514 research outputs found

    The alternating least squares technique for nonuniform intensity color correction

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    Color correction involves mapping device RGBs to display counterparts or to corresponding XYZs. A popular methodology is to take an image of a color chart and then solve for the best 3 × 3 matrix that maps the RGBs to the corresponding known XYZs. However, this approach fails at times when the intensity of the light varies across the chart. This variation needs to be removed before estimating the correction matrix. This is typically achieved by acquiring an image of a uniform gray chart in the same location, and then dividing the color checker image by the gray-chart image. Of course, taking images of two charts doubles the complexity of color correction. In this article, we present an alternative color correction algorithm that simultaneously estimates the intensity variation and the 3 × 3 transformation matrix from a single image of a color chart. We show that the color correction problem, that is, finding the 3 × 3 correction matrix, can be solved using a simple alternating least-squares procedure. Experiments validate our approach. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 232–242, 201

    A new parrot taxon from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico—its position within genus Amazona based on morphology and molecular phylogeny

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    Parrots (Psittaciformes) are a diverse group of birds which need urgent protection. However, many taxa from this order have an unresolved status, which makes their conservation difficult. One species-rich parrot genus is Amazona, which is widely distributed in the New World. Here we describe a new Amazona form, which is endemic to the Yucatán Peninsula. This parrot is clearly separable from other Amazona species in eleven morphometric characters as well as call and behavior. The clear differences in these features imply that the parrot most likely represents a new species. In contrast to this, the phylogenetic tree based on mitochondrial markers shows that this parrot groups with strong support within A. albifrons from Central America, which would suggest that it is a subspecies of A. albifrons. However, taken together tree topology tests and morphometric analyses, we can conclude that the new parrot represents a recently evolving species, whose taxonomic status should be further confirmed. This lineage diverged from its closest relative about 120,000 years ago and was subjected to accelerated morphological and behavioral changes like some other representatives of the genus Amazona. Our phylogenies, which are so far the most comprehensive for Amazona taxa enabled us to consider the most feasible scenarios about parrot colonization of the Greater and Lesser Antilles and Central America from South America mainland. The molecular dating of these migrations and diversification rate were correlated with climatic and geological events in the last five million years, giving an interesting insight into Amazon parrot phylogeography and their evolution in general


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    The essence of scientific innovative potential of the national innovative system is discussed. The influence of scientific innovative potential on economic safety is defined and on this basis innovative safety is specified in the economic safety structure. Basic directions of the innovativesafety are characterized, its threats and threshold indicators are defined

    108P Wpływ transferu genów glikozylotransferazy na immunogeniczność czerniaka złośliwehgo u myszy

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    Glikozylotransferazy są swoistymi enzymami, biorącymi udział w glikozylacji białek wydzielniczych i powierzchniowych komórki. Ich niedobór lub brak wpływa na strukturę powierzchniowych antygenów i immunogenność komórki. Udoskonalenie metod transferu genów i uzyskiwania ich właściwej ekspresji umożliwiło wprowadzenie genów glikozylotransferaz do komórki.Komórki nowotworowe, pomimo ekspresji na swej powierzchni antygenów rozpoznawanych jako obce, nie ulegają eliminacji. Uważa się, że obniżona immunogenność transfoemowanych komórek wpływa na rozwój choroby nowotworowej.Cel pracyOkreślenie kinetyki wzrostu guza i czasu przeżycia myszy C57CL6/C3H, którym podskórnie podano komórki mysiego czerniaka (B78-H1) modyfikowane poprzez wprowadzenie genu (β1,4 galctosylotransferazy.Materiał i metodyKomórki słabo immunogennej linii mysiego czerniaka (B78-H1) transdukowano β1,4 galctosylotransferazą przy użyciu wektora retrowirusowego podwójnej kopii (DCCMV- β1.4GT). Poziom ekspresji mRNA dla 1.4 galaktozylotransferazy oceniano, wykorzystując swoiste 1) znakowane sondy cDNA (Northern Blott) oraz 2) primery (RT-PCR).Wyjściowe (B78-H1) i modyfikowane genetycznie (B78-1,4GT) komórki mysiego czerniaka wstrzykiwano s.c. 8 tygodniowym myszom C57BL6/C3H (5×105komórek). Analizowano dynamikę wzrostu guza, zdolność formowania przerzutów oraz czas przeżycia zwierząt.WynikiWszystkie zwierzęta, którym podano wyjściowe komórki B78-H1 (grupa kontrolna) rozwinęły guz po 3 tygodniach. U myszy, którym zaszczepiono komórki B78-1.4GT guzy pojawiły się 2 tygodnie później. Analiza średniego czasu przeżycia zwierząt wykazała, że zwierzęta zaszczepione komórkami B78-1.4GT przeżywały dłużej w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną


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    The essence of scientific innovative potential of the national innovative system is discussed. The influence of scientific innovative potential on economic safety is defined and on this basis innovative safety is specified in the economic safety structure. Basic directions of the innovativesafety are characterized, its threats and threshold indicators are defined.Рассматривается сущность научного инновационного потенциала национальной инновационной системы. Определяется влияние научного инновационного потенциала на экономическую безопасность страны, и на этой основе в структуре экономической безопасности выделяется инновационная безопасность. Характеризуются основные направления инновационной безопасности, определяются ее угрозы и пороговые индикаторы

    Phase transition in the genome evolution favours non-random distribution of genes on chromosomes

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    We have used the Monte Carlo based computer models to show that selection pressure could affect the distribution of recombination hotspots along the chromosome. Close to critical crossover rate, where genomes may switch between the Darwinian purifying selection or complementation of haplotypes, the distribution of recombination events and the force of selection exerted on genes affect the structure of chromosomes. The order of expression of gene s and their location on chromosome may decide about the extinction or survival of competing populations.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, publicatio

    A designer hyper interleukin 11 (H11) is a biologically active cytokine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interleukin 11 (IL-11) is a pleiotropic cytokine with anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and hematopoietic potential. The IL-11 activity is determined by the expression of the IL-11R receptor alpha (IL-11Rα) and the signal transducing subunit β (gp130) on the cell membrane. A recombinant soluble form of the IL-11Rα (sIL-11Rα) in combination with IL-11 acts as an agonist on cells expressing the gp130 molecule. We constructed a designer cytokine Hyper IL-11 (H11), which is exclusively composed of naturally existing components. It contains the full length sIL-11Rα connected with the mature IL-11 protein using their natural sequences only. Such a construct has two major advantages: (i) its components are as close as possible to the natural forms of both proteins and (ii) it lacks an artificial linker what should avoid induction of antibody production.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The H11 construct was generated, the protein was produced in a baculovirus expression system and was then purified by using ion exchange chromatography. The H11 protein displayed activity in three independent bioassays, (i) it induced acute phase proteins production in HepG2 cells expressing IL-11, IL-11Rα and gp130, (ii) it stimulated the proliferation of B9 cells (cells expressing IL-11Rα and gp130) and (iii) proliferation of Baf/3-gp130 cells (cells not expressing IL-11 and IL-11Rα but gp130). Moreover, the preliminary data indicated that H11 was functionally distinct from Hyper-IL-6, a molecule which utilizes the same homodimer of signal transducing receptor (gp130).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The biologically active H11 may be potentially useful for treatment of thrombocytopenia, infertility, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases or inflammatory disorders.</p