254 research outputs found

    Measuring Avoidable Health Inequality with Realization of Conditional Potential Life Years (RCPLY)

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    In a series of papers (Tang, Chin and Rao, 2008; and Tang, Petrie and Rao 2006 & 2007), we have tried to improve on a mortality-based health status indicator, namely age-at-death (AAD), and its associated health inequality indicators that measure the distribution of AAD. The main contribution of these papers is to propose a frontier method to separate avoidable and unavoidable mortality risks. This has facilitated the development of a new indicator of health status, namely the Realization of Potential Life Years (RePLY). The RePLY measure is based on the concept of a “frontier country” that, by construction, has the lowest mortality risks for each age-sex group amongst all countries. The mortality rates of the frontier country are used as a proxy for the unavoidable mortality rates, and the residual between the observed mortality rates and the unavoidable mortality rates are considered as avoidable morality rates. In this approach, however, countries at different levels of development are benchmarked against the same frontier country without considering their heterogeneity. The main objective of the current paper is to control for national resources in estimating (conditional) unavoidable and avoidable mortality risks for individual countries. This allows us to construct a new indicator of health status – Realization of Conditional Potential Life Years (RCPLY). The paper presents empirical results from a dataset of life tables for 167 countries from the year 2000, compiled and updated by the World Health Organization. Measures of national average health status and health inequality based on RePLY and RCPLY are presented and compared.

    Income Distributions, Inequality, and Poverty in Asia, 1992–2010

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    Income distributions for developing countries in Asia are modeled using beta-2 distributions, which are estimated by a method of moments procedure applied to grouped data. Estimated parameters of these distributions are used to calculate measures of inequality, poverty, and pro-poor growth in four time periods over 1992–2010. Changes in these measures are examined for 11 countries, with a major focus on the People’s Republic of China (PRC), India, and Indonesia, which are separated into rural and urban regions. We find that the PRC has grown rapidly with increasing inequality accompanying this growth. India has been relatively stagnant. Indonesia has grown rapidly after suffering an initial set back from the Asian financial crisis in 1997

    Total Factor Productivity Growth in Agriculture: A Malmquist Index Analysis of 93 Countries, 1980-2000

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    In this paper we examine levels and trends in agricultural output and productivity in 93 developed and developing countries that account for a major portion of the world population and agricultural output. We make use of data drawn from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and our study covers the period 1980-2000. Due to the non-availability of reliable input price data, the study uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) to derive Malmquist productivity indexes. The study examines trends in agricultural productivity over the period. Issues of catch-up and convergence, or in some cases possible divergence, in productivity in agriculture are examined within a global framework. The paper also derives the shadow prices and value shares that are implicit in the DEA-based Malmquist productivity indices, and examines the plausibility of their levels and trends over the study period

    Metafrontier Functions for the Study of Inter-Regional Productivity Differences

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    The paper uses the concept of metafrontier functions to study regional differences in production technologies. The paper has three components. The first deals with the analytical framework necessary for the definition of metafrontier functions. The second component studies the properties of the metafrontier estimated using nonparametric data envelopment analysis (DEA). The third component focuses on the estimation of metafrontiers within the parametric framework of stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). The empirical application of the models uses cross-country agricultural sector data. The DEA and SFA metafrontiers are presented and discussed

    Global inequality: Recent evidence and trends

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    This paper examines the nature and extent of global and regional income distribution and inequality using the most recent country level data on income distribution drawn from World Bank and UNU-WIDER studies for the period 1993-2000. The methodology used is a recently developed technique to fit flexible income distributions to limited aggregated data. Empirical results show a very high degree of global inequality, but with some evidence of inequality decreasing between the two years

    On the strike bt seafood exporters at Visakhapatnam fisheries harbour in Andhra Pradesh

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    Visakhapatnam Fisheries Harbour Is one of the major fisheries harbours in India. Every day about 275 to 300 small mechanised boats, 150 to 175 Sona boats and 150 to 200 Mini and Mexican trawlers go out for fishing from this harbour. About 300 to 350 fish traders including local fisherwomen depend completely on this fish business for their livelihood. Each trader gets atleast Rs. 200/- per day

    Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of cadmium with iodide and methyl violet

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    445-446A selective spectrophotometric method based on the interaction of an anionic iodo complex of cadmium with methyl violet has been described for the determination of trace amounts of cadmium. The developed method is precise, accurate and has been applied to determination of cadmium at trace levels (25 ppb) in sea water and high purity samples of indium and zinc materials