633 research outputs found

    Dynamic Walking: Toward Agile and Efficient Bipedal Robots

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    Dynamic walking on bipedal robots has evolved from an idea in science fiction to a practical reality. This is due to continued progress in three key areas: a mathematical understanding of locomotion, the computational ability to encode this mathematics through optimization, and the hardware capable of realizing this understanding in practice. In this context, this review article outlines the end-to-end process of methods which have proven effective in the literature for achieving dynamic walking on bipedal robots. We begin by introducing mathematical models of locomotion, from reduced order models that capture essential walking behaviors to hybrid dynamical systems that encode the full order continuous dynamics along with discrete footstrike dynamics. These models form the basis for gait generation via (nonlinear) optimization problems. Finally, models and their generated gaits merge in the context of real-time control, wherein walking behaviors are translated to hardware. The concepts presented are illustrated throughout in simulation, and experimental instantiation on multiple walking platforms are highlighted to demonstrate the ability to realize dynamic walking on bipedal robots that is agile and efficient

    Immune Gene Diversity in Archaic and Present-day Humans

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    Genome-wide analyses of two Neandertals and a Denisovan have shown that these archaic humans had lower genetic heterozygosity than present-day people. A similar reduction in genetic diversity of protein-coding genes (gene diversity) was found in exome sequences of three Neandertals. Reduced gene diversity, particularly in genes involved in immunity, may have important functional consequences. In fact, it has been suggested that reduced diversity in immune genes may have contributed to Neandertal extinction. We therefore explored gene diversity in different human groups, and at different time points on the Neandertal lineage, with a particular focus on the diversity of genes involved in innate immunity and genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC).We find that the two Neandertals and a Denisovan have similar gene diversity, all significantly lower than any present-day human. This is true across gene categories, with no gene set showing an excess decrease in diversity compared with the genome-wide average. Innate immune-related genes show a similar reduction in diversity to other genes, both in present-day and archaic humans. There is also no observable decrease in gene diversity over time in Neandertals, suggesting that there may have been no ongoing reduction in gene diversity in later Neandertals, although this needs confirmation with a larger sample size. In both archaic and present-day humans, genes with the highest levels of diversity are enriched for MHC-related functions. In fact, in archaic humans the MHC genes show evidence of having retained more diversity than genes involved only in the innate immune system

    Dynamic Walking with Compliance on a Cassie Bipedal Robot

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    The control of bipedal robotic walking remains a challenging problem in the domains of computation and experiment, due to the multi-body dynamics and various sources of uncertainty. In recent years, there has been a rising trend towards model reduction and the design of intuitive controllers to overcome the gap between assumed model and reality. Despite its viability in practical implementation, this local representation of true dynamics naturally indicate limited scalibility towards more dynamical behaviors. With the goal of moving towards increasingly dynamic behaviors, we leverage the detailed full body dynamics to generate controllers for the robotic system which utilizes compliant elements in the passive dynamics. In this process, we present a feasible computation method that yields walking trajectories for a highly complex robotic system. Direct implementation of these results on physical hardware is also performed with minimal tuning and heuristics. We validate the suggested method by applying a consistent control scheme across simulation, optimization and experiment, the result is that the bipedal robot Cassie walks over a variety of indoor and outdoor terrains reliably

    First steps toward translating robotic walking to prostheses: a nonlinear optimization based control approach

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    This paper presents the first steps toward successfully translating nonlinear real-time optimization based controllers from bipedal walking robots to a self-contained powered transfemoral prosthesis: AMPRO, with the goal of improving both the tracking performance and the energy efficiency of prostheses control. To achieve this goal, a novel optimization-based optimal control strategy combining control Lyapunov function based quadratic programs with impedance control is proposed. This optimization-based optimal controller is first verified on a human-like bipedal robot platform, AMBER. The results indicate improved (compared to variable impedance control) tracking performance, stability and robustness to unknown disturbances. To translate this complete methodology to a prosthetic device with an amputee, we begin by collecting reference locomotion data from a healthy subject via inertial measurement units (IMUs). This data forms the basis for an optimization problem that generates virtual constraints, i.e., parameterized trajectories, specifically for the amputee . A online optimization based controller is utilized to optimally track the resulting desired trajectories. An autonomous, state based parameterization of the trajectories is implemented through a combination of on-board sensing coupled with IMU data, thereby linking the gait progression with the actions of the user. Importantly, the proposed control law displays remarkable tracking and improved energy efficiency, outperforming PD and impedance control strategies. This is demonstrated experimentally on the prosthesis AMPRO through the implementation of a holistic sensing, algorithm and control framework, resulting in dynamic and stable prosthetic walking with a transfemoral amputee

    Realizing Dynamic and Efficient Bipedal Locomotion on the Humanoid Robot DURUS

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487325This paper presents the methodology used to achieve efficient and dynamic walking behaviors on the prototype humanoid robotics platform, DURUS. As a means of providing a hardware platform capable of these behaviors, the design of DURUS combines highly efficient electromechanical components with “control in the loop” design of the leg morphology. Utilizing the final design of DURUS, a formal framework for the generation of dynamic walking gaits which maximizes efficiency by exploiting the full body dynamics of the robot, including the interplay between the passive and active elements, is developed. The gaits generated through this methodology form the basis of the control implementation experimentally realized on DURUS; in particular, the trajectories generated through the formal framework yield a feedforward control input which is modulated by feedback in the form of regulators that compensate for discrepancies between the model and physical system. The end result of the unified approach to control-informed mechanical design, formal gait design and regulator-based feedback control implementation is efficient and dynamic locomotion on the humanoid robot DURUS. In particular, DURUS was able to demonstrate dynamic locomotion at the DRC Finals Endurance Test, walking for just under five hours in a single day, traveling 3.9 km with a mean cost of transport of 1.61-the lowest reported cost of transport achieved on a bipedal humanoid robot

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año V Invierno 1987 n. 1 pp. 143-187]

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    J.A. García de Cortázar; E. Portera ; E. Cabrera ; M. González Jiménez ; J.E. López de Coca. Organización social del espacio en la España medieval. La Corona de Castilla, siglos VIII-XV (Por Miguel Santamaría Lancho).-- Alberto Marcos Martín. Economía, sociedad y pobreza en Castilla: Palencia, 1500-1814 (Por Enrique Llopis).-- Peguerto Saavedra. Economía, Política y Sociedad en Galicia: La provincia de Mondoñedo, 1480-1830 (Por Anamaría Calavera Vaya).-- John J. Mccusker ; R.R. Menard:. The Economy of British America, 1607-1789 (Por Agustín Guimerá Ravina).-- Carlos D. Malamud Rikles. Cádiz y Saint Malo en el comercio colonial peruano (1698-1725) (Por Carlos Martínez Shaw).-- Scarlet O. Godoy. Rebellions and Revolts in Eighteenth Century Perú and Upper Perú (Por Carlos Malamud Rikles).-- M. Ortega. La lucha por la tierra en la Corona de Castilla al final del Antiguo Régimen. El expediente de la Ley Agraria (Por José Antonio Alvarez Vázquez).-- C. Lis ; H. Soly:. Pobreza y capitalismo en la Europa preindustrial (1350-1850) (Por Rafael Dobado).-- J.M. Delgado ; J.M. Pradera ; C. Martínez Shaw. El comerç entre Catalunya i América (segles XVIII y XIX) (Por Pedro Pérez Herrero).-- Manuel González Portilla. Estado, capitalismo y desequilibrios regionales (1845-1900) (Por Sebastián Coll Martín).-- Peter Hertner y Geoffrey Jones (eds.). Mulíinationals: Theory and History (Por Gabriel Tortella).-- Germán Ojeda ; José Luis San Miguel. Campesinos, emigrantes, indianos. Emigración y economía en Asturias, 1830-1930 (Por David Reher)Publicad