16,672 research outputs found

    Subcritical Superstrings

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    We introduce the Liouville mode into the Green-Schwarz superstring. Like massive supersymmetry without central charges, there is no kappa symmetry. However, the second-class constraints (and corresponding Wess-Zumino term) remain, and can be solved by (twisted) chiral superspace in dimensions D=4 and 6. The matter conformal anomaly is c = 4-D < 1. It thus can be canceled for physical dimensions by the usual Liouville methods, unlike the bosonic string (for which the consistency condition is c = D <= 1).Comment: 9 pg., compressed postscript file (.ps.Z), other formats (.dvi, .ps, .ps.Z, 8-bit .tex) available at http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/preprints/ or at ftp://max.physics.sunysb.edu/preprints/siege

    Lie Superalgebra Stability and Branes

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    The algebra of the generators of translations in superspace is unstable, in the sense that infinitesimal perturbations of its structure constants lead to non-isomorphic algebras. We show how superspace extensions remedy this situation (after arguing that remedy is indeed needed) and review the benefits reaped in the description of branes of all kinds in the presence of the extra dimensions.Comment: Talk given at the conference ``Brane New World and Non-commutative Geometry'', held in Torino, October 2000. To appear in the proceedings by World Scientific. 10 pages, 1 figur

    A Computational Procedure to Detect a New Type of High Dimensional Chaotic Saddle and its Application to the 3-D Hill's Problem

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    A computational procedure that allows the detection of a new type of high-dimensional chaotic saddle in Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom is presented. The chaotic saddle is associated with a so-called normally hyperbolic invariant manifold (NHIM). The procedure allows to compute appropriate homoclinic orbits to the NHIM from which we can infer the existence a chaotic saddle. NHIMs control the phase space transport across an equilibrium point of saddle-centre-...-centre stability type, which is a fundamental mechanism for chemical reactions, capture and escape, scattering, and, more generally, ``transformation'' in many different areas of physics. Consequently, the presented methods and results are of broad interest. The procedure is illustrated for the spatial Hill's problem which is a well known model in celestial mechanics and which gained much interest e.g. in the study of the formation of binaries in the Kuiper belt.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, pdflatex, submitted to JPhys

    Abelian link invariants and homology

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    We consider the link invariants defined by the quantum Chern-Simons field theory with compact gauge group U(1) in a closed oriented 3-manifold M. The relation of the abelian link invariants with the homology group of the complement of the links is discussed. We prove that, when M is a homology sphere or when a link -in a generic manifold M- is homologically trivial, the associated observables coincide with the observables of the sphere S^3. Finally we show that the U(1) Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery invariant of the manifold M is not a function of the homology group only, nor a function of the homotopy type of M alone.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Integrability and strong normal forms for non-autonomous systems in a neighbourhood of an equilibrium

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    The paper deals with the problem of existence of a convergent "strong" normal form in the neighbourhood of an equilibrium, for a finite dimensional system of differential equations with analytic and time-dependent non-linear term. The problem can be solved either under some non-resonance hypotheses on the spectrum of the linear part or if the non-linear term is assumed to be (slowly) decaying in time. This paper "completes" a pioneering work of Pustil'nikov in which, despite under weaker non-resonance hypotheses, the nonlinearity is required to be asymptotically autonomous. The result is obtained as a consequence of the existence of a strong normal form for a suitable class of real-analytic Hamiltonians with non-autonomous perturbations.Comment: 10 page

    Acceleration of bouncing balls in external fields

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    We introduce two models, the Fermi-Ulam model in an external field and a one dimensional system of bouncing balls in an external field above a periodically oscillating plate. For both models we investigate the possibility of unbounded motion. In a special case the two models are equivalent

    Non-ideal artificial phase discontinuity in long Josephson 0-kappa-junctions

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    We investigate the creation of an arbitrary κ\kappa-discontinuity of the Josephson phase in a long Nb-AlO_x-Nb Josephson junction (LJJ) using a pair of tiny current injectors, and study the formation of fractional vortices formed at this discontinuity. The current I_inj, flowing from one injector to the other, creates a phase discontinuity kappa ~ I_inj. The calibration of injectors is discussed in detail. The small but finite size of injectors leads to some deviations of the properties of such a 0-kappa-LJJ from the properties of a LJJ with an ideal kappa-discontinuity. These experimentally observed deviations in the dependence of the critical current on I_inj$ and magnetic field can be well reproduced by numerical simulation assuming a finite injector size. The physical origin of these deviations is discussed.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B (12 figures). v 2: refs updated, long eqs fixed v 3: major changes, fractional vortex dynamics exclude

    Green-Schwarz Formulation of Self-Dual Superstring

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    The self-dual superstring has been described previously in a Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond formulation with local N=2 or 4 world-sheet supersymmetry. We present a Green-Schwarz-type formulation, with manifest spacetime supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pg., (uuencoded dvi file) ITP-SB-92-5
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