13 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Investasi di Sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B di Jawa Barat

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    Jawa Barat memiliki dua Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B yaitu Pelabuhan Perikanan Kejawanan (Cirebon) dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pelabuhan Ratu (Sukabumi). Saat ini kondisi investasi di sekitar pelabuhan belum mengoptimalkan seluruh potensi yang ada sehingga diperlukan upaya-upaya pengembangan investasi di pelabuhan tersebut. Penelitian bertujuan: 1) mengidentifikasi keragaan infrastruktur, ekonomi, kebijakan investasi dan potensi sumberdaya investasi di sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B di Jawa Barat; 2) mrumuskan strategi dan kebijakan pengembangan investasi di sekitar Pelabuhan Perikanan Tipe B. Kajian dilaksanakan Bulan Maret-November Tahun 2011, di Pelabuhan Ratu (Kabupaten Sukabumi) dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Kejawanan (Kota Cirebon). Data sekunder dikumpulkan dari instansi terkait, dan data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), Fokus Group Discussion (FGD), serta survey wawancara dengan pengelola pelabuhan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, dan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat). Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa investasi di sekitar pelabuhan lebih berkembang di Pelabuhan Ratu dibanding dengan PPN Kejawanan. Kondisi ini tidak terlepas dari perbedaan jarak ke permukiman penduduk dan sejarah pembentukan pelabuhan. Pelabuhan Ratu lebih dekat ke permukiman dan merupakan pengembangan dari pelabuhan yang sudah ada sejak dulu sehingga para nelayan secara budaya sudah terbiasa berlabuh di pelabuhan tersebut, sedangkan pelabuhan Kejawanan relatif baru dan relatif jauh dari pemukiman, sementara nelayan cenderung lebih suka berlabuh pada pelabuhan yang lebih dekat dengan permukiman mereka. Ada beberapa strategi yang dapat dirumuskan untuk pengembangan investasi di sekitar Kejawanan dan Pelabuhan Ratu antara lain : (1) Pengembangan penanaman modal secara terpadu dan terintegrasi dalam bentuk pendekatan bidang USAha unggulan; (2) Pengembangan iklim USAha yang kondusif; (3) Investasi pemerintah untuk perbaikan infrastruktur di zona industri, pariwisata dan pertanian; (4) Optimalisasi fungsi BPPM dalam proses pengembangan penanaman modal (perencanaan-evaluasi); (5) Pengembangan promosi dan teknologi informasi; (6) Pelatihan petugas dan tenaga kerja secara berkala

    Proximate, Crude Fiber and Starch Content of Maize Hybrids Developed in Indonesia in Natural Climatic Condition

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    Corn is one of strategic commodities becoming the main priorities to be developed in Indonesia. Aside from being a strategic foodstuffs, corn contains starch which is used for an excipient in pharmaceutical raw materials of "filler" or filler material for tablets. However, until now local starch production cannot meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia, and still relies on imported starch. The purpose of this research was to develop maize hybrids from Universitas Padjadjaran which has high of starch and meet the quality for an excipient of pharmaceutical preparations. This research was conducted to determine a formation of a single cross hybrid based on the diallel crosses. Evaluation of fused power was determined by proximate analysis and starch analysis. The selection of hybrid high yield power was done in monocropping and agroforestry systems. The results retrieved 28 types of hybrid corn that comes from 7 different types of strains of mutant reproduction results. The lowest moisture content was the corn M7DR 7.4.1 (9.45%), whereas the highest moisture content of corn was DR. 8 (16.03%). Low starch content was obtained from maize hybrid code 4.8.8 while the highest was obtained from maize hybrid code 18.5.1 ranging from 30-40%. Therefore, corn hybrid 18.5.1 has a potential to be developed as an excipient of  various raw materials in the field of pharmacy. Keywords: corn, a hybrid, starch, excipient pharmac

    Application of Linear Regression and Correlation Between the Results of Sales Promotion Costs, Using Pascal 5.0

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    One goal of data analysis is to estimate / calculate its effect quantitatively greater than the change of an event terjadap other events is by calculating regression and correlation coefficients using Pascal 5.0 programming. With this application, it can be known whether there is a relationship between cost of sales promotion with the results and the results can be predicted sales next year and the funds expended for the cost of more targeted and effective promotions

    Seleksi Kacang Bambara (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdcourt) Berumur Genjah Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Generasi M2

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    Mutation breeding using gamma-ray irradiation is one way to improve thevariability of bambara groundnuts. Improved variability can increase the effectiveness of selection on bambara groundnuts. The objective of this research was to obtain some genotypes of bambara groundnut of M2 generation that are of early maturity and high yield from gamma-ray irradiation through phenotypic selection. The experimental design was Spatial Plan, using the descriptive-comparative method. Bambara groundnuts accessions (KB-29 (1)) were treated with gamma-ray irradiation with different doses namely 100 Gy, 150 Gy, and 200 Gy. The results of this study showed that the phenotypic variability of the population irradiated by gamma rays 100 Gy, 150 Gy, and 200 Gy on the character of flowering time, harvest time, and all yielding ability characters was broad. The results of selection obtained 30 of the best genotypes that have advantages in the character of early maturity based on scoring value