3,517 research outputs found

    Break-up mechanisms in heavy ion collisions at low energies

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    We investigate reaction mechanisms occurring in heavy ion collisions at low energy (around 20 MeV/u). In particular, we focus on the competition between fusion and break-up processes (Deep-Inelastic and fragmentation) in semi-peripheral collisions, where the formation of excited systems in various conditions of shape and angular momentum is observed. Adopting a Langevin treatment for the dynamical evolution of the system configuration, described in terms of shape observables such as quadrupole and octupole moments, we derive fusion/fission probabilities, from which one can finally evaluate the corresponding fusion and break-up cross sections. The dependence of the results on shape, angular momentum and excitation energy is discussed.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Nuclear collective dynamics within Vlasov approach

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    We discuss, in an investigation based on Vlasov equation, the properties of the isovector modes in nuclear matter and atomic nuclei in relation with the symmetry energy. We obtain numerically the dipole response and determine the strength function for various systems, including a chain of Sn isotopes. We consider for the symmetry energy three parametrizations with density providing similar values at saturation but which manifest very different slopes around this point. In this way we can explore how the slope affects the collective response of finite nuclear systems. We focus first on the dipole polarizability and show that while the model is able to describe the expected mass dependence, A^{5/3}, it also demonstrates that this quantity is sensitive to the slope parameter of the symmetry energy. Then, by considering the Sn isotopic chain, we investigate the emergence of a collective mode, the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR), when the number of neutrons in excess increases. We show that the total energy-weighted sum rule exhausted by this mode has a linear dependence with the square of isospin I=(N-Z)/A, again sensitive to the slope of the symmetry energy with density. Therefore the polarization effects in the isovector density have to play an important role in the dynamics of PDR. These results provide additional hints in the investigations aiming to extract the properties of symmetry energy below saturation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Dynamical Dipole Mode in Fusion Reactions with Exotic Nuclear Beams

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    We report the properties of the prompt dipole radiation, produced via a collective bremsstrahlung mechanism, in fusion reactions with exotic beams. We show that the gamma yield is sensitive to the density dependence of the symmetry energy below/around saturation. Moreover we find that the angular distribution of the emitted photons from such fast collective mode can represent a sensitive probe of its excitation mechanism and of fusion dynamics in the entrance channel.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Symmetry Energy Effects on the Mixed Hadron-Quark Phase at High Baryon Density

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    The phase transition of hadronic to quark matter at high baryon and isospin density is analyzed. Relativistic mean field models are used to describe hadronic matter, and the MIT bag model is adopted for quark matter. The boundaries of the mixed phase and the related critical points for symmetric and asymmetric matter are obtained. Due to the different symmetry term in the two phases, isospin effects appear to be rather significant. With increasing isospin asymmetry the binodal transition line of the (T,\rho_B) diagram is lowered to a region accessible through heavy ion collisions in the energy range of the new planned facilities, e.g. the FAIR/NICA projects. Some observable effects are suggested, in particular an "Isospin Distillation" mechanism with a more isospin asymmetric quark phase, to be seen in charged meson yield ratios, and an onset of quark number scaling of the meson/baryon elliptic flows. The presented isospin effects on the mixed phase appear to be robust with respect to even large variations of the poorly known symmetry term at high baryon density in the hadron phase. The dependence of the results on a suitable treatment of isospin contributions in effective QCD Lagrangian approaches, at the level of explicit isovector parts and/or quark condensates, is finally discussed.Comment: 14 two column pages, 14 figures, new results with other hadron EoS. Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Heavy Ion Dynamics and Neutron Stars

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    Some considerations are reported, freely inspired from the presentations and discussions during the Beijing Normal University Workshop on the above Subject, held in July 2007. Of course this cannot be a complete summary but just a collection of personal thougths aroused during the meeting.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, Summary Talk, Int.Workshop on "Nuclear Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions and Neutron Stars", Beijing Normal Univ. July 07, to appear in Int.Journ.Modern Physics E (2008

    Isospin effects on sub-threshold kaon production at intermediate energies

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    We show that in collisions with neutron rich heavy ions at energies around the production threshold K^0 and K^+ yields might probe the isospin dependent part of the nuclearEquation of State (EoS) at high baryon densities. In particular we suggest the K^0/K^+ ratio as a promising observable. Results obtained in a fully covariant relativistic transport approach are presented for central Au+Au collisions in the beam energy range 0.8-1.8~AGeV. The focus is put on the EoS influence which goes beyond the "collision-cascade" picture. The isovector part of the in-medium interaction affects the kaon multiplicities via two mechanisms: i) a "symmetry potential" effect, i.e. a larger neutron repulsion in n-rich systems (isospin fractionation); ii) a "threshold" effect, due to the change in the self-energies of the particles involved in inelastic processes. Genuine relativistic contributions are revealed, that could allow to directly ``measure'' the Lorentz structure of the effective isovector interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, revtex

    Application of density dependent parametrization models to asymmetric nuclear matter

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    Density dependent parametrization models of the nucleon-meson effective couplings, including the isovector scalar \delta-field, are applied to asymmetric nuclear matter. The nuclear equation of state and the neutron star properties are studied in an effective Lagrangian density approach, using the relativistic mean field hadron theory. It is known that the introduction of a \delta-meson in the constant coupling scheme leads to an increase of the symmetry energy at high density and so to larger neutron star masses, in a pure nucleon-lepton scheme. We use here a more microscopic density dependent model of the nucleon-meson couplings to study the properties of neutron star matter and to re-examine the \delta-field effects in asymmetric nuclear matter. Our calculations show that, due to the increase of the effective \delta coupling at high density, with density dependent couplings the neutron star masses in fact can be even reduced.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Collective Dipole Bremsstrahlung in Fusion Reactions

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    We estimate the dipole radiation emitted in fusion processes. We show that a classical bremsstrahlung approach can account for both the preequilibrium and the thermal photon emission. We give an absolute evaluation of the pre-equilibrium component due to the charge asymmetry in the entrance channel and we study the energy and mass dependence in order to optimize the observation. This dynamical dipole radiation could be a relevant cooling mechanism in the fusion path. We stress the interest in experiments with the new available radioactive beams.Comment: 4 pages (LATEX), 4 Postscript figures, minor text modification

    Prompt dipole radiation in fusion reactions

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    The prompt gamma ray emission was investigated in the 16A MeV energy region by means of the 36,40Ar+96,92Zr fusion reactions leading to a compound nucleus in the vicinity of 132Ce. We show that the prompt radiation, which appears to be still effective at such a high beam energy, has an angular distribution pattern consistent with a dipole oscillation along the symmetry axis of the dinuclear system. The data are compared with calculations based on a collective bremsstrahlung analysis of the reaction dynamics
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