fallopii, from the fenestra vestibuli. We identify two new vascular structures: the anterior and posterior trans-cochlear sinuses, which traverse the pars cochlearis around the cochlear nerve (VIII). These trans-cochlear sinuses have not been observed in previous docodont specimens, and could be an autapomorphy of Borealestes, or apomorphic for this clade. We also establish the anatomical relationship of the circum-promontorium plexus to the inner endocast. The high quality of our scans has made these structures visible for the first time

    Reconnaissance Survey and Vertebrate Paleontology of Some Paleocene and Eocene Formations in Pakistan

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    The mandible and dentition of Borealestes serendipitus (Docodonta) from the Middle Jurassic of Skye, Scotland

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    The Middle Jurassic docodont Borealestes serendipitus was the first Mesozoic mammal found in Scotland over 40 years ago. Its affinities and morphology have remained poorly understood. Although multiple dentary fragments and isolated teeth have been recovered from Scotland and England, they have not yet been described in sufficient detail. We report new, more complete specimens collected during recent field work on Skye, Scotland, combined with previously collected material. This includes upper and lower dentition and an almost complete right dentary. We present an updated description and diagnosis of the genus Borealestes, based on high-resolution micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and synchrotron scans. We identify seven key features that distinguish Borealestes from other docodonts, including a pronounced a–c crest, absence of the a–g crest on cusp a, an anterior fovea at the buccolingual midpoint of the upper molar, and the convergence of the Meckel’s groove with the ventral margin of the mandible. We also present a revised diagnosis for the second species, B. mussettae. Our phylogenetic analysis supports a clade formed by Borealestes, Haldanodon, Docofossor, and Docodon. Ontogenetic variation in the mandibular morphology of Borealestes is similar to that seen in Docodon and Haldanodon, with the delayed emergence of the ultimate lower molar, the shift of the last molar to the front of the coronoid process, and a posterior shift of the Meckel’s sulcus in successively older individuals. This supports a distinctive growth pattern in the clade including Borealestes and Docodon, one that may be present in Docodonta as a whole

    The effects of aging of scientists on their publication and citation patterns

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    The average age at which U.S. researchers get their first grant from NIH has increased from 34.3 in 1970, to 41.7 in 2004. These data raise the crucial question of the effects of aging on the scientific creativity and productivity of researchers. Those who worry about the aging of scientists usually believe that the younger they are the more creative and productive they will be. Using a large population of 13,680 university professors in Quebec, we show that, while scientific productivity rises sharply between 28 and 40, it increases at a slower pace between 41 and 50 and stabilizes afterward until retirement for the most active researchers. The average scientific impact per paper decreases linearly until 50-55 years old, but the average number of papers in highly cited journals and among highly cited papers rises continuously until retirement. Our results clearly show for the first time the natural history of the scientific productivity of scientists over their entire career and bring to light the fact that researchers over 55 still contribute significantly to the scientific community by producing high impact papers.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Phylogenetic placement of Adalatherium hui (Mammalia, Gondwanatheria) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar : implications for allotherian relationships

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    The phylogenetic position of Gondwanatheria within Mammaliaformes has historically been controversial. The well-preserved skeleton of Adalatherium hui from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar offers a unique opportunity to address this issue, based on morphological data from the whole skeleton. Gondwanatheria were, until recently, known only from fragmentary dental and mandibular material, as well as a single cranium. The holotype of A. hui provides the first postcranial skeleton for gondwanatherians and substantially increases the amount of character data available to score. We sampled 530 characters and 84 cynodonts (including 34 taxa historically affiliated with Allotheria) to test the phylogenetic relationships of Gondwanatheria and Allotheria using parsimony, undated Bayesian, and tip-dated Bayesian methods. We tested three lower dental formulae for Adalatherium, because its postcanines are distinctly different from those of other mammaliaforms and cannot readily be homologized with any known dental pattern. In all analyses, Adalatherium is recovered within Gondwanatheria, most frequently outside of Sudamericidae or Ferugliotheriidae, which is congruent with establishment of the family Adalatheriidae. The different dental coding schemes do not greatly impact the position of Adalatherium, although there are differences in character optimization. In all analyses, Gondwanatheria are placed within Allotheria, either as sister to Multituberculata, nested within Multituberculata, or as sister to Cifelliodon (and Euharamiyida), or in a polytomy with other allotherians. The composition of Allotheria varies in our analyses. The haramiyidans Haramiyavia and Thomasia are placed outside of Allotheria in the parsimony and tip-dated Bayesian analyses, but in a polytomy with other allotherians in the undated Bayesian analyses
