661 research outputs found

    Neural Online Filtering Based on Preprocessed Calorimeter Data

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    Aiming at coping with LHC high event rate, the ATLAS collaboration has been designing a sophisticated three-level online triggering system. A significant number of interesting events decays into electrons, which have to be identified from a huge background noise. This work proposes a high-efficient L2 electron / jet discrimination algorithm based on artificial neural processing fed from preprocessed calorimeter information. The feature extraction part of the proposed system provides a ring structure for data description. Energy normalization is later applied to the rings, making the proposed system usable for a broad energy spectrum. Envisaging data compaction, Principal Component Analysis and Principal Component of Discrimination are compared in terms of both compaction rates and classification efficiency. For the pattern recognition section, an artificial neural network was employed. The proposed algorithm was able to achieve an electron detection efficiency of 96% for a false alarm of 7%

    Caracterização dos solos em duas toposseqüências sobre diferentes litologias em áreas altimontanas na Serra da Mantiqueira.

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    Estudo de solos em duas toposseqüências em áreas de preservação ambiental na Serra da Mantiqueira, a primeira localizada no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, município de Lima Duarte, MG e a segunda localizada na RPPN do Matutú, município de Aiuruoca, MG.bitstream/CNPS/11573/1/doc57_2003_topossequencias.pd

    Hidden geometric correlations in real multiplex networks

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    Real networks often form interacting parts of larger and more complex systems. Examples can be found in different domains, ranging from the Internet to structural and functional brain networks. Here, we show that these multiplex systems are not random combinations of single network layers. Instead, they are organized in specific ways dictated by hidden geometric correlations between the individual layers. We find that these correlations are strong in different real multiplexes, and form a key framework for answering many important questions. Specifically, we show that these geometric correlations facilitate: (i) the definition and detection of multidimensional communities, which are sets of nodes that are simultaneously similar in multiple layers; (ii) accurate trans-layer link prediction, where connections in one layer can be predicted by observing the hidden geometric space of another layer; and (iii) efficient targeted navigation in the multilayer system using only local knowledge, which outperforms navigation in the single layers only if the geometric correlations are sufficiently strong. Our findings uncover fundamental organizing principles behind real multiplexes and can have important applications in diverse domains.Comment: Supplementary Materials available at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v12/n11/extref/nphys3812-s1.pd

    Computational fact checking from knowledge networks

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    Traditional fact checking by expert journalists cannot keep up with the enormous volume of information that is now generated online. Computational fact checking may significantly enhance our ability to evaluate the veracity of dubious information. Here we show that the complexities of human fact checking can be approximated quite well by finding the shortest path between concept nodes under properly defined semantic proximity metrics on knowledge graphs. Framed as a network problem this approach is feasible with efficient computational techniques. We evaluate this approach by examining tens of thousands of claims related to history, entertainment, geography, and biographical information using a public knowledge graph extracted from Wikipedia. Statements independently known to be true consistently receive higher support via our method than do false ones. These findings represent a significant step toward scalable computational fact-checking methods that may one day mitigate the spread of harmful misinformation

    Efeito do tratamento térmico sobre a bioacessibilidade de ferro e zinco em feijão-caupi.

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    O feijão-caupi é considerado excelente fonte de ferro e zinco. Avaliar a bioacessibilidade desses microminerais no grão é importante devido ao fato de crianças e gestantes possuírem uma ingesta deficiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a bioacessibilidade de ferro e zinco nos grãos cru e cozidos das cultivares BRS Xiquexique, BR 17 - Gurguéia e BRS Guariba em panela de pressão com e sem imersão prévia. A determinação da bioacessibilidade foi realizada pelo método descrito por Luten e colaboradores. O percentual (%) da bioacessibilidade do ferro nos grãos crus foi de 3,65; 2,21 e 2,65% na BRS Xiquexique, BR 17 - Gurguéia e BRS Guariba, respectivamente. Após o cozimento em panela de pressão com imersão, a bioacessibilidade do ferro mostrou variação de 13,98% (BRS Guariba) a 6,85% (BRS Xiquexique) e, sem imersão de 17,28% (BRS Guariba) a 10,98% (BR 17 - Gurguéia). A bioacessibilidade do zinco em grãos crus foi de 38,2% (BRS Xiquexique), 38,8% (BR 17 - Gurguéia) e 47,5% (BRS Guariba) enquanto que cozido em panela de pressão com imersão, o percentual variou de 45,6% (BRS Guariba) a 24,33% (BRS Xiquexique) e, sem imersão, de 45,1% (BRS Guariba) a 43,24% (BRS Xiquexique). O tratamento térmico influenciou na determinação do % de bioacessibilidade de ferro e zinco para as cultivares BRS Xiquexique e BRS Guariba. O cozimento em panela de pressão sem imersão, quanto à bioacessibilidade de ferro e de zinco, mostrou um percentual maior que o cozimento em panela de pressão com imersão para a BRS Xiquexique.CONAC 2012. Disponível em: http://www.conac2012.org/resumos/pdf/124a.pdf. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2013

    Efeito do tratamento térmico sobre a bioacessibilidade de ferro e zinco em feijão-caupi.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a bioacessibilidade de ferro e de zinco das cultivares de feijão-caupi BRS Xiquexique, BR 17 - Gurguéia e BRS Guariba nos grãos crus e cozidos em panela de pressão com e sem imersão