2,937 research outputs found


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    The issues of functioning of the suburban passenger railway complex, the main quantitative are considered. The qualitative indicators of railway transport are presented. The particular attention is paid to the problem of the lack of regular commuter traffic in the regions. The reforms carried out in the sphere of the passenger railway complex over the past twenty years, including the draft law on the formation of a new model of the organization of railway service to the population in suburban and long-distance communications submitted in 2018 are briefly analyzed. The results of the reform are evaluated


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    The article presents the foreign and domestic experience of organizations in the field of public transport, based on the consideration of the views of passengers. The data on International Association of public transport, the Berlin Union of passengers, as well as the first domestic Association «The passengers’ union» are given. The author believes that for more effective work of all types of public transport constant coordination of work of state bodies, companies and public organizations, reflecting the interests of all categories of passengers is required

    Possibilities of domestic railway engineering on the example of the Lastochka electric train

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    The purpose of this article is to study the possibilities and assess the current state of the Russian railway engineering industry. The research paper analyzes the conditions conducive to the development of domestic railway engineering in the production of electric trains. The reasons for the demand for the Lastochka are described and the features of operation reflected, and the difficulties of localization of production listed. Due to domestic developments and various modifications, the electric train is recognized as universal and capable of a variety of operating conditions. The article focuses on the main competitive advantages of this train and the prospects for the development of the production of the Lastochkas in the Russian Federation within the framework of external sanctions pressure and a high level of uncertainty. The author reflects the advantages and disadvantages of replacing domestic electric trains as a part of import substitution with products from friendly or neutral countries. The study notes that in the near future the state will need to decide on a further policy of import substitution within the framework of risk assessment for the domestic economy

    A75 Modern concepts of cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast cancer and their prognostic significance

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. The incidence of breast cancer in 2014 in the Republic of Mordovia was 69.9 per 100,000 female populations. Breast cancer occurs when excessive expression of oncoproteins switches in the case of transformation of proto-oncogene in PRADI. In primary breast tumors, mutations and the expression of the three oncogenes Her2/neu, C-mys, Int-2, as well as in supressonyh genes – the p53 gene and the retinoblastoma gene RB are the most common. Several studies found that oncogene – C-mys was expressed in 16.8% of primary breast cancer cases and in 35% cases with subsequent development of metastases. Proteins that stimulate the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinasescan activateunder the influence of growth factors. Development of breast cancer is regulated by a complex interaction of many hormones and growth factors. Currently, one of the leading theories of developing breast cancer is the increased hormonal stimulation of proliferative processes in the development of neoplasia. One of the manifestations of hormonal imbalance in tumor during a regular decrease in blood competitive inhibitor of the biological effects of estrogen – progesterone, which is in correlation with the stage of the spread of neoplasia. The role of the overproduction of estrogen in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is confirmed by the fact that in women who underwent oophorectomy before the age of 38years, the risk of breast cancer development is 1.5 times less than in those who did not have such operation. Excessive accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the area of neoplasia activates mechanisms violation of intercellular interaction that caused the destruction of the lipid components of membranes.The study group included 112 patients treated at the State Institution of Health of the Republic of Mordovia “National Oncology Center”. To identify the nature of tumors, all patients underwent immunohistochemical analysis. Androgen receptors were found in 48% of breast cancer cases, the expression level of androgen receptor in the tumor was much lower than the expression level of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Low levels of progesterone receptor expression in breast cancer cells were combined with high levels of expression of Ki-67 antigen, HER-2 oncoprotein in tumor cells. Patients with HER-2 (3+) and (2+) had more frequent multiple metastases in lymph nodes compared to patients with HER-2 (0) and (1+) phenotypes. Maximum expression of HER-2 oncoprotein in tumor cells indicated high metastatic potential and poor prognosis.It may be concluded that the cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast cancer are complex. Therefore, carcinogenesis has a “multistep” nature and at least two or more mutations in the cells of the same clone – parent and child are required to generate malignant tumors. Thus, the development of oncogenic transformation does not necessarily mean the process of tumor formation

    Wellbeing of foreign students enrolled in Russian universities: trends in development

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    The transformation of international relations, economics, scientific views, and technologies of production and communication implies the processes of involvement and social and academic integration. Introduction of new international standards for Russian higher education and establishment of the federal project 5/100/2020 to boost the global competitiveness of Russian universities in order to break into the top 100 in the World University Rankings (THE, QS and ARWU) affect the reputation of universities. The paper reports on the place of Russia in the global market for education services, primarily of tertiary level, and on changes in the training of foreigners over the last twenty years. The key indicators of training of foreign students in Russia affecting the position of Russian universities in global rankings have been considered. The paper presents statistical data on the number of quotas for admission of foreigners to study in Russian universities at the expense of the Russian budget and satisfaction of foreign students with living conditions


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    The features of management of domestic railway transport at different stages of its development have been disclosed. The main principles and conditions of structural reform in the industry have been formulated. The main models of management of the railway complex, principles and features of the organization of suburban railway communication in different countries have been characterized. Statistical data on suburban rail transport on the infrastructure of JSC «Russian Railways», confirming their importance and significance for the Russian Federation, have been adduced. The economic results of the activity of domestic suburban passenger companies have been considered. The shortcomings of the existing methodology for assessing the financial condition of suburban passenger companies have been indicated. The proposals to improve the current methods of calculations taking into account the conditions of prospective development of companies have been given. The scheme of scientific and methodical approach to the analysis of economic condition of the suburban passenger companies, including set of procedures of calculated and analytical character, has been offered

    Oil generation potential of the Permian deposits of Tatarstan based on the content, structure and thermal stability of organic matter in rocks

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    © SGEM2016.With the use of thermal analysis and Rock-Eval, as well as on the basis of changes in the content and features of the group and the hydrocarbon composition of organic matter in samples of oil and bitumen-containing rocks of Permian deposits in Tatarstan, according to their mineral composition, evaluated the types of hydrocarbon fluids and oil generation potential of the rocks

    Formation of value orientations of younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons

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    В статье приводятся результаты диагностики сформированности нравственных ориентиров младших школьников. Доказывается важность уроков русского языка в формировании всесторонне развитой личности, в формировании эмоций и чувств детей младшего школьного возраста. Определяются наиболее эффективные методы в формировании нравственных ориентиров четвероклассников. Описываются задания диагностики (формулирование основных мыслей рассказов, имеющих нравственную направленность; объяснение смысла пословиц, имеющих нравственную тематику; формулирование "золотого" правила нравственности). Анализ ответов на данные задания позволяет сделать вывод об уровне сформированности ценностных ориентаций у учеников четвертого класса и необходимости создания комплекса упражнений, направленных на формирование нравственных ориентиров младших школьников на уроках русского языка, в том числе и при работе с учебником по предмету.The article presents the results of diagnostics of the formation of the moral orientations of junior schoolchildren. The importance of Russian language lessons in the formation of a fully developed personality, in the formation of emotions and feelings of children of primary school age is proved. The most effective methods in the formation of the moral orientations of the fourth graders are determined. The tasks of diagnosis (the formulation of the main thoughts of stories that have a moral orientation, the explanation of the meaning of proverbs having a moral theme, the formulation of the "golden" rule of morality) are described. An analysis of the answers to these assignments allows one to draw a conclusion about the level of formation of moral orientations for fourth-grade students and the need to create a set of exercises aimed at forming moral guidelines for younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons, including when working with a textbook on the subject

    Assessment by students of the syntax is a simple complicated proposal

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    В статье приводятся результаты экзаменационного тестирования студентов, выпускников факультета начального образования, будущих учителей начальных классов на экзамене по синтаксису (по темам "Словосочетание" и "Простое предложение"). В данной статье анализируются ответы обучающихся двух групп четвертого курса по модулю "Осложненное предложение", выявляются наиболее типичные ошибки и причины данных ошибок при постановке знаков препинания в предложениях с однородными членами, при определении условий обособления полупредикативных второстепенных членов (определений, приложений, обстоятельств), уточняющих членов, а также постановки знаков препинания в предложениях, осложненных элементами, не являющимися членами предложения. Предлагаются пути преодоления данных ошибок. Простое осложненное предложение рассматривается как со стороны семантики, так и со стороны его оформления.In the article results of examination testing of students, graduates of faculty of primary education, future primary school teachers in the syntax exam (on the words "Phrase" and "Simple sentence"). This article analyzes the answers of students of two groups of the fourth year on the module "Complicated sentence", reveals the most common errors and the causes of these errors when punctuation marks are used in sentences with homogeneous terms, when determining the conditions for separating semi-predictive secondary members (definitions, applications, circumstances) clarifying members, as well as putting punctuation marks in sentences complicated by elements that are not members of the sentence. Suggested ways to overcome these errors. A simple complicated sentence is considered both from the side of semantics, and from the side of its design