77 research outputs found

    The Use of Health Service Areas for Measuring Provider Availability

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    Measurement of the availability of health care providers in a geographic area is a useful component in assessing access to health care. One of the problems associated with the county provider-to-population ratio as a measure of availability is that patients frequently travel outside their counties of residence for health care, especially those residing in non-metropolitan counties. Thus, in measuring the number of providers per capita, it is important that the geographic unit of analysis be a health service area. We have defined health care service areas for the coterminous United States, based on 1988 Medicare data on travel patterns between counties for routine hospital care. We used hierarchical cluster analysis to group counties into 802 service areas. More than one half of the service areas include only non-metropolitan counties. The service areas vary substantially in the availability of health care resources as measured by physicians and hospital beds per 100,000 population. For almost all of the service areas, the majority of hospital stays by area residents occur within the service area. In contrast, for 39 percent of counties, the majority of hospital stays by county residents occur outside the county. Thus, the service areas are a more appropriate georgraphic unit than the county for measuring the availability of health care

    Community characteristics that attract physicians in Japan: a cross-sectional analysis of community demographic and economic factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In many countries, there is a surplus of physicians in some communities and a shortage in others. Population size is known to be correlated with the number of physicians in a community, and is conventionally considered to represent the power of communities to attract physicians. However, associations between other demographic/economic variables and the number of physicians in a community have not been fully evaluated. This study seeks other parameters that correlate with the physician population and show which characteristics of a community determine its "attractiveness" to physicians.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Associations between the number of physicians and selected demographic/economic/life-related variables of all of Japan's 3132 municipalities were examined. In order to exclude the confounding effect of community size, correlations between the physician-to-population ratio and other variable-to-population ratios or variable-to-area ratios were evaluated with simple correlation and multiple regression analyses. The equity of physician distribution against each variable was evaluated by the orenz curve and Gini index.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the 21 variables selected, the service industry workers-to-population ratio (0.543), commercial land price (0.527), sales of goods per person (0.472), and daytime population density (0.451) were better correlated with the physician-to-population ratio than was population density (0.409). Multiple regression analysis showed that the service industry worker-to-population ratio, the daytime population density, and the elderly rate were each independently correlated with the physician-to-population ratio (standardized regression coefficient 0.393, 0.355, 0.089 respectively; each p < 0.001). Equity of physician distribution was higher against service industry population (Gini index = 0.26) and daytime population (0.28) than against population (0.33).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Daytime population and service industry population in a municipality are better parameters of community attractiveness to physicians than population. Because attractiveness is supposed to consist of medical demand and the amenities of urban life, the two parameters may represent the amount of medical demand and/or the extent of urban amenities of the community more precisely than population does. The conventional demand-supply analysis based solely on population as the demand parameter may overestimate the inequity of the physician distribution among communities.</p

    Incorporating health care quality into health antitrust law

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Antitrust authorities treat price as a proxy for hospital quality since health care quality is difficult to observe. As the ability to measure quality improved, more research became necessary to investigate the relationship between hospital market power and patient outcomes. This paper examines the impact of hospital competition on the quality of care as measured by the risk-adjusted mortality rates with the hospital as the unit of analysis. The study separately examines the effect of competition on non-profit hospitals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We use California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) data from 1997 through 2002. Empirical model is a cross-sectional study of 373 hospitals. Regression analysis is used to estimate the relationship between Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) risk-adjusted mortality rates and hospital competition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Regression results show lower risk-adjusted mortality rates in the presence of a more competitive environment. This result holds for all alternative hospital market definitions. Non-profit hospitals do not have better patient outcomes than investor-owned hospitals. However, they tend to provide better quality in less competitive environments. CABG volume did not have a significant effect on patient outcomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Quality should be incorporated into the antitrust analysis. When mergers lead to higher prices and lower quality, thus lower social welfare, the antitrust challenge of hospital mergers is warranted. The impact of lower hospital competition on quality of care delivered by non-profit hospitals is ambiguous.</p

    Networks or structures? : organizing cultural routes around heritage values : case studies from Poland

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    The most common way of managing cultural heritage recently takes form of cultural routes as they seem to offer a new model of participation in culture to their recipients; they are often a peculiar anchor point for inhabitants to let them understand their identity and form the future; they offer actual tours to enter into interaction with culture and history, to build together that creation of the heritage, which so is becoming not only a touristic product, but, first of all, the space for cultural, social and civic activity. Yet, so far, according to what we know, the research problem concerning the method of cultural route organization (points on the route) into solid structures or more of the networked nature, has not been deliberated. A question arises, what values are brought by routes and how to organize routes to be the carriers of the values important for communities, where routes are functioning. And, as a consequence, if, from the point of view of the values of local communities, organizing solid route structures or organizing more widely-spaced, network-based routes would bring effects and what those effects would be. Thus, the posed question is of course scientifically imprecise because a network is a type of structure but presents a given direction for the development of cultural route structures. Our objective here is to present a certain solidity and rigidity of structure with dynamic and smooth understanding of the network. The research presented in the article is based on 3 case studies. We have selected for this purpose the three largest cultural routes in Poland, organized to various degrees. The outcome of the research was referred also to other cultural route organization research

    Analisi dei tempi d\u2019attesa tra le varie fasi di gestione dei carcinomi mammari screening-detected a Trieste nel biennio 2013-2014: come si pu\uf2 migliorare?

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    Gli indicatori relativi ai tempi di attesa sono difficili da rispettare, come recentemente evidenziato al XIII Convegno ONS 2015 . Per questo motivo \ue8 fondamentale identificare in quale momento della gestione dei carcinomi screening-detected si concentrino i ritardi e stabilirne le cause (se attribuibili alla paziente o all\u2019organizzazione del programma o intrinseci al tipo di lesione) cos\uec da proporre mirate modifiche migliorative. Metodi: L\u2019analisi riguarda 146 carcinomi screening-detected consecutivi (biennio 2013-2014). Sono stati misurati i tempi tra le varie fasi diagnostiche (Mammografia di I\ub0 livello, Richiamo II\ub0 livello, I\ub0 approfondimento cito/microistologico, Comunicazione diagnosi) e i tempi chirurgici (Visita chirurgica, Intervento chirurgico, Referto istologico con marcatori biologici, Visita oncologica). Per ogni fase sono stati calcolati i tempi medi/mediani rappresentati tramite box plot e giustificati gli outliers.Risultati: La latenza nella presa in carico chirurgica \ue8 legato alla complessit\ue0 degli esami preoperatori (3) (tempo mediano tra richiamo al II\ub0 livello ed intervento: 53 giorni (se unico esame pre-operatorio) vs 73 (se pi\uf9 di un esame pre-operatorio, p<0.0001), mentre rispetto ad un recente studio (4) il tempo mediano tra visita chirurgica e intervento non \ue8 aumentato per i casi con necessit\ue0 di RM (28 vs 26 giorni, p=0.13), perch\ue9 gi\ue0 programmata in fase preoperatoria. Per i casi con mastectomia sempre con ricostruzione, si registra un tempo medio dalla visita chirurgica all\u2019intervento di 7 giorni superiore rispetto alle quadrantectomie. Ulteriore criticit\ue0 \ue8 il tempo mediano tra intervento e visita oncologica (44 giorni), attribuibile in parte ad un \u201critardo\u201d nella disponibilit\ue0 dei marcatori biomolecolari (soprattutto HER2/FISH) ed in parte a rinvii dell\u2019appuntamento da parte della paziente stessa Conclusioni: Soltanto un attento monitoraggio del turnaround time dell\u2019intero percorso delle pazienti con carcinoma screening detected consente l\u2019identificazione dei punti di debolezza su cui intervenire efficacemente per garantire il rispetto degli indicatori

    PECAM-1 gene polymorphism (rs668) and subclinical markers of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    The platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) plays an important role in many inflammatory processes, including the development of atherosclerosis. Polymorphism rs668 of the PECAM-1 gene (373C/G) is functional, and it was reported to be associated with increased serum levels of PECAM-1. We investigated the association between the rs668 polymorphism of PECAM-1 and subclinical markers of carotid atherosclerosis in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Five hundred and ninety-five T2DM subjects and 200 control subjects were enrolled. The carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and plaque characteristics (presence and structure) were assessed ultrasonographically. Biochemical analyses were performed using standard biochemical methods. Geno-typing of the PECAM-1 gene polymorphism (rs668) was performed using KASPar assays. The control examinations were performed 3.8 ± 0.5 years after the initial examination. Higher CIMT was found in patients with T2DM in comparison with subjects without T2DM. Statistically sig-nificantly faster progression of the atherosclerotic markers was shown in subjects with T2DM in comparison with the control group. When adjusted to other risk factors, the rs668 GG genotype was associated with an increased risk of carotid plaques in subjects with T2DM. We concluded that our study demonstrated a minor effect of the rs668 PECAM-1 on markers of carotid atherosclerosis in subjects with T2DM