962 research outputs found

    Experimental verification of a zero-dimensional model of the ionization kinetics of XeCl discharges

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    An improved 0-dimensional model for XeCl high-pressure glow discharges is presented. Calculated discharge voltages are compared with precise measurements at a small, very homogeneous discharge. Excellent agreement in a wide parameter field demonstrates that this model may serve as a reference for simpler models describing the ionization kinetics

    Derivatives of Knots and Second-order Signatures

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    We define a set of "second-order" L^(2)-signature invariants for any algebraically slice knot. These obstruct a knot's being a slice knot and generalize Casson-Gordon invariants, which we consider to be "first-order signatures". As one application we prove: If K is a genus one slice knot then, on any genus one Seifert surface, there exists a homologically essential simple closed curve of self-linking zero, which has vanishing zero-th order signature and a vanishing first-order signature. This extends theorems of Cooper and Gilmer. We introduce a geometric notion, that of a derivative of a knot with respect to a metabolizer. We also introduce a new equivalence relation, generalizing homology cobordism, called null-bordism.Comment: 40 pages, 22 figures, typographical corrections, to appear in Alg. Geom. Topolog

    LRRC8/VRAC anion channels are required for late stages of spermatid development in mice

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    Spermatogenesis is a highly complex developmental process that occurs primarily in seminiferous tubules of the testes and requires additional maturation steps in the epididymis and beyond. Mutations in many different genes can lead to defective spermatozoa and hence to male infertility. Some of these genes encode for ion channels and transporters that play roles in various processes such as cellular ion homeostasis, signal transduction, sperm motility, and the acrosome reaction. Here we show that germ cell-specific, but not Sertoli cell-specific, disruption of Lrrc8a leads to abnormal sperm and male infertility in mice. LRRC8A (leucine-rich repeat containing 8 A) is the only obligatory subunit of heteromeric volume-regulated VRAC anion channels. Its ablation severely compromises cell volume regulation by completely abolishing the transport of anions and osmolytes through VRAC. Consistent with impaired volume regulation, the cytoplasm of late spermatids appeared swollen. These cells failed to properly reduce their cytoplasm during further development into spermatozoa and later displayed severely disorganized mitochondrial sheaths in the midpiece region as well as angulated or coiled flagella. These changes, which progressed in severity on the way to the epididymis, resulted in dramatically reduced sperm motility. Our work shows that VRAC, probably through its role in cell volume regulation, is required in a cell-autonomous manner for proper sperm development and explains the male infertility of Lrrc8a(-/-) mice and the spontaneous mouse mutant ébouriffé

    Effects of non-resonant interaction in ensembles of phase oscillators

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    We consider general properties of groups of interacting oscillators, for which the natural frequencies are not in resonance. Such groups interact via non-oscillating collective variables like the amplitudes of the order parameters defined for each group. We treat the phase dynamics of the groups using the Ott-Antonsen ansatz and reduce it to a system of coupled equations for the order parameters. We describe different regimes of co-synchrony in the groups. For a large number of groups, heteroclinic cycles, corresponding to a sequental synchronous activity of groups, and chaotic states, where the order parameters oscillate irregularly, are possible.Comment: 21 pages, 7 fig

    Thermal noise of folding mirrors

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    Current gravitational wave detectors rely on the use of Michelson interferometers. One crucial limitation of their sensitivity is the thermal noise of their optical components. Thus, for example fluctuational deformations of the mirror surface are probed by a laser beam being reflected from the mirrors at normal incidence. Thermal noise models are well evolved for that case but mainly restricted to single reflections. In this work we present the effect of two consecutive reflections under a non-normal incidence onto mirror thermal noise. This situation is inherent to detectors using a geometrical folding scheme such as GEO\,600. We revise in detail the conventional direct noise analysis scheme to the situation of non-normal incidence allowing for a modified weighting funtion of mirror fluctuations. An application of these results to the GEO\,600 folding mirror for Brownian, thermoelastic and thermorefractive noise yields an increase of displacement noise amplitude by 20\% for most noise processes. The amplitude of thermoelastic substrate noise is increased by a factor 4 due to the modified weighting function. Thus the consideration of the correct weighting scheme can drastically alter the noise predictions and demands special care in any thermal noise design process

    On Turing dynamical systems and the Atiyah problem

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    Main theorems of the article concern the problem of M. Atiyah on possible values of l^2-Betti numbers. It is shown that all non-negative real numbers are l^2-Betti numbers, and that "many" (for example all non-negative algebraic) real numbers are l^2-Betti numbers of simply connected manifolds with respect to a free cocompact action. Also an explicit example is constructed which leads to a simply connected manifold with a transcendental l^2-Betti number with respect to an action of the threefold direct product of the lamplighter group Z/2 wr Z. The main new idea is embedding Turing machines into integral group rings. The main tool developed generalizes known techniques of spectral computations for certain random walk operators to arbitrary operators in groupoid rings of discrete measured groupoids.Comment: 35 pages; essentially identical to the published versio

    Rayleigh scattering in fused silica samples for gravitational wave detectors

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    Laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors require very high optical quality test masses. We report the bulk Rayleigh scattering in high quality fused silica samples. Results show that the scattering of the high quality fused silica is similar for various grades of fused silica from Heraeus. The total integrated scattering is about 0.7 ppm cm− 1at 1064 nm wavelength, which agrees with the theoretical value calculated using known fused silica parameters. All samples show Rayleigh scattering ratio inhomogeneity of ~ 4%

    Knot Concordance and Higher-Order Blanchfield Duality

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    In 1997, T. Cochran, K. Orr, and P. Teichner defined a filtration {F_n} of the classical knot concordance group C. The filtration is important because of its strong connection to the classification of topological 4-manifolds. Here we introduce new techniques for studying C and use them to prove that, for each natural number n, the abelian group F_n/F_{n.5} has infinite rank. We establish the same result for the corresponding filtration of the smooth concordance group. We also resolve a long-standing question as to whether certain natural families of knots, first considered by Casson-Gordon and Gilmer, contain slice knots.Comment: Corrected Figure in Example 8.4, Added Remark 5.11 pointing out an important strengthening of Theorem 5.9 that is needed in a subsequent pape

    Analytic and Reidemeister torsion for representations in finite type Hilbert modules

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    For a closed Riemannian manifold we extend the definition of analytic and Reidemeister torsion associated to an orthogonal representation of fundamental group on a Hilbert module of finite type over a finite von Neumann algebra. If the representation is of determinant class we prove, generalizing the Cheeger-M\"uller theorem, that the analytic and Reidemeister torsion are equal. In particular, this proves the conjecture that for closed Riemannian manifolds with positive Novikov-Shubin invariants, the L2 analytic and Reidemeister torsions are equal.Comment: 78 pages, AMSTe