10 research outputs found

    Pentecostal intimacies: women and intimate citizenship in the ministry of repentance and holiness in Kenya

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    This article explores the intersections of gender, sexuality and citizenship in the context of one prominent neo-Pentecostal movement in Kenya, the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness (MRH) led by the charismatic Prophet David Owuor. Employing the concept of intimate citizenship, the article analyses, first, how MRH engages in a contestation of intimate citizenship in the contemporary Kenyan public sphere, especially in relation to women’s bodies. Second, it examines how MRH simultaneously configures, through a range of highly intimate beliefs, practices and techniques, an alternative form of intimate citizenship defined by moral purity and concerned with a political project of moral regeneration. Coining the notion of ‘Pentecostal intimacies’, the article provides insight into the reasons why so many people, especially women, are attracted to MRH, and hence it interrogates the liberal frame in which intimate citizenship is usually conceptualised

    African Ecologies: The Value and Politics of Indigenous Knowledges – Introduction

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    This article offers an introduction to the special section about the theme of ‘African Ecologies and Indigenous Knowledges’. It explores the interest of scholars, policy makers and activists in indigenous knowledges as a resource for addressing global challenges, particularly the challenges in relation to the environment and climate change in contemporary Africa. Reviewing current literature and discourse on the subject, this Introduction foregrounds the considerable political, epistemological and methodological significance of indigenous knowledges, especially in the light of ongoing debates about decolonisation, and it highlights their relevance for understanding African ecologies. It further introduces the three articles included in this special section, embedding them in broader fields of scholarship

    Creating social spaces to tackle AIDS-related stigma: reviewing the role of church groups in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    An expanding body of literature explores the role of African church groups in facilitating or hindering the support of people living with AIDS and challenging or contributing to HIV/AIDS-related stigma. Treating church groups as social spaces in which HIV/AIDS-related stigma may potentially be challenged, we systematically review this literature, identifying five themes that highlight the complex and contradictory role of the church as a potential agent of health-enhancing social change. In many ways the church perpetuates HIV/AIDS-related stigma through (i) moralistic attitudes and (ii) its reinforcement of conservative gender ideologies. However some churches have managed move towards action that makes a more positive contribution to HIV/AIDS management through (iii) promoting various forms of social control for HIV prevention, (iv) contributing to the care and support of the AIDS-affected and (v) providing social spaces for challenging stigmatising ideas and practices. We conclude that church groups, including church leadership, can play a key role in facilitating or hindering the creation of supportive social spaces to challenge stigma. Much work remains to be done in developing deeper understandings of the multi-layered factors that enable some churches, but not others, to respond effectively to HIV/AIDS

    Spirituality, religion and youth: an introduction

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     This chapter introduces the concepts of religion and spirituality, particularly as these relate to young people. It reviews some of the major changes that are occurring in contemporary society and how these changes are reflected in the types of religions and spiritualties that young people are practicing. The processes of globalization, international migration, and the mass media provide more choice and increase uncertainty. In this context, the chapter examines some case studies to illustrate how some young people are embracing these choices and uncertainty, practicing Witchcraft as a religion and finding spiritual meaning in dance parties such as raves. In contrast, other young people find various forms of fundamentalisms attractive because they offer certainty in the face of unsettling and insecure times. Finally we discuss the rise of Pentecostalism in Africa and the issue of religious teaching in secular schools

    Power, Prejudice and Transitional Constitution-Making in Kenya: The Gender of Law and Religious Politics in Reproductive Choice

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    Kenya has borne memories and scars of colonial hegemonies, repressive and kleptocratic post-independence regimes, and bitter ethnic politicization of inequality, poverty, land issues and exclusion resulting in intermittent strife and volatile politics. Concomitantly, efforts to constitutionally reform and uphold rights and freedoms, especially for more vulnerable groups such as women, have been undertaken unsuccessfully. The 2007 post-election violence created the ultimate conditions for undertaking transitional justice, including reviving a constitutional process that was inclusive, enhanced equality and was effective for achieving sustainable peace, stability and justice in Kenya. Such conditions also allowed Kenya’s strong and very vocal human and women’s rights movements to negotiate aspects critical to their causes and play an important role in the successful 2010 constitutional referendum