57 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kapasitas Belajar Anak Usia Dini melalui Pembelajaran Interaktif Kreatif dan Edukatif

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    Kapasitas belajar merupakan kemampuan potensial yang dimiliki anak dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan permasalahan hidupnya. Selain itu kapasitas belajar (inteligensi) sebagai keahlian untuk memecahkan masalah serta kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dan belajar dari pengalaman hidup sehari-hari. Ciri utama perkembangan masa anak usia dini terletak pada aspek fisik, intelektual, dan emosional yang ditandai dengan: (1) pertumbuhan hasrat ingin tahu, (2) perkembangan minat, (3) pembentukan karakter, (4) pembentukan kepribadian, (5) perkembangan sosial, (6) perkembangan otak, dan (7) perkembangan bahasa. Lingkungan belajar yang kondusif ditunjang dengan sarana prasarana yang lengkap memungkinkan seluruh anak untuk beraktivitas sesuai dengan rencana kegiatan belajar. Proses belajar yang interaktif, kreatif dan edukatif memunculkan seluruh kemampuan anak terutama dalam berkomunikasi memunculkan rasa aman pada diri anak serta berimplikasi hasil belajar yang maksimal. Interaksi belajar yang terstruktur dengan baik berimplikasi meningkatkan potensi anak berupa komunikasi lisan dan tulisan. Permainan yang diberikan (kreatif dan edukatif) seperti eksplorasi dan investigasi matematika akan mengembangkan serta melatih sensori motorik anak. Bersamaan dengan itu, diperkenalkan budi pekerti (edukatif) demi pembentukan karakter. Kegiatan anak (interaktif dan kreatif) dengan permainan yang sarat rangsangan bertujuan menyeimbangkan perkembangan otak kiri dan otak kanan. Otak kiri berhubungan dengan kemampuan berlogika, sedangkan otak kanan berkaitan dengan kemampuan berimajinasi. Melalui kegiatan permainan anak dapat memahami konsep ruang dan waktu serta dapat memperkirakan kemungkinan urutan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Aktivitas anak melakukan kegiatan (interaktif, kreatif dan edukatif) melalui daya abstraksi, apresiasi serta ketelitian yang tinggi sehingga berkreatifitas dan berimajinasi dalam menciptakan sesuatu secara spontan

    Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Keunggulan GlobalUntuk Anak di Kelas Awal Pendidikan Dasar

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    Setiap anak mempunyai pemahaman pribadi (personal) yang unik tentang dunia. Interaksi fisik dengan objek-objek dan interaksi sosial dengan anak-anak yang telah dewasa dan teman sebayanya memberikan dasar yang kuat untuk membangun pengetahuan linguistik, sosial, ilmu pengetahuan (ilmiah) dan pengetahuan matematika. Anak-anak di kelas awal pendidikan dasar suka sekali untuk menjatuhkan segala sesuatu yang dia pegang, mengatakan tidak, membuka dan menutup pintu, dan mengerjakan sesuatu yang sama atau serupa yang mungkin bagi orang lain kurang begitu menyukai. Pengalaman aksi (tindakan) dan reaksi merupakan dasar dalam belajar anak tentang bagaimana dunianya. Mengembangkan kegiatan anak memerlukan kecukupan waktu untuk mengeksplorasi, mengembangkan gagasan dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan atas dasar gagasannya. Kegiatan berdasarkan pada pengalaman pertama ynag mendorong anak untuk bereksplorasi, mengamati, memecahkan masalah, memprediksi, berpikir kritis, dan diskusi. Anak yang terbiasa dengan berbagai kegiatan yang terfokus pada perkembangan matematis, logik, teknologis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari akan mengembangkan sensori motorik dan sekaligus pembentukan karakter anak. Pembelajaran matematika berbasis keunggulan global untuk anak di kelas awal pendidikan dasar dimulai oleh kebanyakan anak-anak sebelum mereka memulai sekolah; pengalaman-pengalaman awal mereka memberikan satu dasar untuk pembelajaran berikutnya; sehingga mereka harus mendapatkan aktivitas yang hampir serupa dengan permainan yang telah disampaikan di kelas awal pendidikan dasar. Pengalaman informal demikian membangun kemampuan berpikir dan pemahaman yang sangat fundamental dalam belajar matematika, baik dengan manipulatif material khusus maupun manipulatif material yang terus menerus ada

    The Influence of Multiliteration Model in Mathematical Learning to Increase Ability of Mathematical Conection Students SD Class V

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    This research is based on the ability of mathematical connections of students who are still relatively low, seen from the results of PISA 2012 and 2015. The low yield is because the learning has not been well facilitated, as well as the habituation of teachers to develop indicators of mathematical connection capability. Viewing the learning of mathematics that has the concept of learning systematic and has a relationship with each concept demands for every human being can think logically, systematically, and rationally. So that the selection of learning models that can develop the ability, one of which multiliteration model. This learning consists of four learning cycles: setup, explore, share and discuss, and presenting. The research was conducted on the students of Grade V Elementary School 2013 with the theme of Theme 8 on building simple spaces (cubes and beams). The purpose of this research is to know the difference of improvement and comparison of mathematical connection ability using multiliteration model with ordinary learning (scientific). This research is quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The research was conducted at SDN 036 Ujungberung and SDN 050 Cibiru. Based on the results of mathematical connection test data processing, the difference of students' mathematical connection ability is based on the average score of post control class score of 68.52 and the experimental class is 78.61 after receiving treatment with the difference of 10,09. The improved quality of mathematical connection ability of the experimental class and control class is in the medium category. Based on gain analysis data of mathematical connection ability of student of experiment class is better than control class with difference 0,185. So that the multiliteration model becomes one of the alternative learning models that can be used in an effort to improve students' mathematical connection ability

    Differences In Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Using Problem Based Learning Model With Conventional

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    This research is motivated by fact about the ability of students in solving low math problems. This research aims to; 1) Proving how big problem solving ability of mathematical student improve by using model of problem based learning, 2) proving how big problem solving ability of mathematical student improve using conventional learning, 3) Proving difference of problem solving ability of mathematical student using problem based learning model with conventional. The method used is quasi experimental and research design used is nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population of this research is the third grade students of Elementary School in Cileunyi District. The sample of this research is the students of the third grade B Elementary School Sukahati 02 who are in cluster 5 and the third grade B Elementary School Cimekar which is in cluster 3. The experiment result of class study which is using problem-based learning model pretest average value is 42,93 and the mean value Posttest 73.2 with an average gain of 0.53 medium criterion. In the control class which is using conventional learning the average pretest score is 41.7 and the mean posttest score is 60.73 with an average gain in 0.32 medium criterion. The result of a difference test of mean obtained 0,000 significance less than 0,05, then  rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a difference in problem solving abilities of mathematical students using problem-based learning model with conventional. This research is motivated by fact about the ability of students in solving low math problems. This research aims to; 1) Proving how big problem solving ability of mathematical student improve by using model of problem based learning, 2) proving how big problem solving ability of mathematical student improve using conventional learning, 3) Proving difference of problem solving ability of mathematical student using problem based learning model with conventional. The method used is quasi experimental and research design used is nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population of this research is the third grade students of Elementary School in Cileunyi District. The sample of this research is the students of the third grade B Elementary School Sukahati 02 who are in cluster 5 and the third grade B Elementary School Cimekar which is in cluster 3. The experiment result of class study which is using problem-based learning model pretest average value is 42,93 and the mean value Posttest 73.2 with an average gain of 0.53 medium criterion. In the control class which is using conventional learning the average pretest score is 41.7 and the mean posttest score is 60.73 with an average gain in 0.32 medium criterion. The result of a difference test of mean obtained 0,000 significance less than 0,05, then  rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a difference in problem solving abilities of mathematical students using problem-based learning model with conventional

    The Impact of Concrete Representational Abstract (Cra) Approach for Student\u27s Mathematical Connection Ability

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    This research is motivated by the lack of the ability of mathematical connection of students in elementary schools. One of the reason is the learning of mathematics is still be a partial study, so the student are less understanding about the connection in the topics in the mathematic or out of it.  Therefore, it is necessary to improve mathematical connection ability of the student by CRA approach. The purpose of the research is to know the impact of the CRA (Concrete Representational Abstract) approach and conventional for the mathematical connection ability of student at the 3th grade in elementary school. CRA approach has three components. They are Concrete, Representational, and Abstract. All of the components should appear in every lesson. This research is an experimental research and using quasi experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. This research was conducted in SDN 186 Cipadung and SDN 268 Panyileukan. Subject of this research is the student of 3th grade. This research used purposive sampling technique. Based on the analyzed of data, discovered that the result of the research had showed that the mathematical connection ability of the student by using CRA approach increased, that it showed by index of gain of 0,58, and in the conventional approach showed index of gain of 0,43; both of them have the moderate interpretation. Based on these, it can be concluded that: (1) There is improvement of mathematical connection ability of the student by using CRA approach; (2) There is improvement of mathematical connection ability of the student by using conventional learning; and (3) The improvement of mathematical connection ability of students using CRA approach better than students who get the conventional learning. Therefore, the mathematics learning using CRA approach can be used as an alternative in efforts to increase the mathematical connection ability of student in elementary school

    Implementasi Algoritma K-Medoids Clustering Untuk Mencari Keuntungan Sementara Dalam Laporan Keuangan

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    The current economy has developed rapidly, especially with advances in technology in obtaining an installation decision, especially in elementary school installations where in private elementary school installations, there is some financial report data information such as income, expenses, and the results that have been achieved in these installations such as in SD Plus Albina. However, at SD Plus Albina, Bekasi Regency, the role of technology has yet to be implemented, especially in the financial reporting system, by knowing the level of temporary profits because knowing the value of temporary profits can make it easier to make decisions. Using the K-Medoids Clustering Algorithm, you can find out the temporary profit level with manual calculations using Microsoft Excel 2020 and sample data, 2 clusters are obtained, namely high and low. The low cluster (C1) is 2 data, and the high cluster (C2) is 12. Compared to other clustering algorithms, the advantage of the K-Medoids algorithm is that it is more reliable when there is noise data because it is not too affected by other extreme data

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa Sekolah Dasar dengan Penggunaan Media Cerita Bergambar Dibandingkan Media Dialog Narasi

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh Kenyataan bahwa pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar relatif tidak terlalu disenangi siswa. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah suasana belajar mengajarnya kurang menyenangkan, minat belajar yang rendah, dan siswa kurang terfokus pada konsep yang dipelajari. Media cerita bergambar dan media dialog narasi memungkinkan pembelajaran menjadi lebih rileks, menyenangkan, menumbuhkan rasa keingintahuan, serta siswa terfokus kepada konsep yang dipelajari. Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkap seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan media cerita bergambar dan media dialog narasi terhadap peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa dan apakah terjadi perbedaan pengaruh secara signifikan dari penggunaan dua jenis media berbeda tersebut terhadap peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain kontrabalance. Pada fase pertama kelompok ke satu memperoleh perlakuan dengan media cerita bergambar, sedangkan kelompok ke dua memperoleh perlakuan dengan media dialog narasi. Fase ke dua ditukar, kelompok ke satu menerima media dialog narasi, kelompok ke dua menerima media cerita bergambar. Hasil penelitian memberi kesimpulan bahwa terjadi pengaruh peningkatan terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa dalam taraf sedang bagi kelompok-kelompok yang belajarnya menggunakan media cerita bergambar, sedangkan hanya terjadi peningkatan dalam taraf cenderung rendah dan rendah terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis bagi kelompok-kelompok yang belajarnya menggunakan media dialog narasi. Serta ada perbedaan peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa antara kelompok yang belajarnya menggunakan media cerita bergambar dibandingkan kelompok yang belajarnya dengan media dialog narasi. Kelompok yang menggunakan media cerita bergambar lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok yang belajarnya dengan media dialog narasi

    Pupuk Organik Cair asal Limbah Kulit Nanas untuk Perbaikan Lahan Karet Rakyat di Payaraman Barat, Ogan Ilir

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    Setyawan D, Maren A, Budianta D, Warsito W, Priatna SJ. 2022. Liquid organic fertilizer from pineapple peel waste for rural rubber land improvement in West Payaraman, Ogan Ilir. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang  27 Oktober 2022. pp. 878-884.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Rubber plantations are an important source of income in Payaraman District, Ogan Ilir and are generally cultivated on marginal lands. Meanwhile, pineapple peel waste that is not utilized will pile up into garbage even though it can be used as liquid organic fertilizer or compost. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of POC pineapple peel waste in increasing soil N, P, and K nutrients and latex production. The study used a split plot design with the main plot of weed clearing (without and with weeding) while the subplots were POC doses of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4% (equivalent to 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 ml POC). per liter of water). Watering is done with a frequency of once per week. The treatment was repeated three times. The experimental unit consisted of 30 mature rubber trees. Latex is collected weekly. The results showed that the POC of pineapple peel had a pH of 3.95; 0.05 % N; 0.027 % P and 0.19 % K. The initial soil pH value from 4.13 to 4.18 increased to around pH 5.0 after POC application for 4 weeks. Likewise, the total N content is about 0.26%; P-total 100 mg/kg and K-total 14 mg/kg. ANOVA results showed that the best treatment was a dose of 30 ml/liter with a latex production of 770 g/tree. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that the POC of pineapple waste has the potential to improve soil fertility and latex production. Weeding is important to reduce nutrient competition with rubber plants.