29 research outputs found

    Male antene: postupci smanjivanja izmjera i primjene

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    The paper presents research results in the field of small antennas obtained at the Department of Wireless Communications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. A study comparing the application of several miniaturization techniques on a shorted patch antenna is presented. Single and dual band shorted patch antennas with notches and/or slot are introduced. A PIFA designed for application in mobile GSM terminals is described. The application of stacked shorted patches as array elements for a mobile communication base station as well as for electromagnetic field sensor is presented. The design of single and dual band folded monopoles is described. Prototypes of the presented antennas have been manufactured and their characteristics were verified by measurements.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja u području malih antena ostvareni na Zavodu za Radiokomunikacije, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva. Prikazana je primjena više postupaka za smanjivanje izmjera skraćene mikrotrakaste antene. Opisane su izvedbe skraćenih mikrotrakastih antena s urezima i prorezom za rad u jednom i u dva frekvencijska područja. Prikazana je izvedba planarne invertirane F-antene (PIFA) za primjenu u ručnim terminalima sustava pokretnih komunikacija GSM. Višeslojne skraćene mikrotrakaste antene uporabljene su za izvedbu antenskog niza za baznu postaju sustava pokretnih komunikacija te kao elementi osjetila za mjerenje jakosti elektromagnetskog polja. Prikazana je izvedba savijenih monopolnih antena za rad u jednom te u dva frekvencijska pojasa. Izrađeni su prototipovi opisanih antena i mjerenjima su ispitane njihove osobine

    Recidivant desmoide fibromatosis of anterior abdominal wall et desmoide fibromatosis of retroperitoneum: Case report

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    Desmoide or aggressive fibromatosis belong to the group of benign tumor characterized by a locally infiltrative growth and tendency to recur and which do not metastasize. Here is shown 46 years old woman who is coming for examination because of recurrent tumors of the anterior abdominal wall, PH earlier verified as desmoide fibromatosis. With a tumor of the anterior abdominal wall measuring 14.7 x 7.0 x 12.5 cm, CT diagnostics discovered a tumor size of 5.8 x 8.8 cm 6,2x in the lodge earlier removed right kidney, which is in close communication with v. cava inferior (VCI) and A. Illiaca comunis dex. (AIC dex.). Compression of VCI and AIC has resulted in swelling of the right leg as a whole who retired after excision of the tumor. The postoperative course was uneventful

    Vprašalnik za merjenje kakovosti življenja, povezanega z zdravjem

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    Background: Translations of instruments for measuring quality of life developed in certain, mostly more developed, parts of the world usually do not cover regionally specific aspects of health-related quality of life, even after transcultural validation. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a reliable questionnaire in Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin languages suitable for measuring health-related quality of life in adults. Methods: The study was of a cross-sectional type, assessing the reliability and validity of a newly developed questionnaire for measuring health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in adults residing in western Balkan states (WB-HRQoL). It was conducted on a sample of 489 adults from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Montenegro, with a mean age of 52.2±14.4 years and a male/female ratio of 195/294 (39.9%/60.1%). Result: The definitive version of the WB-HRQoL scale with 19 items showed very good reliability, with Cronbach's alpha 0.905. The scale was temporally stable, and satisfactory results were obtained for divergent and convergent validity tests. Exploratory factorial analysis brought to the surface four domains of health-related quality of life, namely the physical, psychical, social, and environmental. Conclusion: The WB-HRQoL scale is a reliable and valid generic instrument for measuring HRQoL that takes into account the cultural specifics of the western Balkan region