16 research outputs found

    Pulmonary embolus originating from renal vein stump thrombus after laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy: case report

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    Pulmonary embolism (PE) is an uncommon, life-threatening complication after living donor nephrectomy (LDN), and is considered among the most common causes for donor mortality. Most cases of postoperative PEs are thought to originate in deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of the lower extremities. A 56-year-old, healthy woman underwent laparoscopic left LDN. Her postoperative course was complicated by PE, presenting at postoperative day 7. Doppler ultrasonography of her lower extremities did not demonstrate DVT. Both transthoracic echocardiogram and contrast-enhanced computed tomography demonstrated a floating thrombus within the inferior vena cava (IVC) originating from a thrombus in the left renal vein stump. Symptoms resolved with systemic anticoagulation. Repeat transesophageal echocardiography demonstrated resolution of the IVC thrombus. Thrombus originating in left renal vein stump should be considered in patients who develop PE after LDN, especially when lower extremity DVT is not demonstrated

    Nonadherence consensus conference summary report

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    This report is a summary of a 'Consensus Conference' on nonadherence (NA) to immunosuppressants. Its aims were: (1) to discuss the state-of-the-art on the definition, prevalence and measurement of NA, its risk factors and impact on clinical and economical outcomes and interventions and (2) to provide recommendations for future studies. A two-day meeting was held in Florida in January 2008, inviting 66 medical and allied health adherence transplant and nontransplant experts. A scientific committee prepared the meeting. Consensus was reached using plenary and interactive presentations and discussions in small break-out groups. Plenary presenters prepared a summary beforehand. Break-out group leaders initiated discussion between the group members prior to the meeting using conference calls and e-mail and provided a summary afterward. Conclusions were that NA: (a) is more prevalent than we assume; (b) is hard to measure accurately; (c) tends to confer worse outcomes; (d) happens for a number of reasons, and system-related factors including the patient's culture, the healthcare provider and the setting and (e) it is not currently known how to improve adherence. This consensus report provided some roadmaps for future studies on this complicated, multifaceted problem

    The Living Donor Collective: A Scientific Registry for Living Donors.

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    In the setting of an overall decline in living organ donation and new questions about long-term safety, a better understanding of outcomes after living donation has become imperative. Adequate information on outcomes important to donors may take many years to ascertain and may be evident only by comparing large numbers of donors with suitable controls. Previous studies have been unable to fully answer critical questions, primarily due to lack of appropriate controls, inadequate sample size, and/or follow-up duration that is too short to allow detection of important risks attributable to donation. The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network does not follow donors long term and has no prospective control group with which to compare postdonation outcomes. There is a need to establish a national living donor registry and to prospectively follow donors over their lifetimes. In addition, there is a need to better understand the reasons many potential donors who volunteer to donate do not donate and whether the reasons are justified. Therefore, the US Health Resources and Services Administration asked the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients to establish a national registry to address these important questions. Here, we discuss the efforts, challenges, and opportunities inherent in establishing the Living Donor Collective