95 research outputs found

    Optical Properties of Runaway Electron Preionized Diffuse Discharges and Their Applications for Excilamps and Lasers

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    The results of experimental investigations of diffuse (volume) nanosecond elevated-pressure discharges in a non-uniform electric field at a time resolution of a recording system being equal to ≈100 ps are presented in this paper. The application of the runaway electrons preionized diffuse discharge is promising for obtaining high-power radiation pulses in the VUV and UV spectral region


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    High Power UV and VUV Excilamps and Their Applications

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    In the present paper, the review of the basic results obtained at the Laboratory of Optical Radiation at High Current Electronics Institute SB RAS during 2007-2009 years is presented. Efficient radiation of Ar2Ar_{2}, Kr2Kr_{2}, Xe2Xe_{2}, KrBrKrBr^\ast, KrClKrCl^\ast, XeIXeI^\ast, XeBrXeBr^\ast, XeClXeCl^\ast, Cl2Cl_{2}^\ast molecules and I atoms was obtained in rare gas or in rare gas-Br2Br_{2} (Cl2Cl_{2}, I2I_{2}) mixtures. Study of radiation parameters and lifetime period of the manufactured barrier discharge excilamps has been performed

    Beam-plasma discharge in a dielectric cavity by electron beam injection

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    We have explored the beam-plasma discharge excited by the injection of a continuous electron beam with energy 1–10 keV and current 10–60 mA into a cylindrical dielectric cavity at a pressure of 1–10 Pa. The plasma density and the electron temperature of the discharge are 1.2–3 times greater than for the plasma formed by electron beam transport in the vacuum chamber without a cavity. We describe a model in which there is an additional inflow of energy into the discharge from secondary electrons emitted from the cavity surface by beam electrons and from plasma ions accelerated in the near-wall sheath. We show that this discharge can be used for efficient ion etching of the inner surface of dielectric vessels