45 research outputs found


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    Food consumption refers to the amount of food available for human consumption. The knowledge of food consumption is crucial to set production and food supply policies, to compare eating habits with other countries, to assess the nutritional status of a population and to study the relationship between diet and health. In the last years all these aspects have taken an increasingly important interest because epidemiological studies have indicated a possible association between high consumption of meat and an risk of several forms of cancer as well as metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately meat consumption is often estimated by methods that are inappropriate for this use because they do not represent the actual amount of meat consumed or, better, eaten by the consumers. The actual food consumption may be lower than the quantity shown as food availability depending on the magnitude of wastage and losses of food during the slaughtering, in the household, e.g. during storage, in preparation and cooking, as plate-waste or quantities fed to domestic animals and pets, thrown or given away The consumption estimated by FAO and by statistical offices of the various countries through the national food balance sheets does not indicate the amount of meat, ie the weight of the skeletal muscles of animals with included or adherent tissues, but the amount of the weighted carcass at the slaughterhouse, including bones, tendons, connective tissues and fat. This paper discusses a method of estimating the real per capita consumption of meat in Italy with accuracy comparable to that of individual consumption, developed by the Study Commission of Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA). This action responds to the need of producing statistical indicator related to health food, as recommended by many international organizations (FAO, Eurostat)

    Tightening slip knots in raw and degummed silk to increase toughness without losing strength

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    NMP is supported by the European Research Council (ERC StG Ideas 2011 BIHSNAM n. 279985 on “Bio-Inspired hierarchical super-nanomaterials”, ERC PoC 2013-1 REPLICA2 n. 619448 on “Large-area replication of biological anti-adhesive nanosurfaces”, ERC PoC 2013-2 KNOTOUGH n. 632277 on “Super-tough knotted fibres”), by the European Commission under the Graphene Flagship (WP10 “Nanocomposites”, n. 604391) and by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento (“Graphene Nanocomposites”, n. S116/2012-242637 and reg.delib. n. 2266)

    Hi-C-constrained physical models of human chromosomes recover functionally-related properties of genome organization

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    Combining genome-wide structural models with phenomenological data is at the forefront of efforts to understand the organizational principles regulating the human genome. Here, we use chromosome-chromosome contact data as knowledge-based constraints for large-scale three-dimensional models of the human diploid genome. The resulting models remain minimally entangled and acquire several functional features that are observed in vivo and that were never used as input for the model. We find, for instance, that gene-rich, active regions are drawn towards the nuclear center, while gene poor and lamina associated domains are pushed to the periphery. These and other properties persist upon adding local contact constraints, suggesting their compatibility with non-local constraints for the genome organization. The results show that suitable combinations of data analysis and physical modelling can expose the unexpectedly rich functionally-related properties implicit in chromosome-chromosome contact data. Specific directions are suggested for further developments based on combining experimental data analysis and genomic structural modelling

    La nozione di classico in linguistica. Atti del XXXVIII Convegno della Societ\ue0 Italiana di Glottologia

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    Il volume raccoglie gli atti del XXXVIII convegno della Societ\ue0 Italiana di Glottologia, dedicato ad esplorare la nozione di 'classico' nell'analisi linguistica. Classico \ue8 una etichetta utilizzata per indicare lingue (come il latino, il greco, ma anche l'arabo, il cinese...) la cui documentazione \ue8 per\uf2 disomogena: quale latino \ue8 classico? in base a quali parametri si stabilisce quale porzione della documentazione in nostro possesso pu\uf2 essere definita classica? e i parametri che si usano per la tradizione latina sono i medesimi in uso nella tradizione greca? Ma oltre che alle lingue o a stadi di lingua, la stessa etichetta viene utilizzata per indicare una grammatica e chi la elabora (i grammatici). Lo scopo dei contributi \ue8 quello di indagare a fondo l'uso di questo termine e di capire quanto esso abbia o meno un fondamento puramente linguistic