198 research outputs found

    Mercury's Weather-Beaten Surface: An Examination of the Relevant Processes Through Comparisons and Contrasts with the Moon and Asteroids

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    We examine global color properties of Mercury and their correlations to the predicted trends due to particle bombardment and thermal processing. Color ratio and spectral slope analyzes are interpreted relative to lunar and asteroid studies

    Dust in Spiral Galaxies: Comparing Emission and Absorption to Constrain Small-Scale and Very Cold Structures

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    The detailed distribution of dust in the disks of spiral galaxies is important to understanding the radiative transfer within disks, and to measuring overall dust masses if significant quantities of dust are either very opaque or very cold. We address this issue by comparing measures of dust absorption, using the galaxy-overlap technique in the optical, with measures of the dust grains' thermal emission from 50-2000 micron using ISOPHOT on board ISO and SCUBA at the JCMT. We examine three spiral galaxies projected partially in front of E/S0 galaxies --- AM1316-241, NGC 5545, and NGC 5091 (for NGC 5091 we have only optical and ISO data). Adopting an empirical exponential model for the dust distribution, we compare column densities and dust masses derived from the absorption and emission techniques. This comparison is sensitive to the amount of dust mass in small, opaque structures, which would not contribute strongly to area-weighted absorption measures, and to very cold dust, which would contribute to optical absorption but provide only a small fraction of the sub-mm emission. In AM1316-241, we find global dust masses of 2-5 x 10^7 M_solar, both techniques agreeing at the 50% level. NGC 5545 has about half this dust mass. The concordance of dust masses is well within the errors expected from our knowledge of the radial distribution of dust, and argues against any dominant part of the dust mass being so cold or opaque. The 50-2000 micron data are well fitted by modified Planck functions with an emissivity law beta=-2, at 21 +/- 2 K. We also present 12 micron ISOCAM observations of these pairs.Comparison of H-alpha and 12 micron images of NGC 5545 indicate that ISOCAM images are reliable tracers of star formation.Comment: 16 pages, 4 tables, 8 figures, in press for October Astronomical Journa

    Adaptive service binding with lightweight semantic web services

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    [About the book]: Service-oriented systems are increasingly challenging traditional software engineering approaches including distribution, componentization, composition, requirements, specification, verification, and evolution. Continuous mutual impact between service-oriented computing and software engineering has been seen in the last decade, and can increasingly be witnessed. The book aims to introduce the state-of-the-art service engineering methods and on-going research efforts from the perspective of research results elaborated in European research projects. Essential problems such as service specification and service composition are addressed by innovative approaches. Emerging requirements of adaptive service and pervasive service are met with new infrastructures. The book provides an integrated vision of the most important research directions in service engineering. This book is intended for scientists to be inspired with new ideas, for researchers new to the exciting field of service engineering and provides a consolidated overview on service engineering, thus supporting practitioners to facilitate their service-oriented architectures

    Mapping IR Enhancements in Closely Interacting Spiral-Spiral Pairs. I. ISO~CAM and ISO~SWS Observations

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    Mid-infrared (MIR) imaging and spectroscopic observations are presented for a well defined sample of eight closely interacting (CLO) pairs of spiral galaxies that have overlapping disks and show enhanced far-infrared (FIR) emission. The goal is to study the star formation distribution in CLO pairs, with special emphasis on the role of 'overlap starbursts'. Observations were made with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) using the CAM and SWS instruments. The ISO~CAM maps, tracing the MIR emission of warm dust heated by young massive stars, are compared to new ground based Hα\alpha and R-band images. We identify three possible subgroups in the sample, classified according to the star formation morphology: (1) advanced mergers (Arp~157, Arp~244 and Arp~299), (2) severely disturbed systems (Arp~81 and Arp~278), and (3) less disturbed systems (Arp~276, KPG 347 and KPG 426). Localized starbursts are detected in the overlap regions in all five pairs of subgroups (1) and (2), suggesting that they are a common property in colliding systems. Except for Arp~244, the 'overlap starburst' is usually fainter than the major nuclear starburst in CLO pairs. Star formation in 'less disturbed systems' is often distributed throughout the disks of both galaxies with no 'overlap starburst' detected in any of them. These systems also show less enhanced FIR emission, suggesting that they are in an earlier interaction stage than pairs of the other two subgroups where the direct disk collisions have probably not yet occurred.Comment: 27 pages text, 4 JPEG figures, 3 PS figures. To be accepted by ApJ. High quality figures (included in a PS file of the paper) can be found in http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/cxu/papers/ss_iso.ps.g

    Remarkable Disk and Off-nuclear Starburst Activity in the "Tadpole Galaxy" as revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We present ground-based optical and Spitzer infrared imaging observations of the interacting galaxy UGC 10214, the "Tadpole Galaxy" (z = 0.0310), focusing on the star formation activity in the nuclear, disk, spiral arms and tidal tail regions. The major findings of this study are that the Tadpole is actively forming stars in the main disk outside of the nucleus and in the tidal plume, with an estimated mean star formation rate of ~2 to 4 M_sun/yr. The most prominent sites of mid-infrared emission define a "ring" morphology that, combined with the overall morphology of the system, suggest the interaction may belong to the rare class of off-center collisional ring systems that form both shock-induced rings of star formation and tidal plumes. The nuclear emission is solely powered by older stars, with little evidence for ongoing star formation at the center of the Tadpole. Extra-nuclear star formation accounts for >50% of the total star formation in the disk and spiral arms, featuring infrared-bright 'hot spots' that exhibit strong PAH emission, whose band strength is comparable to that of late-type star-forming disk galaxies. The tidal tail, which extends 2 arcmin (~75 kpc) into the intergalactic medium, is populated by super massive star clusters likely triggered by the galaxy-galaxy interaction that has distorted UGC 10214 into its current "tadpole" shape.Comment: to appear in the January 2006 (vol 131) issue of the Astronomical Journal; high quality graphics are located here: http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/jarrett/tadpole.htm

    Erratum: Testing the key assumption of heritability estimates based on genome-wide genetic relatedness

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    Comparing genetic and phenotypic similarity among unrelated individuals seems a promising way to quantify the genetic component of traits while avoiding the problematic assumptions plaguing twin- and other kin-based estimates of heritability. One approach uses a Genetic Relatedness Estimation through Maximum Likelihood (GREML) model for individuals who are related at less than .025 to predict their phenotypic similarity by their genetic similarity. Here we test the key underlying assumption of this approach: that genetic relatedness is orthogonal to environmental similarity. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (and two other surveys), we show two unrelated individuals may be more likely to have been reared in a similar environment (urban versus non-urban setting) if they are genetically similar. This effect is not eliminated by controls for population structure. However, when we include this environmental confound in GREML models, heritabilities do not change substantially and thus potential bias in estimates of most biological phenotypes is probably minimal