12 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of coast effect on magnetotelluric measurements

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    A High Capacity and Novel Steganography Technique for A High Capacity and Novel Steganography Technique for A High Capacity and Novel Steganography Technique for A High Capacity and Novel Steganography Technique for Hiding Data in an Audio Signal Hiding D

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    Abstract: This paper is that the study of audio steganography mistreatment formula like LSB approach. Here during this paper to enhance the protection to our secret message we've got designed a secrete key, so whoever understand the secrete key they solely will access the information. During this paper, we have a tendency of a unique high bit rate LSB technique that reduces embedding distortion of the host audio. As a steganographic approach the quality of the host audio signal wasn't to be degraded. By mistreatment this LSB formula we are able to come through the high sensory activity quality of the input audio signal. Our projected formula provides top quality of host audio and security than compared to previous ways

    First case of Arcobacter species isolated in pericardial fluid in an HIV and COVID-19 patient with worsening cardiac tamponade

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    Arcobacter spp. is an emerging pathogen that is increasingly recognized as a cause of human infections. Gastrointestinal manifestations are most described in the case report literature. We present a case of the first documented case of Arcobacter spp. isolated in pericardial fluid in an immunocompromised patient with worsening cardiac tamponade that was successfully managed with an urgent pericardiocentesis and ensuing steroids, antibiotics, and a pericardial drain. The patient had a past medical history of HIV, latent syphilis, PCP pneumonia, ESRD, and hypertension, and presented with worsening dyspnea, subjective fever, myalgias, cough, pleuritic chest pain, and pericardial rub. Diagnostic workup revealed a positive COVID-19 PCR test, elevated high-sensitive cardiac troponins, elevated CRP, elevated D-dimer, and elevated creatinine. An ECG revealed diffuse ST-segment elevation, and imaging showed cardiomegaly with pulmonary vascular congestion and diffuse interstitial edema. Urgent TTE showed a large circumferential pericardial effusion with tamponade physiology present. Culture on aerobic blood agar grew Arcobacter spp. of unknown specific species, and blood cultures were also positive for Arcobacter spp. Treatment involved intravenous meropenem for five days, followed by oral ciprofloxacin, low-dose colchicine, and a tapered dose of ibuprofen. Repeat laboratory data and TTE showed complete resolution of the pericardial effusion and improved left ventricular function. This case highlights the potential for Arcobacter spp. to cause severe infections and the importance of considering it as a possible pathogen in patients with atypical presentations

    Response of PGPR and AM fungi toward growth and secondary metabolite production in medicinal and aromatic plants

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    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) are a group of naturally occurring beneficial soil bacteria that colonize with the plant root system and promote growth by triggering the production of growth-regulating substances and facilitate the plants in the uptake of essential nutrients from the surrounding environments. Similarly, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi also enhanced the growth, water and nutrient uptake, and especially available phosphate through their specialized hyphae. In addition, PGPR and AM fungi are known to stimulate the accumulation of secondary metabolites in plants. For several years, they are commonly employed to increase the plant yield and productivity especially in agricultural practices. The medicinal and aromatic plants are gaining popularity worldwide due to high therapeutic properties with negligible toxic side effects. To fulfill the global demand and supply gap for medicinal and aromatic plants and their products, farmers are encouraged to cultivate these plants on a large scale. However, there is a need to understand and implement a better cultivation practices in order to improve the quality of medicinal and aromatic plants. In this regard, the utilization of PGPRs and AM fungi as biofertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers could be a promising approach to the development of medicinal and aromatic plants under the sustainable production system. The aim of this chapter is to describe the potentiality of PGPRs and AM fungi to improve growth and development of medicinal and aromatic plants and accumulation of secondary metabolites having high therapeutic worth and also pave a way in the development of new biotechnological products as biofertilizers