23,042 research outputs found

    Minority Adolescents at Risk for Obesity: Health Behaviors and Perceptions

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    The purpose of this study was to examine behaviors related to nutrition and physical activity of inner-city minority adolescents, and their perception of normal weight and overweight. The research study used a descriptive, non-experimental design which had a convenience sample of thirty-seven 8th grade minority adolescents who attended a chartered urban K-8 grade school in Northern California. There were no statistically significant differences in the results, however, over 50% of the students reported not eating the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Another 68% reported participating more than 30 minutes in exercising or playing sports during physical education class. Although 42% of the students reported being the right weight, they wanted to lose weight. This demonstrates a need for healthy nutritional behavior and physical activity amongst this population. School nurses can play an important role in identifying at risk students for obesity and provide education in nutrition, structured physical activities, and obesity prevention strategies

    Positivity Of Equivariant Gromov–Witten Invariants

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    We show that the equivariant Gromov–Witten invariants of a projective homogeneous space G/P exhibit Graham-positivity: when expressed as polynomials in the positive roots, they have nonnegative coefficients

    Equivariant Quantum Schubert Polynomials

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    We establish an equivariant quantum Giambelli formula for partial flag varieties. The answer is given in terms of a specialization of universal double Schubert polynomials. Along the way, we give new proofs of the presentation of the equivariant quantum cohomology ring, as well as Graham-positivity of the structure constants in equivariant quantum Schubert calculus. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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    Public Economics,

    Pointed Trees Of Projective Spaces

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    We introduce a smooth projective variety T(d,n) which compactifies the space of configurations of it distinct points oil affine d-space modulo translation and homothety. The points in the boundary correspond to n-pointed stable rooted trees of d-dimensional projective spaces, which for d = 1, are (n + 1)-pointed stable rational curves. In particular, T(1,n) is isomorphic to ($) over bar (0,n+1), the moduli space of such curves. The variety T(d,n) shares many properties with (M) over bar (0,n+1). For example, as we prove, the boundary is a smooth normal crossings divisor whose components are products of T(d,i) for i \u3c n and it has an inductive construction analogous to but differing from Keel\u27s for (0,n+1). This call be used to describe its Chow groups and Chow motive generalizing [Trans. Airier. Math. Soc. 330 (1992), 545-574]. It also allows us to compute its Poincare polynomials, giving all alternative to the description implicit in [Progr. Math., vol. 129, Birkhauser, 1995, pp. 401-417]. We give a presentation of the Chow rings of T(d,n), exhibit explicit dual bases for the dimension I and codimension 1 cycles. The variety T(d,n) is embedded in the Fulton-MacPherson spaces X[n] for any smooth variety X, and we use this connection in a number of ways. In particular we give a family of ample divisors on T(d,n) and an inductive presentation of the Chow motive of X[n]. This also gives an inductive presentation of the Chow groups of X[n] analogous to Keel\u27s presentation for (M) over bar (0,n+1), solving a problem posed by Fulton and MacPherson

    Making Work Pay II: Comprehensive Health Insurance for Low-Income Working Families

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    Assesses the lack of health insurance and poor health among low-income families, and outlines a strategy to address their healthcare needs by expanding coverage through state-based purchasing pools, subsidies, an individual mandate, and cost containment

    A Builder's Guide to Water and Energy

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    The work on which this report is based was supported in part by funds provided by the Office of Water Research and Technology (Project A-Q65-ALAS), US. Department of the interior, Washington, D.C., as authorized by the Water Research and Development Act of 1978

    Herbicide evaluation for the control of wild taro

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    Wild taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott), is an exotic, emergent perennial that has established in many shallow-water wetlands throughout the southern United States. Although wild taro is a cultivated crop in many tropical and subtropical areas of the world, its invasion in riverine and lacustrine wetlands in the U.S. has resulted in the loss of habitat for native plant species. Once established, wild taro forms dense, monotypic stands that reduce the diversity of native vegetation, as has occurred in Louisiana, Florida, and Texas (Akridge and Fonteyn 1981, Simberloff et al. 1997). Akridge and Fonteyn (1981) reported that although wild taro is considered naturalized in south-central Texas, its present dominance along the San Marcos River has altered the native vegetational structure and dynamics of this river system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of four aquatic herbicides for control of wild taro
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