1,916 research outputs found

    MODIS information, data and control system (MIDACS) operations concepts

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    The MODIS Information, Data, and Control System (MIDACS) Operations Concepts Document provides a basis for the mutual understanding between the users and the designers of the MIDACS, including the requirements, operating environment, external interfaces, and development plan. In defining the concepts and scope of the system, how the MIDACS will operate as an element of the Earth Observing System (EOS) within the EosDIS environment is described. This version follows an earlier release of a preliminary draft version. The individual operations concepts for planning and scheduling, control and monitoring, data acquisition and processing, calibration and validation, data archive and distribution, and user access do not yet fully represent the requirements of the data system needed to achieve the scientific objectives of the MODIS instruments and science teams. The teams are not yet formed; however, it is possible to develop the operations concepts based on the present concept of EosDIS, the level 1 and level 2 Functional Requirements Documents, and through interviews and meetings with key members of the scientific community. The operations concepts were exercised through the application of representative scenarios

    MODIS information, data and control system (MIDACS) level 2 functional requirements

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    The MODIS Information, Data and Control System (MIDACS) Level 2 Functional Requirements Document establishes the functional requirements for MIDACS and provides a basis for the mutual understanding between the users and the designers of the EosDIS, including the requirements, operating environment, external interfaces, and development plan. In defining the requirements and scope of the system, this document describes how MIDACS will operate as an element of the EOS within the EosDIS environment. This version of the Level 2 Requirements Document follows an earlier release of a preliminary draft version. The sections on functional and performance requirements do not yet fully represent the requirements of the data system needed to achieve the scientific objectives of the MODIS instruments and science teams. Indeed, the team members have not yet been selected and the team has not yet been formed; however, it has been possible to identify many relevant requirements based on the present concept of EosDIS and through interviews and meetings with key members of the scientific community. These requirements have been grouped by functional component of the data system, and by function within each component. These requirements have been merged with the complete set of Level 1 and Level 2 context diagrams, data flow diagrams, and data dictionary

    MODIS Information, Data, and Control System (MIDACS) system specifications and conceptual design

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    The MODIS Information, Data, and Control System (MIDACS) Specifications and Conceptual Design Document discusses system level requirements, the overall operating environment in which requirements must be met, and a breakdown of MIDACS into component subsystems, which include the Instrument Support Terminal, the Instrument Control Center, the Team Member Computing Facility, the Central Data Handling Facility, and the Data Archive and Distribution System. The specifications include sizing estimates for the processing and storage capacities of each data system element, as well as traffic analyses of data flows between the elements internally, and also externally across the data system interfaces. The specifications for the data system, as well as for the individual planning and scheduling, control and monitoring, data acquisition and processing, calibration and validation, and data archive and distribution components, do not yet fully specify the data system in the complete manner needed to achieve the scientific objectives of the MODIS instruments and science teams. The teams have not yet been formed; however, it was possible to develop the specifications and conceptual design based on the present concept of EosDIS, the Level-1 and Level-2 Functional Requirements Documents, the Operations Concept, and through interviews and meetings with key members of the scientific community

    Capillary force-induced structural instability in liquid infiltrated elastic circular tubes

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    The capillary-induced structural instability of an elastic circular tube partially filled by a liquid is studied by combining theoretical analysis and molecular dynamics simulations. The analysis shows that, associated with the instability, there is a well-defined length scale (elasto-capillary length), which exhibits a scaling relationship with the characteristic length of the tube, regardless of the interaction details. We validate this scaling relationship for a carbon nanotube partially filled by liquid iron. The capillary-induced structural transformation could have potential applications for nano-devices

    MODIS-HIRIS ground data systems commonality report

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    The High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (HIRIS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) Data Systems Working Group was formed in September 1988 with representatives of the MODIS Data System Study Group and the HIRIS Project Data System Design Group to collaborate in the development of requirements on the EosDIS necessary to meet the science objectives of the two facility instruments. A major objective was to identify and promote commonality between the HIRIS and MODIS data systems, especially from the science users' point of view. A goal was to provide a base set of joint requirements and specifications which could easily be expanded to a Phase-B representation of the needs of the science users of all EOS instruments. This document describes the points of commonality and difference between the Level-II Requirements, Operations Concepts, and Systems Specifications for the ground data systems for the MODIS and HIRIS instruments at their present state of development

    Generative Disruptive Questions: Operationalizing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Accessibility in Occupational Therapy Education

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    Diversity, equity, and inclusion is one of five pillars upholding the American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA) strategic plan. Ensuring organizational, educational and governance structures, policies, programs, and services all reflect diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and accessibility (DEIJA) is a priority for the profession. Yet, addressing DEIJA remains a significant challenge in the occupational therapy academic community. Educational programs are a gateway to the profession and play a critical role in whether minoritized persons feel they belong in occupational therapy. This paper proposes a set of Generative Disruptive Questions (GDQ) that can be used to critically examine practices within education that reflect commitment and action towards DEIJA and to facilitate focused conversations that accelerate the creation of measurable, action steps that ensure DEIJA practices are effectively addressed within occupational therapy educational programs. These questions are intended to foster authentic reflection and brave discussions that will dismantle processes and practices that perpetuate systemic injustices. These conversation starters could help faculty, staff and learners engage in courageous conversations that may, at times, be challenging, but which can lead to transformative changes. The questions promote reflective analysis of DEIJA in multiple aspects of the educational process from examination of vision and mission and DEIJA processes and practices in the broad institutional context to more focused analysis of the culture, climate, recruitment, retention, and teaching practices

    Records in a changing world

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    In the context of this paper, a record is an entry in a sequence of random variables (RV's) that is larger or smaller than all previous entries. After a brief review of the classic theory of records, which is largely restricted to sequences of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) RV's, new results for sequences of independent RV's with distributions that broaden or sharpen with time are presented. In particular, we show that when the width of the distribution grows as a power law in time nn, the mean number of records is asymptotically of order lnn\ln n for distributions with a power law tail (the \textit{Fr\'echet class} of extremal value statistics), of order (lnn)2(\ln n)^2 for distributions of exponential type (\textit{Gumbel class}), and of order n1/(ν+1)n^{1/(\nu+1)} for distributions of bounded support (\textit{Weibull class}), where the exponent ν\nu describes the behaviour of the distribution at the upper (or lower) boundary. Simulations are presented which indicate that, in contrast to the i.i.d. case, the sequence of record breaking events is correlated in such a way that the variance of the number of records is asymptotically smaller than the mean.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Repurposing human PDE4 inhibitors for neglected tropical diseases : design, synthesis and evaluation of cilomilast analogues as Trypanosoma brucei PDEB1 inhibitors

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 24 (2014): 4084-4089, doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2014.07.063.A medicinal chemistry exploration of the human phosphodiesterase 4 (hPDE4) inhibitor cilomilast (1) was undertaken in order to identify inhibitors of phosphodiesterase B1 of Trypanosoma brucei (TbrPDEB1). T. brucei is the parasite which causes African sleeping sickness, a neglected tropical disease that affects thousands each year, and TbrPDEB1 has been shown to be an essential target of therapeutic relevance. Noting that 1 is a weak inhibitor of TbrPDEB1, we report the design and synthesis of analogs of this compound, culminating in 12b, a sub-micromolar inhibitor of TbrPDEB1 that shows modest inhibition of T. brucei proliferation.This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (R01AI082577)

    Measuring kinetic coefficients by molecular dynamics simulation of zone melting

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to measure the kinetic coefficient at the solid-liquid interface in pure gold. Results are obtained for the (111), (100) and (110) orientations. Both Au(100) and Au(110) are in reasonable agreement with the law proposed for collision-limited growth. For Au(111), stacking fault domains form, as first reported by Burke, Broughton and Gilmer [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 89}, 1030 (1988)]. The consequence on the kinetics of this interface is dramatic: the measured kinetic coefficient is three times smaller than that predicted by collision-limited growth. Finally, crystallization and melting are found to be always asymmetrical but here again the effect is much more pronounced for the (111) orientation.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures (for fig. 8 : [email protected]). Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.